UNDER BERKWOOD was written by
Paperback Software for Public Domain
distribution. The programs are
written in compiled GFA BASIC and
the graphics were produced using
Advanced OCP Art Studio.
Double-click on either GAME.PRG or
EDITOR.PRG to load the program.
There is an option in the game to
load the editor program and vice-
Mention is made in the instructions
of redefining the game's graphics. I
have included a set of alternative
graphics with a robot theme. I have
also included the GFA BASIC listings
to both the game and the editor, for
those who are interested.
Unfortunately, to fit the extra
files onto the disc, I have had to
compress them using a P.D. archiving
utility. The extra graphics and
BASIC listings are all contained in
the file BONUS.ARC
To gain access to the file you must
FORMAT a disc and transfer the
files, BONUS.ARC and ARC.TPP onto
it. Double-click on ARC.TPP and you
will be presented with an input line
in a box. Type the following
EXACTLY, then press ENTER:-
x bonus.arc *.*
Then wait while the file is un-
arced. It takes quite a while, so be
patient. For those who are
interested, you can archive your own
files by typing:-
a xxxxxxxx.arc yyyyyyyy.yyy
Where xxxxxxxx is an 8 letter
filename and yyyyyyyy.yyy is the
file you wish to archive. To add
further files to an arced file,
repeat the above command with
different programs or files at
yyyyyyyy.yyy You'll be surprised how
much memory you can save.
That's about it. Any problems, send
an SAE to:-
M25 7RW