Study Program
Version of September 1988
A public domain program by
Josef Wiggermann
Fasanenweg 2
4475 Sögel
West Germany
Tel. from U.K. 01049 - 05952 - 2459
and translated into English by
Hugh Beyer
Ophovener Strasse 37
5090 Leverkusen 1
West Germany
Tel. from U.K. 01049 - 214 - 503913
This file is identical with the study file INSTRUCT.STU, though
it presents the information in a more structured way. It has
been put together by a user of the program: Carl Erling,
Winthirstrasse 12, 8000 Munich, West Germany, and translated
into English (with a few amendments here and there) by Hugh Beyer
(see above).
1. General
This program is suitable for learning facts from a variety
of different areas, e.g. foreign languages, BASIC syntax,
maths formulas, Bible verses, lines for a play, though it
can also be used for quite different purposes, such as
cataloguing important deadlines.
2. Records
2.1 Question/Answer
The default of the program has been set so that there are
only two lines for each question and answer. It is in fact
easier to learn small chunks, and longer answers make it
rather difficult to decide whether an answer has been
correct or not. However, it is possible to change the size
of a record (see 8. Special).
2.2 Additional information on a record
Each record can contain additional information to serve as
SORTing criteria. See 7.3 Sort ...
3. Mouse Click Bar / Function Keys
3.1 First record, <<, <, >, >>, Last record
These function keys are for viewing the file contents, not
for learning. "<<", "<", ">", ">>" have a built-in repeat
function which can be activated by pressing both mouse
buttons simultaneously.
3.2 Find
This function key activates a search within the Question and
Answer fields. In this way, the program can serve as a kind
of dictionary when learning foreign languages.
ANY KEY to repeat search,
(our mouse button)
ESCAPE to abort search,
HELP to view the last field in which the
search string occurs.
3.3 Edit
The content of a current record can be edited in any way you
like, unless you're in LEARNing mode. (If necessary, quit
LEARNing mode by pressing ESCAPE).
It is not necessary to press the function key. Simply place
the mouse cursor where you want to edit the record and
click. This will automatically put the text cursor in
place. (If you want to get out again, click outside the
record or press ESCAPE).
Changes within a particular line can be taken back by
pressing UNDO.
Don't forget to save your changes after EDITing.
3.4 New record
This function is for starting a file or adding to an
existing one.
The content of the previous record can be copied into the
current one by pressing HELP. However, you must make sure
that the text cursor is in the top left-hand corner of the
It is possible to allocate special characters to the
function keys / mouse bar fields (see 8.2 Load font), which
are then activated as soon as you're in EDIT mode or
inputting new records.
Instead of clicking on the appropriate fields, you can also
use the following keys:
DISPLAY: any key, except A-Z, 0-9
RIGHT: "+"
WRONG: "-"
It is also possible to enter the complete answer by keying
in its first letter. (Do you have to, though?) This
automatically de-activates the timing. The correct answer
can be accessed by pressing "Return".
For extras, such as swapping questions and answers, see 7.
4. File
Each file can contain up to approx. 7,000 records, depending
on the memory of your ST. (However, it may be more sensible
to user smaller files.)
4.1 Load file
This loads a file into the memory of the program. If it
contains a file already, you will be asked whether you wish
to clear the memory first or whether the new one should be
added. Occasionally, you may wish to merge two STUDY files
into one bigger one. (For the reverse process - cutting a
file into several small ones - see 7.3 Sort ...)
4.2 Save file
This saves a file (with all amendments, changes, question
statistics) to disk. Make sure you do this after each
session. The old version is automatically deleted.
IMPORTANT: Unlike the Wordplus program, STUDY.PRG does not
create an automatic backup. To protect your data, you
should therefore consider double-saving them, ie. onto two
separate disks. So if disaster does strike you in the form
of a power cut or the vacuum cleaner (let's hope this won't
happen), then there's always a backup copy to fall back on.
4.3 Save as ...
Same as "Save file", except that you can enter a different
name. Make sure it has the extension ".STU"
4.4 Statistics
Tells you the available memory of the program and the disk.
4.5 Delete file
This deletes an entire file from the disk.
4.6 Delete this record
This deletes the record currently on the screen. The same
can be done by pressing "Delete".
4.7 Clear memory
This clears the memory without saving your current file to
disk. So beware ....
4.8 Quit program
... and back to the GEM desktop.
5. Levels
Have a look at the display in the right-hand portion of the
STUDY screen.
When a record has first been entered, it is on Level 0.
Each time a correct answer has been given, the record moves
up one step (0 - 1 - 2 - ...), and if the answer has been
wrong, it goes back to Level 0. When a record has reached
Level 5, you can safely assume that you know it, unless it
has progressed from 0 to 5 in one day (in which case you may
wish to use the Date option).
It is possible to call up one level after another, and the
most sensible method seems to be that of starting with level
5 or 4 and then gradually working your way down to level 0.
You can also use the default setting, of course, and call up
all levels at once, or several levels ("Levels ...-...").
Whichever level(s) you select, it is important that it
should actually contain records at all.
Should you ever wish to send all your records down to Level
0, you can do so by pressing "Control" + "Delete" (though
not during input).
6. Date
This option acts as a filter and refers to the date when a
record was last LEARNt (not the date of first input).
This makes it possible to narrow down your choice to those
records which you entered or learnt, say, last week.
If the "Between" and the "And" dates are identical, the
program will only display the records of a single day.
The default value activates ALL dates.
7. Operations
7.1 Display as list
This function displays a list of questions, answers and
levels. The list can also be accessed by pressing ...
for list,
(press again to return to STUDY screen),
Mouse click right (press again to return to STUDY screen).
Key functions within LIST mode:
Arrow key <- Last STUDY screen
Arrow key -> Continue
Also: = Enter = Return = Mouse left
Clr Home Last record that was displayed on the
STUDY screen
Also: = F6 + Alternate
Control + F key Set mark on topmost record
(See also: 9.1 Marks)
Mouse right Quit mode.
7.2 Print list
A list is printed in the order in which you have arranged
your current file. If you have filtered out a certain level
(levels) or date (dates), then only those levels or dates
will be printed which are currently available.
7.3 Sort alphabetically, Sort levels, Sort differently.
This is not relevant within LEARNing mode, but it does have
its benefits:
* For printing lists in a certain order.
* If several records are closely connected with regard to
subject, then it's a good idea to start each one of
them with a heading. An alphabetical sort will then
force them into the desired order.
* The same function can be used for separating parts of a
large file, e.g. you may wish to filter out all records
on level 0 and put them in a separate file:
(1) Sort levels
(2) Mark level 0 as a block (see 9.2 Block)
(3) Save as ... while pressing the Control key.
7.4 Mix records, Swap questions and answers
This can really help you with your learning. Mixing the
records will prevent you from learning the order in which
the answers occur. Swapping questions and answers can come
in handy in foreign language learning, e.g. English ->
French, French -> English.
7.5 Special
8.1 Spanish / French
This doesn't actually work! It's been designed with future
updates in mind and/or for GFA BASIC programmers who would
like to have a go.
8.2 Load font
There is an Install file for special characters
(STUDY_INST.ASC). These can be allocated to the 10 function
keys and will be accessible while you're editing records or
entering new data. When you select this option, the Install
file will be loaded. Normally, this is done automatically,
when the STUDY program (or GFA BASIC) is started, provided
both the program and the Install file are in the same
directory. If they aren't, you can load the special
characters manually, so to speak, by selecting this option.
The Install file can be edited with a text editor or word
processor in ASCII mode (WP off) and adapted to your own
purposes (see 9.4 Install file).
8.3 Insert mode
Click here if you wish to select Overwrite mode instead.
Instead of inserting text at the cursor position, you will
then be overwriting it when you enter text.
8.4 Single lines
When you select this option, the cursor will automatically
jump from the first line of the question field to the first
line of the answer field. This is very useful for short
items in foreign language learning. The omitted lines can,
however, be accessed with the mouse, should the odd record
require more than one line after all.
8.5 Reset time
Not to be recommended, because you might end up with a
headache! However, it is possible if you wish to do so.
8.6 Activate accessories
This activates accessories under "Info", while at the same
time de-activating the STUDY program itself. To restore
the STUDY screen, click this option again after using your
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 Marks
It is possible to place a mark on certain records, e.g. if
you want to find it again after a while. (This does not
work during data input, i.e. while in EDIT mode or NEW
RECORD mode).
Set mark: "Control" + F1, F2, F3, F4 or F5
Goto mark: "Alternate" + F1, F2, F3, F4 or F5
F6-10 contain marks already:
F6: displays the last record that was shown on the STUDY,
when switching back from the list to the STUDY screen.
Same function as "Clr Home".
F7: displays last record found with the "Find" function.
F8: displays last record that was EDITed.
F9: displays last new input
F10: displays last record LEARNt.
None of these marks can be saved to disk.
9.2 Block
Several records can be defined as a block and either saved
separately or deleted:
(1) Saving a block:
Mark the beginning and end of a block (inclusively) with F1
and F2, as described above. To save the block, select "Save
as ...", while pressing "Control".
(2) Deleting a block:
Save the block, then delete the cards in the main file.
9.3 Tabulators
Tabs can be used during data input:
Control + Right Arrow
Control + Left Arrow
9.4 Install file
The Install file is for putting special characters on the
function keys. These characters can then be used for any
kind of data input. Cf. the note in 8.2 Load font.
The Install file is optional and need not be on your STUDY
disk if you don't need it. In fact, without it, the program
will load more quickly. And it is, of course, possible to
incorporate special characters into the source code, or to
use a keyboard reconfiguration program before starting
You can edit the Install file with a text editor or word
processor in ASCII mode (WP off!).
The number in the first column of the Install file is the
decimal ASCII code of the character. Which characters are
on which function keys can be gathered from the
documentation (after the exclamation marks) in the file.
NB: + and - for RIGHT and WRONG can also be put on function
keys. This has already been done for F1 and F10, but you
may wish to change it, in which case you have to edit the
Install file: + is 43 and - is 45.
9.5 Printer
Your printer should be able to print more than 80 characters
per line. The auto folder must contain a printer driver.
Find out through trial and error if it prints all our
foreign characters correctly (and that may include the œ
sign). If not, load MAKEPRT.LST into a text editor and make
a few changes. (You may have to consult your printer manual
and/or GFA Basic.)
9.6 Some final points
(1) Record numbers: these are merely for your information
and for control purposes. If you can't find a certain
record or number, then it may be because you have
activated only a certain level (levels) or date
(2) Today's date: you will only be asked today's date if
the system date is < 1988. The system date (top right)
can be changed by clicking on it.
(3) Cursor keys: Are they only functionable during data
input. Try it out ...
(4) Each level or date can also be accessed via the
keyboard. Simply press "s" for "level" (as in German
"Stufe" = level, or think of the word "step" - in a
ladder), "d" for date. Press "Control" to access ALL
levels and dates.
*** ***
The author would be most grateful to receive ideas or suggestions
for improvement.
Have fun!