...a WILDFIRE production...
O WORMSo3o by Wildfire 1998 O
O A little non-playable preview O
O coded by deez O
This little preview is the latest production from Wildfire, so far you
cannot play it or control anything, you just have to sit down and watch
the lame scroller and landscape.
A few months ago I got to play worms on my Sony Playstation, I've
always thought theese games where you can nuke your friends (ex-friends :)
to pieces are fun, then it struck me! Why dont I make one for myself, on
my beloved Falcon! I started code and soon I came up with a scroller and
a drawn landscape, I must mention i got some inspiration from Battlezone
on the ST (thnx to SH3 and MSG of Reservoir Gods for sending me a copy)
and when I read the review in Maggie I was pretty shocked, how could they
rate it that high??? (like around 80% I think) Its really not that good!
The following question had to be: what rating would a falcon game get with
some decent grafix?? Probably thousands and thousands! ;)
Thats really a very short history, but lets take a look at the future
instead shall we?
A new (playable) version will hopefully soon be out, I've got some more
stuff to do (a new demo and a 4k) but I'm a fast coder (NOT!!) :)
This little preview is just ment to show what I'm doing atm, not a finished
game, and to let Evil/DHS know he's not alone on the atari-scene :)
Useful stuff when running Worms:
- Atari Falcon 030
- VGA or RGB/TV (both are set to 50Hz, beware!)
- Some money to send to me :)
If you like this kind of game and really want me to continue work on it,
feel free to contact me via e-mail. If no-one contacts me then I know
there's no meaning to finish this game so then I'm afraid I'll have to
complete it anyway :)
Seriously, you can contact me and suggest stuff you'd like me to include
in the final game, help with grafix is also wanted.
Well, I think I should get into bed now, its 2:35 at night here in sweden
and I'm pretty tired. Good-night everone, whereever you are :)
deez from Wildfire
contact me using this email addy: deez@algonet.se
on IRC, #atariscne or #atari
Fredrik Egeberg
Hasselgatan 22
614 33 S”derk”ping
...This is a WILDFIRE release in 1998...
...and remember, Atari Falcon is not a computer, its a feeling...