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Ready... Steady... BANG!
Version 0.9 Released at Sillyventure
Summer Edition 2023
Welcome to our game! Full credits can
be found in the INFO screen.
Additional thanks are sent to Der
Vinz who recoded the intro that was
missing in our latest preview !
Ready Steady Bang (or RSB)should run
fine on any STe with 4Mb of ram. It
will not work on STf, sorry. It was
not tested on Falcon but it should
work as well.
Alas, what you now have between your
hands is not a complete game. It was
started in 2018 and progress was both
strong and fast. The pandemic happened,
motivation came up and down until our
coder lost all interest in the project.
No harsh feelings, it was a nice dream.
Now with a few things. The game should
run fine, in spite of a couple of bugs.
The solo mode can be played but you will
not die...
You can quit playing either by pressing
ALT or * in the main game.
If you press ALT in the main menu you'll
be offered a nice surprise ! Enjoy!
Sorry for the remaining bugs, sometimes
you will have to reboot.