Tower Power

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Screenshots - Tower Power

Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot
Tower Power atari screenshot

Information - Tower Power

GenreStrategy - WargameYear1992
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJoystickDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
Players2+, 1 vs. 2Developer[n/a]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Chan, Johnnie

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Davies, Huw / Boxall, Ben
Chan, Johnnie

Game design

Davies, Huw / Chan, Johnnie

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Davies, Huw

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

Chan, Johnnie / Boxall, Ben
Davies, Huw / Ireland, Joanne

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe Enhanced / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Tower Power Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Tower Power


                               Tower Power

                         Written by Johnnie Chan

                              Copyright 1992


Note:- This program is freeware, but it is still copyrighted material, the 
files are not to be altered in anyway.  The programmer reserves the  right 
to remove this program from the public domain at any time.

Disclaimer:-  The team accepts no responsibility for any damage caused  to 
any computer system or data as consequence of using this game.  This  game 
to be played entirely at your own risk.


Programming...............Johnnie Chan

Game Design...............Johnnie Chan
                          Huw Davies

Presentation Speech.......Ben Boxall

Graphics..................Johnnie Chan
                          Huw Davies
                          Matt Wakelam (Necromancer sprite)

Title Screen..............Ben Boxall

TCB Tracker Tune..........Huw Davies

Character Speech..........John Bowen
                          Johnnie Chan
                          Huw Davies
                          Matt Wakelam
                          Joanne Ireland

Playtesting...............Johnnie Chan
                          Richard Chan
                          Huw Davies
                          Ben Boxall
                          Matt Wakelam
                          John Bowen

DOC file typing...........Johnnie Chan

Hardware used for development

520 STFM (1Mb, TOS 1.4), 520 STE (4Mb, TOS 1.6)
Mastersound 2 sampling cartridge
40Mb Power Computing Hard Disk

Software used for development

STOS V2.6, STOS Compiler V2.7, STOS Maestro
Mastersound 2
Degas Elite
GFA Basic V2.0, GFA Basic compiler
Hi-Soft Basic V1.31
TCB Tracker
Pack Ice V2.11, Pack Ice V2.40
1st Word

Thanks go to

Martin Dryden (SWSL)      Advice, excellent service on pd disks
Asa Burrows/ST Format     STOS STE Extension
Axe of Delight/Superior   Pack Ice 2.11 and Pack Ice 2.40
Ben Gould                 Virus Detector Bootsector (I had to modify it
                          for low res, I've lost your contact address,
                          please contact me!)
Warpzone PDL              Excellent service on pd disks
ST Review                 Hi-Soft Basic V1.31 in issue 4
ST Format                 GFA Basic V2.0 in issue 19, Canvas in issue 34
                          STOS Mega STE/TT fix in issue 43
L Greenhalgh              Optimisation method used in V1.41

                               How to Play

What's needed/supported

Atari ST/STE computer (Tested on TOS 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6)       
Minimum memory 520K (1Mb recommended, 2Mb+ needed for deluxe mode.)
Colour TV/monitor
Double sided (720K) disk drive
Two Joysticks

What is Tower Power?

Tower Power is a game of arcade strategy for 2 to 4 players.  It is  based 
on  a 10 by 10 grid of squares,  there are four 'Power' squares  near  the 
centre. Each player starts with 3 pieces. It is rather similar to chess in
that you move the piece around on the board,  pin down the opposition with 
deviously  placed  pieces.  But when you go to take a  piece,  must  first 
defeat it in an arcade combat screen,  if you kill it,  then you've occupy 
the square it was on,  if it kills you, then your attacking piece dies. So 
it makes sense to have lots of very good pieces.  As the game  progresses, 
you  accumulate  gold,  which  can be used during your turn  to  buy  more 
pieces. Each player possesses a tower, this square must be defended at all 
costs, because if any opposition player moves onto that square, the player 
is instantly eliminated from the game.

Loading the game

Turn on ST, with game disk in drive A, Press space on title screen to load 
up  game.  You should eventually be told to press  RETURN,  press  RETURN. 
(keys  L,V,M,D,B,G,R will also have an effect, more on this later..)

How to Win

Either  wipe  all  the other players out of the game  by  occupying  their 
'Tower' square, or occupy all four 'Power' squares simultaneously. Simple.

Controlling the Game

The  main game is joystick controlled.  The rule to remember is  that  the 
player  who's turn it is ALWAYS uses joystick 1,  (the one that  can't  be 
used by the mouse).  This is especially important in combat,  the attacker 
(the  player who's turn it is) used joystick 1,  the defender always  uses 
joystick 2.
Q         - Quit (on main menu)
SPACE     - Cancel action

Moving a Piece

Select  'Move Piece' on the main menu,  then move the cursor over  one  of 
your pieces,  press fire, then move the piece in the direction you wish is 
to move.  Press fire to end move,  (or SPACE to cancel, then try again, if 
you go wrong).


Reinforcements cost gold,  you get gold throughout the game. At the end of 
your turn,  you get 1 gold as standard, plus 1 for each 'Power' square you 
occupy.  Also You get 2 gold for each battle you win, and 10 gold when you 
eliminate someone from the game.

The Pieces

Listed in order of ascending price:-

Peasant         Attacks using a stick, weak and slow, does little damage.
Orc             Uses a short sword. Gains energy from victims.
Knight          Uses a sword. Slow, but very resilient.
Archer          Fires arrows, weak, but can fire at a range.
Ninja           Uses throwing stars, weak, but quick.
Giant Scorpion  Slow, but can fire poison which drains energy.
Unicorn         Fires energy bolts from it's horn, fast but weak.
Wizard          Casts fireballs. Can teleport up to 5 times. (Special FX)
Soldier         Carries a semi-automatic rifle. Quick rate of fire.
Gorgon          Fires a bolt which slowly paralyses it's victim. Feeds on
                the life force of its vitcim.
Green Dragon    Fires poison clouds. Strong and fast, handle with caution.
Earth Elemental Slow, but very strong, hurls boulders.
Water Elemental Shoots water, which slows down it's victims
Rocket Launcher
     Man        Carries a rocket launcher, supreme firepower.
Fire Elemental  Fires fireballs.
Air Elemental   Hurls tornados, and gains strength from hitting.
Gold Dragon     Strong, fast and breathes fire.
     Elemental  Fast, strong and can turn invisible (Special FX).
Necromancer     Slow, but strong, fires energy bolts. Has the ability to
                reverse the direction of an opponent's missile (up to 5
                times) back towards the sender! (Special FX).
Sidhe           Fast, strong and powerful, don't mess with it.


This  is a fight to the death for possession of a particular  square.  The 
survivor (if any),  gets the square.  Each piece gets to use it's  weapon, 
which is activated by the fire button, once fired, it has to reload, which 
takes time. Whether the weapon is available for use or not is indicated by 
and 'X' next to the appropriate player's energy bar,  an 'X' meaning  that 
the weapon is available.
In  addition to the joystick,  each player has a special effect  key.  The 
attacking player has 'SPACE',  and the defending player uses 'ENTER'. What 
this key does depends on what piece you are controlling. With most pieces, 
nothing  happens,  but  with some pieces it has  an  effect  (eg.  Wizard-
teleport,  Darkness Elemental-toggle visible/invisible, Necromancer-return 
missile back to sender).

                               Other things

Game modes

There  are three game modes,  selected depending on how much  memory  your 
computer has.

Economy Mode (512K):-
Sampled effects
Presentation Speech
Stores information about combat screens. (ie dead bodies)

Standard Mode (1Mb):-
All the above, plus..
Player character speech
Sampled music whilst loading data files

Deluxe Mode (2Mb+):-
All the above, plus..
Nice title screen shown at options screen
Stores more information about combat screens.

STE enhancements:-
TCB tracker tune and some samples played through DMA chip
On 1Mb+ STE, another 50K sample is played throughout the game in the 
background.  (This  can be turned off by pressing 'Q' at the press  RETURN 
prompt, 'S' turns it on again.)
Note also, the more memory you have, the less reloading files off disk. On 
2Mb+ machines,  all files are only loaded in once.  On 1Mb machines,  they 
may be some reloading of files.  On half meg machines, you'll just have to 
put up with it! (Though there is no disk loading in game - don't know what
ST Review was going on about in their review, issue 10)

Loading extra characters

The game has four different characters, one for each player. This game has 
the facility to change these,  other characters can be loaded in.  On  the 
Press  RETURN  prompt,  press  'L',  and insert  a  data  disk  containing 
character  files (should be released soon).  There are five characters  on 
the game disk (four default ones and one extra).

Screen Background options

If  you prefer a black background on the board screen during  play  rather 
than the default grey one,  then press 'B' at the press RETURN prompt, 'G' 
reverts back to the default grey one (Better in my opinion, but it's all a 
matter of personal taste).

Information about Program

At the Press RETURN prompt:-
Press 'V' for version number of the game,  remember, the higher the number 
the better.
Press 'M' to show amount of free memory.
Press 'D' to show the date of release of the version.
Press 'R' to show where the version was released.

Copying the disk

You can't copy the disk from the desktop.  Using Fastcopy III will do  the 
The disk has been formatted 800K.  Just for the record,  the files take up 
about 1200K unpacked, and about 800K packed.


On  the select number of players screen,  press 'G' to start with lots  of 

Version History

The first release version.

Fixed small bug, in the 'cheap pieces' mode.    The bug meant once chosen, 
the pieces remained 'cheap' in any subsequent games, and choosing it twice 
gave horrendously high prices for the pieces!  (This could be overcome  by 
using 'cheap pieces' many times).  Also raised the maximum number of  dead 
bodies  per  screen (in deluxe mode) from 300 to 500,  after  running  out 
during a pretty long game!  Also improved memory management, since some of 
the  data files on the data disk were larger than originally  anticipated, 
and could not be loaded into V1.00,  this however has been fixed. Also the 
sampled  sound  whilst  loading data is now also  available  on  half  meg 
machines, thanks to the better memory management.
Changed the timing method for waiting for samples to be played,  since  it 
didn't  wait long enough for some of the longer samples on the data  disk, 
and waited too long for some of the shorter ones,  now it waits  depending 
on the length of the sample.

Improved gameplay a bit,  after some advice from Warpzone PDL - you  start 
off  with  a  ninja,  a unicorn and a peasant instead of an  orc  and  two 
peasants, also made pieces half price, and thus removed the 'cheap pieces' 
option of the earlier versions. Added a 1Mb STE enchancement,  you can now 
have  a little digitised tune playing quietly in the  background  (through 
the  DMA chip).  Removed disk copier due to lack of  disk  space.  Reduced 
senisitivity of the joystick detection on selection screens,  after seeing 
people struggling to choose an option!  Removed emulation of 'lower'  game 
modes since it was rather pointless.

Optimized program by about 900 bytes, printed "a DOC file is on this disk" 
in the intro. No other changes, everything runs exactly the same as V1.10, 
no speed increase or anything! Don't know why I even bothered!!

Changed  the crappy 'Amstrad' font to a better one,  it is now a  modified 
version of the DESCEND font from 'Top Notch'.  Also fixed a small bug, but 
can't remember what it was.

Program should now run on Virtually all TOS versions up to  V3.06,  thanks 
to  the STOS fix in ST Format issue 43.  Put a nice title picture  on  the 
options screen,  you won't see it unless you've got 2 meg or more  though, 
this program is very memory hungry! Also optimised the program a bit. Also 
altered the DOC file a bit.

Major changes here.  The pieces statistics have now been altered slightly, 
and  now some pieces have a vampiratic shot,  where they gain some of  the 
hit points damage they inflict upon their victim.  Also fixed a bug  where 
people move backwards if over paralysed.
Adjusted the air elemental. It was too powerful, and unbalanced the game.
Also Optimised the storage of dead bodies, cutting it from 600K to 4K
memory usage, thanks to L. Greenhalgh.



Tower Power data disk 1 is now available. It features many more characters 
and  with details of how to make your own characters,  a few are  programs 
supplied with it to automate the process as much as possible.
It can be obtained from: Warpzone PDL, Caledonia PDL or New Age PDL.

Watch out for :-
Bio-Hazzard - A 3d Captive clone, written by L. Greenhalgh, available from
most good pd libraries, and also August ST User cover disk.
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