Night Stalker

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Screenshots - Night Stalker

Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot
Night Stalker atari screenshot

Information - Night Stalker

GenreShoot'em Up! - MiscellaneousYear1988

Finney, Hal

Medium Cartridge
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Additional Comments - Night Stalker

Other versions with a different title:
Dark Cavern, Dark Cavern - La Caverne Souterraine.

Two different versions of this game exist. The PAL version (Night Stalker) has the score, reserve lives, and bullets counters above the playfield, instead of in it. Also, the reserve lives and bullets counters are in separate spots.

Although it’s not specified in the manual, either joystick (left or right) can be used to play. The instructions state that the two-headed robot will appear when the score reaches 20,000 points. This actually happens after 16 robots are destroyed regardless of the score.

Cartridge - Night Stalker

Night Stalker Atari cartridge scan Night Stalker Atari cartridge scan Night Stalker Atari cartridge scan Night Stalker Atari cartridge scan

Catalogs - Night Stalker

Night Stalker Atari catalog Night Stalker Atari catalog
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