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Comments (3)
Atari A to Z (Pete Davison) - 03/07/2022
The "fastest and most difficult platform game ever", a "compelling challenge for masochists"... or both? Here's Millennium's Yolanda, a game which will infuriate and... well, probably just infuriate, to be perfectly honest. Let's Play! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYdaA49xNcQ
Marco Nadal - 08/05/2019
I knew Steve Bak's previous games, Goldrunner, Leatherneck and Return to Genesis, but never heard of this one, a masocore platformer made in an age when most games were masocore. Is this one actually complete-able? I recall a lot of games from this era were buggy. I look forward to seeing a speedrun of this. ;-)
Pete Davison - 14/03/2019
I want to say this game is atrocious. I want to hate it. And yet something keeps me playing. It is the very definition of a "masocore" platformer, as much a memorisation puzzle as a test of skill, and I both adore and despise it for that.

Screenshots - Yolanda

Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot
Yolanda atari screenshot

Information - Yolanda

GenreArcade - Platformer (Multi-Screen)Year1990
Players1, 2 (alt.)DeveloperVectordean
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Sorrell, Chris

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Archer, Leavon

Game design

Bak, Steve

Box / InstructionsEnglish, French, German, Italian

Bak, Phil

Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Yolanda Download / PastiNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Additional Comments - Yolanda

Other version with the same title:

ST Format (version [preview]) ().

See P. Putnik's site for adapted versions for hardware like HxC Floppy Emulator, Atari harddisk, TT, Falcon030 and more: The Atari ST Game Archive

Ads - Yolanda

Yolanda Atari ad

Book / Magazine Reviews - Yolanda

 The One · August, 1990Rating: 88 % 

Yolanda Atari review 

 ST Format · September, 1990Rating: 58% 

Yolanda Atari review 

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