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Screenshots - Wordfind

Wordfind atari screenshot
Wordfind atari screenshot
Wordfind atari screenshot
Wordfind atari screenshot
Wordfind atari screenshot
Wordfind atari screenshot

Information - Wordfind

GenreBoard Game - ScrabbleYear1995
LanguageGFA BASICPublisherST Format
ControlsMouseDistributorFuture Publishing
ResolutionHighLicensed from-

Johnston, D.

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)


Game design

Johnston, D.

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Wordfind Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Wordfind


         WORDFIND is a Wordsearch puzzle generator. Having been
         necessary for a magazine I produce, the program is weighted
         towards output on to a printer or disc. This is not to say
         the program has a useful SOLVE routine, which enables the
         program to be used as game.
         All generated puzzles are randomised, which gives an infinite
         number of puzzles from the same word list.
         Unlike a standard Wordsearch, multiple words, hyphenated
         words & etc, are allowed in the text list. A phrase or
         message, to be incorperated into the puzzle's free spaces,
         can be a word, sentence or even sentences.
         Options over printing allow a standard puzzle (as per
         magazines) with or without the word list, which can be in a
         more difficult form, or to find the hidden message.
         The program works in monochrome, but should work quite
         happily with Mono emulators.
         The program will work inside a folder, so will operate on a
         Hard Drive.
         It has been written on a TOS 1.2 machine and should be
         compatible with most versions of the Atari.
         This program is shareware, and the nominal sum of œ5 will
         ensure an update with user's suggestions, and a perhaps a
         colour version.

         Send donations to:-
         Mr D Johnston
         14 Ardvarna Cresent
         BT4 2GJ

         To load the program, double click on WORDFIND.PRG. To get
         into the program quickly - Use Disk Load under the ENTER menu
         heading and load one of the supplied word lists from the
         disk. The list is shown for a few seconds. Select Start under
         the PUZZLE menu heading, and watch the words being inserted
         into a grid. Observing is important to satisfy yourself of
         even placing of the words. When it is complete, you are
         informed at the bottom of the screen. You have approximately
         15 seconds to continue your observation, but the time can be
         cut, by clicking the mouse. The second screen shows
         statistics. Here you may abort if you don't like it and Start
         again, or click OK to continue. The next screen allows you to
         enter a message or use a previously defined phrase. The last
         screen shows you the completed grid. Again it will remain for
         a time unless you have exited by clicking the mouse.
         You now can Solve the puzzle or show the Solution, both under
         the PUZZLE menu heading, and/or PRINT to your printer, to
         disk, or print the solution

                               The MENU commands

         1. (Atari Symbol)

         1.1 Programmer

         Shows the programmers name and the language used.

         2. ENTER

         2.1 Grid Size

         Allows you to alter the grid size. The minimum is 5 character
         spaces in both directions. The maximum is 39 character spaces
         in the horizontal direction and 20 character spaces in the
         vertical direction. Note using the absolute maximum will
         cause annoying but not fatal over-writing on the screen.
         Click the left mouse button to increase a figure, and the
         right mouse button to decrease.

         2.2 Enter Words

         Simply type in a word or words in the space on the right
         bottom corner of the screen. The length may continue to the
         next line if it is too long to fit on that line. Note the
         word(s) entered will appear as they are typed in a finished
         puzzle (printed out). If you want uppercase, press Caps Lock.
         The compressed* grid word is printed below your entry. If you
         do need to use long words, leave them till near the end. On
         this version, you may only enter words until the bottom of
         the rightmost column, but this is more than adequate for a
         good sized puzzle. It does not exit automatically.
         Press Return with no text entered to quit Enter.
         Subsequent use of Enter Words will allow you to add words to
         an existing list, or clear that list and start a new one. By
         re-entering, you can enter more words than the initial full

         * Compressed means a word or words suitable for grid entry.
         These words are stripped of spacing and punctuation then

         2.3 Delete Word

         The word list will be printed, along with a number. Enter the
         number to delete it.

         2.4 Enter Phrase

         This where you may enter a phrase. A phrase should only be a
         word, or a coded conjunction of letters. To enter an accurate
         sentence, wait until you compile the puzzle, even so it is
         useful to enter a phrase before saving the word list, then
         when you compile, it will remind you what to write in your

         2.5 Puzzle Name

         This is self explanatory. The name will be written to the
         right of the menu bar.

         2.6 Disk Save

         This will write the word list to a file on your disk. The
         normal file select box will appear for you to enter a name.
         Keep the WFD extender to isolate them from other programs. In
         addition to the word list, the grid size, the phrase, and the
         puzzle name are written.

         2.7 Disk Load

         This will load the data (as written by Disk Save) from your

         3. PUZZLE

         3.1 Start

         This command will compile the puzzle.
         A grid should appear immediately with the first word (the
         longest) already inserted. If it does not, then is probable
         that that word has not been inserted, which would normally be
         caused by the the word being too long for the grid size.
         Adjust either.
         The grid will continue to fill up. When it is finished the
         message DONE will appear at the bottom of the screen. It is
         sometimes hard to know when the inserting has finished. There
         is a time delay before the next screen, for you to peruse the
         insertions. This delay can be aborted by clicking any mouse
         Entry and direction are completely randomized, but the
         program will try 400 times to enter a word at different
         positions, before giving up.
         The second screen shows data concerning the entry directions,
         the number of free spaces and any words that were not
         Study the compass read-out of the number of words inserted in
         that direction. If you are not happy, click on abort, then
         Start again.
         If there are too many spaces for your application (you will
         need at least 40 for a decent sentence), abort and enter more
         words or reduce the grid size before re-Starting.
         If there are not enough spaces increase the grid size or
         delete some words.
         Note this figure may change by a few digits, for the same
         word list, according to how many cross and use the same
         letter or letters.
         If there are words shown, you may need to alter the grid
         size. As a general rule, the grid size should be the length
         of your longest compressed word plus one, in each direction.
         If and when you are happy, click OK.
         The third screen allows you to enter a message. If you wish
         to use the existing phrase, press return twice*. Should you
         wish to enter a message do so. Include all spacing and
         punctuation, then press return. The compressed message will
         be shown, with the number of letters and free spaces. You may
         then adjust the sentence or sentences to fit. A Thesaurus can
         be helpful here. This message as typed will appear as a
         question on the printed output. All letters will be replaced
         with a -, but all punctuation and spacing will be correctly
         positioned. Remember to keep your length to below 80
         characters, to avoid word-wrapping on the printed output,
         although if intended for a DP or DTP, this may be exceeded.
         Maximum character entry is 180. This will highlighted if
         exceeded on the data screen.
         The fourth and last screen shows the completed puzzle. This
         again has a delay, for your perusal, but may be aborted by
         clicking any mouse button.

         * This is to allow spaced out text being saved to disk, and
         thus this text needs compressing when first entering the
         third screen.

         3.2 Solve

         This allows you to solve the puzzle on screen. The first name
         will be presented on the left of the bottom line. Click the
         first letter of the word within the puzzle. A box will
         surround it. Click the next and so on till the end of the
         word. Any deviation from the word or away from the last
         letter selected, will cause an immediate deletion of the
         box(es). Finishing the word will cause the word the be paled.
         These pale letters may still be selected.
         If you can not find the word, click on NEXT. The number of
         words remaining is given and you may ABORT Solve at any time.
         Finishing the puzzle should allow you to read the message.

         3.3 Solution

         This will provide a solution (as in magazines), in reduced
         size text. It may be used to view before Solve, but it's main
         purpose is to provide a graphical screen for print-out. The
         message, if any, is given, but this will not be in the
         print-out. Click OK to exit.

         4. PRINT

         4.1 To Printer

         This will print a finished puzzle to your printer. The output
         is in ordinairy text, thus there is no surrounding box,
         according to the parameters set under the SELECT menu
         heading. You should therefore manually set your printer e.g.
         for NLQ or LQ text, or send the codes using Set Printer. The
         word list will be printed if Print List is selected. The list
         will be printed, if there is room, to the side and then below
         the grid, otherwise it will be below. The list will be
         emphasized, if selected. A Little Harder will only print four
         letter words and less, otherwise only the capital letter and
         number of letters (with a - ) will be given. These are
         intended for publications, where these words would be titles
         and such like throughout the magazine. The list is in
         alphabetical form. If Print List is deselected, the number of
         words required is printed. If Print Message is selected, the
         message required will be printed.
         The use of - instead of _ is because on many printers _ joins
         up to the next, so individual letters cannot be seen.

         4.2 To Disk

         This will write a file to disk containing the finished
         puzzle. SELECT is ignored and the list is below the grid. The
         output of the grid may be spaced or tabbed, according to
         whether you want use it in a WP, DP or DTP. Tabbed is for
         using different fonts in a DP or DTP, where a box may be
         easily drawn around the grid. The list may then be moved or
         deleted, as can the message.
         The file is in line based ASCII.

         4.3 Solution

         This will print out a graphical dump of the grid and the
         solution lines. It is imperative you check and alter, if
         necessary, the Set Printer codes, before using this command.
         The grid may then be scaled, according to taste. The
         inclusion of Before Print (in graphical mode), is to allow a
         printer tab setting, then by adding a tab code (9) to Before
         Line, solutions may be printed side by side. The settings
         given are for 90DPI and 2 1/216" line feed, which is my
         personal preference on a 24 pin printer.

         4.4 Set Printer

         This is to allows you to tailor the output for your
         particular printer. To increase a digit (or space to 0) click
         the left mouse button. Keep holding it and press the right
         mouse button, to accelerate the change. To decrease use the
         right mouse. Accelerate by pressing the left mouse button.
         Ensure if you do not want a code, to decrease it to a space,
         or odd things may happen in a graphical print.
         The character code 255 is used by the program, so cannot be
         You can save a file and thereafter load it, if your settings
         are wildly different. Clicking OK will use these codes for

         5. SELECT

         5.1 A Little Harder

         Click to select. Click again to deselect

         5.2 Emphasize List

         Click to select. Click again to deselect

         5.3 Print List

         Click to select. Click again to deselect

         5.4 Print Message

         Click to select. Click again to deselect

         6. PROGRAM

         6.1 Re-start From Scratch

         This will clear the grid, reset the size, clear the word
         list, phrase and name,  and reset the printer. You are

         6.2 Exit To Desktop

         This will exit the program. You will be warned.
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