__ ____ ____________ __
________/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ ________/ /\
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/ \_______\_\/_________\_\/_____________________________\_\/_/ /\
/_______________________________________________________________/ /
elite proudly presents:
v 1.00 coded by Nikademus of Elite
* Credits * All code : NIKADEMUS (Elite Belgium)
( Concepts : Nikademus and Ex. (Elite Belgium)
Music : Count Zero
GFX : Red, Spaz, Dieu, Ex. and Nikademus )
This game wasn't performed to put on quite a show for you, but
only to create a funny stuff between friends... This is the first
zero-zero version, so it may still have some very little bugs on
your machine, but sure this will later disappear on the 1.01...
This game DOESN'T WORK on stF !!! Coz of no spending time to try
a boring and f... convert.
TIPTRONIX II is currently being coded, so have a cool patience (?).
Call the Elite StrongHold : ---> +32 REACHOUT <---
See ya
Elite Belgium.