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Screenshots - Soma

Soma atari screenshot
Soma atari screenshot
Soma atari screenshot
Soma atari screenshot

Information - Soma

GenreBrain - Logical / PuzzleYear1993
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouseDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Gallagher, Mark

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Gallagher, Mark

Game design

Gallagher, Mark

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Soma Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Soma

Other version with the same title:

ST Format ().

Instructions - Soma


What 'Soma' is:
'Soma' is a simulation of the ancient soma cube puzzle. The cube
is split into 7 shapes, and the aim of the puzzle is to
reconstruct the cube from these shapes.

'Soma' consists of three files: SOMA.PRG (the executable file),
SOMA.SPR (a sprite file created using STOS) and SOMA.DOC (this
document, containing instructions and registration details).

The program was originally coded in STOS basic, but since the
resulting stand-alone program was over 230k in length (I don't
have the STOS compiler), I decided to re-code the program in

Ensure that the SOMA.PRG and SOMA.SPR files are in the same
directory, then double-click SOMA.PRG in LOW RESOLUTION. The
title screen will appear; press either mouse button to start the

The aim:
To complete a cube by putting together 7 shapes made from smaller

The icons:
The main screen consists of several icons:
[1]  an arrow pointing down
[2]  an arrow pointing up
[3]  7 shapes
[4]  2 cubes with circles on each of the visible surfaces
[5]  1 cube with an arrow pointing away from each face
[6]  an arrow pointing from left to right (at the center-bottom   
   of the screen)
[7]  an 'I' in the bottom-left corner of the screen
[8]  a 'Q' in the bottom-right corner of the screen

Also on the screen are two hexagons. The one on the left is used
for manipulating the individual shapes, whilst the one on the
right is used for building the cube.  

How the icons work:
[1]  The downward-pointing arrow is used for transferring the     
   shapes to the left-hand hexagon, where they can be shifted and 
   rotated. When selected, the icon will be highlighted. If a     
   shape is also selected, this shape will be transferred and a   
   box will appear which encloses the shape, indicating that the  
   shape is no longer available for selection.  

[2]  The upwardly-aligned arrow is used for making a shape that   
   has previously been selected (using the down-arrow) available  
   again. The box surrounding the shape vanishes, indicating its
   availability. As with the down-arrow, this icon will have an   
   effect only if the icon and one of the shape icons have both   
   been selected.

   This icon can be used for retrieving a shape from either of    
   the hexagons. If the left-hand hexagon contains a shape and    
   you wish to select another shape, there is no need to use
   this icon first; the current shape will be returned            
   automatically when the down arrow and the new shape are        

[3]  The shapes can be selected for use with the up- and          
   down-arrows (see [1] and [2]) by clicking on them with the
   left mouse button.

   Clicking on any shape with the right mouse button will reveal  
   what space (if any) the shape occupies in the right-hand       
   hexagon. Let go of the right button to return the shape in the 
   hexagon to normal.

[4]  These icons are used for rotating the shapes inside the two  
   hexagons. Click on a face of the cube with the left mouse      
   button to rotate the shape anti-clockwise about that face;     
   click with the right mouse button to rotate clockwise.

   There are two of these icons, one for each hexagon.

[5]  This icon is used for shifting the shape currently being     
   manipulated in the left-hand hexagon. Click on a face with the 
   left button to shift the shape in the direction of that arrow, 
   or use the right button to move the shape in the opposite      

[6]  Transfer shapes from the left-hand hexagon to the right-hand 
   hexagon using this icon. When all the shapes have been         
   successfully transferred, the puzzle has been completed (but   
   that's not the end of it... there  are over 130 ways of        
   completing the puzzle!).

[7]  The information icon. Clicking on this will display          
   information about 'Soma'.

[8]  The quit icon. To quit at any time during the game, simply   
   click  on this icon with both mouse buttons simultaneously.

The more astute among you may notice a lack of sound. This is
because I can't program the sound chip. I would have liked to add
a few short samples, but I can't afford a sampler.

Shareware bit
This game is SHAREWARE. If you don't know what that means (and
most people do), here's a simple explanation:

If you like the game, you register by sending me a donation (I
think about œ3.00 is right). If you would like a copy of the
source code, then either include a stamped, addressed (and
preferably padded) envelope and a blank disk, or make the cheque
out for œ4.00.

If you would like to see a monochrome copy of 'Soma', then please
let me know; if there's enough interest then I'll produce one.

'Soma' may be distributed freely, on the condition that ALL THREE
FILES are copied.

Please make the cheque payable to M J Gallagher, and send it to
the following address:

     Mark J Gallagher,
     Harold Street,
     (Keighley Road),
     West Yorkshire,
     BD16 2RT.

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