STOS-SM 1989

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Screenshots - STOS-SM 1989

STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot
STOS-SM 1989 atari screenshot

Information - STOS-SM 1989

LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-


Graphic Artist(s)


SoftwareEnglish, Swedish
Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish, Swedish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari STOS-SM 1989 Download / MSANumber of Disks4 / Double-Sided

Instructions - STOS-SM 1989

This disk has been completed after STOS-SM 1989 and 
published by Atarispecialisten/Ljudkonsult
Tel. (46)8320500, BBS 8313020. The games have not 
been compiled and may not be copied in compiled versions,
so all STOS-programmers shall be able to use others 
knowledge to learn more. 
STOS-SM 1990 will take place in june 1990 and we 
hope to have a lot of great contributions. Good Luck!

Francois Lionet

Please observe that this disk may not be copied in altered condition!

Trivia - STOS-SM 1989

Compilation of games that participated to a Swedish STOS-SM 1989 game programming competition organized by Mandarin Software / Atarispesialisten. Some of the games require STOS BASIC to run. Games include source code. The end result of the competition is unknown at the moment.

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