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Comments (3)
Petari - 27/12/2017
Yes, I read it. As said, we need to try to make him to image that development floppy. Or to copy files on PC, than can send them. Actually, backup them is a must, if he wants to preserve it. If you can post me his mail address ...
marakatti - 27/12/2017
I was in contact with Jamie in the late summer and he doesn't want to loan his disks anymore. The reason is that some people from certain 8-bit computerscene did lost his original development disks in the past.
Petari - 27/12/2017
Well, I tried to mail Jamie Woodhouse, but that e-mail address seems dead. I think that it can be solved without sending that floppy - just needs to make image of it, or to copy files on PC. And not waiting more - as we know floppies wearing out. So, if someone could contact Jamie, to mail me ... I can do same as with Sideways - and what is here is my build.

Information - Upwards

GenreShoot'em Up! - Vertical ScrollingYear1991
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Woodhouse, Jamie

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Woodhouse, Jamie

Game design

Woodhouse, Jamie

Box / Instructions


Sound FX

Woodhouse, Jamie

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / ?
MIDIVersion[Prototype/ N/A]
DumpMISSINGNumber of Disks? / ?

Trivia - Upwards

After Uridium-like Sideways prototype Jamie Woodhouse programmed another shooter game. This time it was a vertical scrolling shooter with technical excellence written in 1991.

"It was a full 16 colour (all bit planes), full screen, 50 frames per second, vertical scrolling shoot-em-up prototype." (Source: Jamie Woodhouse)

Disks were loaned to be archived in 2009 and were imaged. Original disks were given back to programmer. For some reason only the Sideways prototype was ever released from that set by the people who archived the disks. Those disk images are confirmed not to exist anymore.

Jamie has also confirmed he still has the original development disk for Upwards prototype but due to the fact that some unprofessional part of retro community preservation has lost some of his valuable development disks in the past he is not willing to loan his property anymore.

So unfortunately we will probably never be able to see this impressive sounding shooter prototype which would probably have been close to the legendary Thalion shooter Wings of Death in technical terms.

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