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Screenshots - Teserae

Teserae atari screenshot
Teserae atari screenshot
Teserae atari screenshot
Teserae atari screenshot

Information - Teserae

GenreBrain - TetrisYear1992
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherST Format
ControlsJoystickDistributorFuture Publishing
Players1DeveloperAlbanian Sausage Corporation (The) (TASC)
ResolutionLowLicensed from


CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Nick (TASC)

Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish

Hippel, Jochen [Mad Max]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Teserae Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Teserae

                   TTT EEE SSS EEE RRR AAA EEE
                    T  E   S   E   R R A A E
                    T  EE  SSS EEE RR  AAA EE
                    T  E     S E   R R A A E
                    T  EEE SSS EEE R R A A EEE

The object of the game :

     Evil  aliens  from the planet ^&!œ$" are trying  to  destroy 
Earth by throwing down huge blobs of ....  er...    radio  active 
 ...   er..    things!    These things come in 7 different shapes 
and if,  using your INVISIBLE tractor-ray-gun, you can rotate and 
move  these shapes so that they fall into a line they  melt  down 
and disappear ( and you get 15 points ).  If you manage to get  4 
at once you get such a big melt down that the sign at the  bottom 
of the screen lights up!!  ( and you get some more points  ).  If 
you,  unfortunately,  let  the blobs get up to the top  they  all 
explode,  and every one dies. But before the thought of exploding 
blobs  and other associated things makes you  WRETCH,  God  stops 
time and lets you press space and try again!   ( Cor streuth!! )
     The aliens ( who incidentally are also invisible ),  after a 
while  will  slowly catch on if you seem to be  good  at  melting 
their  blobs,  and once they've twigged they'll throw  them  down 

     This  game  is a cross between a demo and a  standard  game. 
Teserae  has got a few  little features that hopefully add up  to 
a nice game. It's  got  rasters behind the  blocks,  a  scroller, 
a byte-bending logo,  and  it's got the infamous  brain-straining
'Oh no I feel like  I'm  drunk and staring at a piece   of   wall 
paper, that's changing!!' background scroller,  which,  if you're
finding the game too easy  is  sure  to numb your senses. Ya see?
The ST can  do  weird  effects  like  that,  it  isn't just noisy
Porkipines that can do that! ( That's a bit cryptic )

     It's got 6 levels.  ( Only 6 six?? I hear you cry..  Ah ha!! 
But  these  are whopping great levels  that  get  'exponentially' 
harder!  ( What?  ) ).  And I've only ever got onto level 4.   If 
any  one sends me a video of them playing my  Teserae  game,  and 
completing level 6,  an all expenses paid holiday to Florida  USA 
is yours...

     The scoring is simple,  you get 15 points on level 1,  20 on 
level 2 etc and a bonus for getting 4 lines at once.

     If you are running this game on a  Mega STE (  not  an   STE 
with 1Mb of memory ),  then unless you've got it switched to 8Mhz 
you  will  notice  that  it  flickers,   to  cure  this  terrible 
affliction  just  use that nice control panel and  switch  it  to 
8Mhz,  if you don't have the control panel then it'll already  be 
on 8Mhz.

     We hope that you have a lot of fun playing this game, if you 
do ( of course you will!  ), why not copy it for all you friends? 
Why not copy it for everyone in existence?   The more people  the 
better!!  If  you  really  like  it  maybe  you  could  set up  a 
rehabilitation  centre  for people who have been staring  at  the 
moving  background for a couple of hours too long,  their  brains 
will be melted,  the symptoms are a head-ache and eyes which move 
in odd directions all by themselves.  The cure, to calm you down, 
is  to  listen to some Scanners music or to put your head  in  an 
ice-box for several hours and think tranquil thoughts. 

     If  you are at all interested in this game and want to  know 
anything about it, or want to know what else The Albanian Sausage 
Corporation  make,   or  want  to  know  how  various  bits  were 
programmed  or  want  some source code then  I'm  sure  we  could 
strike a deal.  All source is for Devpack 2 and a tiny little bit 
for STOS. If you want to contact me write to :

The Albanian Sausage Corporation
SYD 150
PO Box 71

The SYD 150 bit is very important, by the way. See ya!
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