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Screenshots - Scool-not-School

Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot
Scool-not-School atari screenshot

Information - Scool-not-School

GenreEducation - IntroductoryYear
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsKeyboard, MouseDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
Players1DeveloperGreen Shift
ResolutionLowLicensed from-


CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)


Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Scool-not-School Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Scool-not-School



            Sunset Suite
           23 Holland Road
           HOVE    BN3 1JF

This is WHYWARE - send us absolutely
           ANYTHING NICE.

Loading screen:

Click on 1 of 6 main blocks for that
program, or on "GREENSHIFT" for some
info about us (and a bit of fun on the
way back!). Click on READ ME to see
this doc... Oh, did you? Okay.......

 QUIT in programs returns to MENU

1: Drawing:

  CLICK on brushes to change: 3 sizes
plus spray. Right mouse~button: brush,
undoes; spray, fills EXCEPT BLACK +
SPRAY, which gives a rainbow~blob.
(Check this - I'm "improving" it...
not sure how far I've got by now...)

  Colours change with a NON-clicked
dip, to avoid accidental change whilst
galloping. Brushes (& save/load/wipe)
need a click.

  Registrees can have this amended, if
they specify and ask nicely.  DIY if
you have STOS. (If you don't, and want
to print/unpack pictures, ask for NEO/
Pi1 version when registering).

2: Stickies:

  A 'Fuzzy-felt' (registered trademark
probably! Can't be too careful) sort
of thing. 10 shapes in 6 rows: up/down
screen-arrows scroll through the rows.
  Tendency is for the lines to go from
high/sky/background shapes to low/
foreground stuff.
  Each can be dragged (for large areas
of sky/grass or interesting effects.)
  Click to select shape, click to
place, click on arrows, click click
  New sets of 32*32 shapes can be
loaded from the pink"new pic." button,
if saved in NEO or PI1 format, in
FUZZ_EE folder. "0.NEO" is auto-loaded
by program on run.

  If fresh disk is used for saving,
the program seeks or makes a folder
called FUZZ_EE, to keep (packed) .MBKs
separate from others. See above re
.NEO/Pi1 and printing.. NB keep a
0.NEO in it?

3: Spelling:

 (Two programs. Each has 3/4/5-letter
select to begin.)

a:   First program allows sorting of
     simple pictures even if the word
isn't known - PEEP shows the picture
(not spelling) for two seconds then
returns to scramble. POOP goes on to - 

b:   Second program, which has HELP
     for all bar last two letters.

  Both use the same set of pictures in
SPELPIX folder. 108 of the dear little

4: Sums:

A fast'n'furious Fill'em up: no score
for over-fills. Various 'educative'
areas: clock, bar chart, standard
addition zone. Click on one of four
number-buttons to summon correct/next
crate; on large square central button
to open/close trapdoor; 'upper-left'
button stops/starts conveyor belts and
other actions (not clock).
  Time limit - eight & a half minutes
at 1:60 (= 8&1/2 hour workshift, ok?).
  QUIT button is rather small, at left
end of control panel.

5: Birthday Book:

   A database. Help will be needed by
littl'uns. Date checked on run. Age
next birthday returned when card (Hey!
These are PEOPLE, man!) sorry, people's
details are called. Title bar requires
keyboard entry. Mouse only appears when
amendment required, to click field to
alter. Entries (people!) are stored in
order of entry, not Alfie-Betty-Charley 
ind SOMETIMES only finds first entry
- I think this is cured, but if not, do
the FIND again, and next should appear.

6: Typing:

   As @ 26/5/92, no SAVE or LOAD. We'll
see... Pretty characters though, a? 
Oodles of fun. White click button wipes
page, Q quits. Mouse OR keyboard for
letters etc. Keyboard uses only those
keys displayed on screen. Wipe/Quit -
no keyboard equivalents. Prepare for a
million 'I love you Mummy'-s, but at
least you won't have to pin them on
the fridge.


  This is WHYWARE - send us absolutely
            ANYTHING NICE.

    (BUT œ5 or more brings extra: 

- Wave goodbye to deboot-STOS-'n'-boot-
STOS blues!!!! Artist0s.acb performs
all STOS-graphic functions including
PIEs, and it has a ZOOM-studio and on-
screen minizoom. It packs/saves/loads/
unpacks/grabs-in data-screen or bank
and quits'n'grabs either or both and
and and...)

             SO DO IT
             * NOW! *


by:          GREENSHIFT
            Sunset Suite
           23 Holland Road
           HOVE    BN3 1JF


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