Tetrhex [Falcon030]

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Screenshots - Tetrhex [Falcon030]

Tetrhex [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Tetrhex [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Tetrhex [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Tetrhex [Falcon030] atari screenshot

Information - Tetrhex [Falcon030]

GenreBrain - TetrisYear1994
LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionVGA / RGBLicensed from

Lefévre, Vincent

Graphic Artist(s)

Lefévre, Vincent

Game design

Lefévre, Vincent

Box / InstructionsEnglish, French


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeFalcon030 / ?
Dumpdownload atari Tetrhex [Falcon030] Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ? / HD Installable

Additional Comments - Tetrhex [Falcon030]

Other versions with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 1.29a) (), [no publisher] (version 1.41) ().

Instructions - Tetrhex [Falcon030]

                   *                                   *
                   *     TETRHEX 1.15 (27/11/1994)     *
                   *                                   *

Last modification: November 28, 1994.

  TETRHEX is a game, or rather a group of Tetris-like or Columns-like games,
being played on  a hexagonal board,  with hexagonal cells.  One of the  main
features is the  possibility of creating  one's own rules.  This version  is
distributed with only one rule file (TETRHEX.RUL), but other rule files will
be supplied later.

  This demo version may  be freely copied and  distributed provided that  no
modified or  removed,  and no  extra  fee  is charged,  except  mailing  and
duplication fees. You may add one or several ASCII files. On the other hand,
you MUSTN'T modify the program TETRHEX.PRG, even if it isn't distributed.

  TETRHEX is SHAREWARE. This means  that if you want  to use it and  receive
the complete version, you have to get  registered by sending 50 FF (or  more
if you want to) to:

      Vincent LEFEVRE
      24 rue Louis Blanc
      31400 Toulouse

  Don't forget to give me your name and address!

  If you have Internet access, I recommend that you contact me first by
email. My address is:


The unregistered version has the following limitations:
  . The rule can be changed (the UNDO key is disabled).
  . The scores are not saved.
  . A game ends after about 5 minutes.
  . At most 10 games.
  . No external routine.

  As I haven't had time  to write the help file,  I give the README file  of
the version 0.43; some parts have been modified.

    1. System Requirements

  TETRHEX has been  written for Falcon,  but should  be able to  run on  any
Atari (or other TOS-based computer) having  a 68030 (at least) and a  Falcon
compatible (i.e. interlaced planes)  graphic mode 256 colors  >= 640 *  480,
possibly with a substitute operating system (TOS/GEM compatible).

  TETRHEX needs about 300 KB free RAM (ST RAM or TT RAM). One of the  timers
A and D is required (cf "Starting TETRHEX"); the default timer is D.

    2. Compatbility

  TETRHEX can generaly run  with AUTO programs, but  sometimes there may  be
some problems. The compatibility list is given below.

  _ SpeedoGDOS (tests done with version 4.0):
     . If SpeedoGDOS is installed, outline fonts can be used; this is
     . It is impossible to change the graphic resolution (cf "Starting
       TETRHEX"), but the computer doesn't bomb.

  _ NVDI (tests done with version 2.5):
     . It is impossible to change the graphic resolution (cf "Starting
       TETRHEX"), but the computer doesn't bomb.

  _ Screen Blaster card:
     . There's no attempt to change the resolution, otherwise the computer
       bombs. In order to know whether the Screen Blaster card is active,
       the OSBL cookie is searched for. Note: this cookie can be removed
       only after a complete reboot (Ctrl-Alt-Rshift-Delete); therefore the
       resolution change may be refused whereas the card is unactive (after
       a partial reboot).

  _ MiNT/MultiTOS:
     . I haven't done tests with the demo version, but in any case you
       should avoid running the demo version under MultiTOS (it wasn't
       written to run under MultiTOS).
     . The version 1.10 can run under MultiTOS (in a window).
     . You have to remove the memory protection under MiNT, because TETRHEX
       accedes directly to the video memory in order to display faster.

  _ Outside (virtual memory):
     . No problem (note: TETRHDEM.PRG flags concerning the TT RAM may be

  _ Idle (screen saver):
     . When the protection activates, TETRHEX memory blocks are sometimes

    3. Starting TETRHEX

  TETRHEX can be  started either  by double-clicking  on its  icon from  the
desktop, or from a shell (e.g. Gemini shell). It accepts Unix-like  options,
which can be given by different  ways. TETRHEX creates a string composed  of
the file TETRHEX.CFG (if it exists),  followed by the command line  options.
Note: to have the possibility to enter options after double-clicking on  the
icon, you  must replace  the  extension .PRG  by  the extension  .GTP  (.TTP
equivalent for a GEM program). All the options start with the character  '-'
and are separated by blanks (space and control characters). The command line
mustn't have more  than 125 characters.  If the syntax  of the whole  string
isn't correct, the program immediately  ends (and returns an non-zero  error
code). Here are  the options (the  options that are  already recognized  but
that are useful for non available functions aren't given):

   -fg number  [Font Game]  Identifier of the Speedo font used in the game

   -fm number  [Font Menu]  Identifier of the Speedo font used in the menus.

   -fn number  [Font Name]  Identifier of the Speedo font used for the rule

   -ft number  [Font Tetrhex]  Identifier of the Speedo font used for
               "TETRHEX 0.43".

   -l param    Language preferences. There are as many parameters as you
               want (possibly none). Each parameter is either a non-negative
               number, giving the language absolutely, or the character '?',
               i.e. the language given by the cookie _AKP (language used
               by the system), or the character '*', giving one or several
               languages close to the language used by the system. The
               default parameters are "* 0 3".

   -n number   Default length of an edge of the hexagonal board (between 6
               and 9).

   -o file     The list of the remaining options is replaced by the file
               (extension .CFG).

   -r file     Rule file (extension .RUL) to be loaded (this option is
               useless in the demo version since there's only one rule file
               for this version).

   -ta         [Timer A]  The timer A will be used.

   -td         [Timer D]  The timer D will be used.

   -vr[+/-]    [Video Resolution]  Forbid/allow a resolution change.

   -vs[+/-]    [Video Synchro]  Synchronization with the VBL interruption
               for some displays.

  The numbers are in the decimal form, except if they are preceded by a '$';
in this  case, they  are in  the  hexadecimal form.  Instead of  giving  the
options in  the  command  line,  it  is  possible  to  drag  an  option  (or
configuration) file or  a rule file  onto the TETRHEX  icon. This  operation
corresponds to the options "-o" and  "-r". Note: some options have  opposite
effects (ta/td, -vr+/-vr-, -vs+/-vs-);  only the last one  in the string  is
taken into account.

  At the start, if the Lshift key is pressed, the timer A is chosen  (except
if the option "-td" is given) instead of the timer D (particularly useful in
the shareware version, if the serial port is used during the game).

  With a module player accessory, modules can be played; the timer D must be
chosen (default timer). But (on a  Falcon 030 without an accelerater  board)
one has interferences on the screen when the palette is changed, i.e. during
the presentation and the screen changes.

  If the graphic resolution in which TETRHEX is launched isn't correct (i.e.
256 colors, >= 640 * 480), then TETRHEX tries to change the resolution,  but
may fail because of some programs (cf "Compatibility").

  N.B.: the  rule  file  TETRHEX.RUL must  be  in  the same  folder  as  the
application TETRHEX.PRG.

    4. Using TETRHEX

  Start  TETRHEX  (cf  "Starting  TETRHEX").   Hit  any  key  to  quit   the
presentation. A menu appears:

   . Help: help (unavailable in the demo version).
   . Undo: load a rule (unavailable in the demo version).
   . Return: play.
   . F1-F10: high scores (unavailable in the demo version).
   . Ctrl-Q: quit.

  Hit Return to play. When the game is over, hit Ctrl-Escape to come back to
the menu.

    5. Rule TETRHEX.RUL

  . A (Q on the French keyboards): down (the piece stops for a while).
  . Insert: left-down.
  . Clr-Home: right-down.
  . Down-arrow: left rotation (counter clockwise).
  . Up-arrow: right rotation (clockwise).
  . Left-arrow: left (same height in relation to the lowest cell
    --> V-moving).
  . Right-arrow: right (same height in relation to the lowest cell
    --> V-moving).
  . Space bar: drop.
  . Escape: abandon.
  . Undo: pause.
  . Return: end of pause.
  . + (num pad): next level.
  . - (num pad): previous level (forbidden by the rule! thus here this key
    is useless).
  . Help: radar on/off.
  . Backspace: destroy all the hexagons, under the condition that you have a
    bomb (you have one when you reach 1000 bomb points) and that the current
    piece has bombs.

  The hexagons are destroyed in the following two cases:
    _ Formation of a line of  hexagons: these hexagons are destroyed.  N.B.:
      the lines are V's.
    _ If the  current piece  has bombs:  contact between  this piece  and  a
      connected (considering the  color) component  having a  bomb. The  two
      connected components are destroyed.

    _ It may be interesting  to join the  pieces of the  same color so  that
      more hexagons are destroyed by direct contact of two bombs.
    _ The keys A,  Insert and  Clr-Home may be  very useful  to drag  pieces
      under other pieces (to fill in holes).

  Note 1: it is natural that at the beginning you don't make a line.  You'll
improve as you play.  Moreover the demo version  is more difficult than  the
shareware version.

  Note 2: this rule file has a little bug that is noticed only in some  rare
cases (which  have never  happened with  me). A  corrected version  will  be
supplied later.

    6. Differences from the registered version 1.10

  They are many. Here is what else you can do with the registered version:

  _ Other rule files (easier): already exist: Tetrhex (more interesting  and
    easier version), Hexcolumns; planned:  Tetrhex light (much easier);  and
    maybe another rule...

  _ You can modify existing rule files and create your own rules: the  whole
    documentation will  be supplied  with the  registered version,  but  you
    should rather be a good programmer  to create your own rules. The  rules
    are written in a specific language (interpreted language), close to both
    functional languages  (expression  computing  in  prefix  notation)  and
    assembly language (low-level language). The format of the rule files  of
    the shareware version are different from the one of the demo version.

  _ You can load other rule files (Undo key).

  _ Scores are saved.

  _ Help on Tetrhex and on the loaded rule file (Help key).

  _ Radar (i.e. you can see the following piece).

  _ Pause (configurable in the rule files).

  _ You can  play in  a GEM  window (particularly  under MultiTOS).  TETRHEX
    supports the AES 4.1: you can iconify the window.

  _ You can  choose  the intensity  of  the  hexagons and  the  board  (with

  _ Better default display  (pieces and  patterns on the  hexagons are  more

  _ An option allows you  to give TETRHEX a  group of relocatables  routines
    enabling TETRHEX to communicate with the outside. For instance, one  can
    write routines to allow playing with  the Joypad, or even playing  using
    your voice (a small vocal recognition with the DSP should be  possible),
    to make the computer play, to  have modules played at given moments,  to
    put your own images at the background... These routines don't exist yet,
    but they  can  be  written  without having  to  modify  the  application
    TETRHEX.PRG (the  documentation  necessary  to write  routines  will  be
    supplied  in  the  registered  version).  The  routines  consisting   in
    displaying images at the background and in playing modules will normally
    be supplied.

  _ Better menu. "game over" is displayed when the game is over. Escape  key
    to come back to the menu (instead of Ctrl-Escape).

  _ The registered version works  with versions of  SpeedoGDOS in which  the
    font identifiers are translated.

    7. Used software

  The source of TETRHEX  has been written with  the following text  editors:
Edith 1.0 (Annius V. Groenink), Edith  Pro (Annius V. Groenink) and  Everest
(Oliver Schmidt). TETRHEX has been assembled and debugged with Assemble  and
Adebug (Brainstorm).

Vincent LefŠvre.

(email: vlefevre@ens.ens-lyon.fr)

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