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Screenshots - ST-Bridge

ST-Bridge atari screenshot
ST-Bridge atari screenshot
ST-Bridge atari screenshot

Information - ST-Bridge

GenreCards - BridgeYear1994
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLow / HighLicensed from-

Norin, Stig

Graphic Artist(s)

Norin, Stig

Game design

Norin, Stig

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe, TT, Falcon030 / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari ST-Bridge Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - ST-Bridge

      Wellcome to STBRIDGE
First install the prg with  GDOS.

1. Put  GDOS.PRG in your AUTO  folder!

2. Put  the folder GDOS.SYS  with  the 
   fonts in your root directory!

3. Put also ASSIGN.SYS in root  direc-

4. Take   one   of   BRIPR207.SG    or 
   BRIPR207.HP and change its name  to 
   BRIPR207.INF.  Put this file in the 
   same folder as STBRIDGE!

5. Restart your ST!

*                                    *
*         This program is a          *
* S H A R E W A R E    P R O D U C T *
*                                    *
    This means that it is NOT PD.
You are free to try it out for a  week 
or so, then you have three choises:

1. Draw  it to your garbage  icon  and 
   you owe me nothing.

2. Continue to use it without registe-   
   ring.  This  is to PIRATE the  pro-   
   gram.  Unfortunately I haven't much    
   possibility to bring you into jail,    
   but  your bad conscience will  keep 
   you    awake all nights.

3. Do  the  right  thing.   Become   a    
   registered user.  Just send me  the    
   small amount of US$ 20:- or œ  10:-    
   or  DM  30:- or  the  corresponding    
   amount in any european currency and    
   I'll send you the latest version of    
   the prg + a nice printed manual.

Stig Norin, Nöbbelövs Kyrkoväg 105
S-223 56 LUND, Sweden.


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