From the French IFA Public Domain Library: Auto-Börse, Battleship!, Le Crime de Regent's Court, Happy 4, Lucky STar, Mega Memory, Moving Puzzle, Onemore Breakout, Othello, Othello ST, Puzzle, QI Sexuel, Robotix, Score Four, Space War, Tetris and Tauris. Many thanks to Vincent Casiez! |
| | | | | | | | | NEW ST DUMPS
_ Mercenary - Escape from Targ and The Second City (Datasoft)
_ The New Zealand Story, Oil Imperium, Plotting and Renegade (Erbe Software)
_ The King of Chicago (Mirror Image), Lands of Havoc (Microdeal), Miami Vice (Capstone), Micro German (LCL), Microprose Golf (Microprose Software UK), Money Matters (Triple R Education), Monty Python's Flying Circus (16 Blitz Tronix), Monty Python's Flying Circus (MCM), Mouse Trap (16-Bit Pocket Power Collection), Mudpies (MichTron), Nightdawn (Magic Bytes), North & South (Data East) and Rampage (Activision UK) |
_ Ký and Pocátek Agenta W4C (BeWeSoft)
_ EduFun! Demonstration Disk (Milliken), Greedy Bat (Zdenda), Steel War (Petulka Software), Super Pinball (unknown author) and Sydova Akce I (Robert Zaborowski, Martin Rérych)
_ Magical Math II and III (Atari Corp.)
_ FIL Suitcase and Major Motion (FIL)
_ Learning English - Green Line 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Heureka Teachware)
_ Damocles Compendium (Novagen Software), Great Courts (Ubi Soft), Keith Van Eron's Pro Soccer (Microplay), The King of Chicago (Cinemaware Corporation), Kings of Adventure I (Coktel Vision), Lands of Havoc (Antic Software), Let's Make Greeting Cards (Wings Micro), The Light Corridor (Erbe Software), Lin Wu's Challenge (Lasersoft), Linkword Spanish (Artworx), Lords of Chaos (Blade Software), Lost Dutchman Mine (Magnetic Images), The Lurking Horror (Infocom), Make It Move (MichTron), Math Blaster Plus! (Davidson) and Math Word Problems (Spinnaker Software) |
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