This is just another example for that good coding is not enough for making really good game. Beside being complete unoriginal it is really not some great pleasure to play - or in other words - not addictive. Transitions are too long. Will not say more, except: simple shooter should be runnable faster (not play speed self), not long waiting after death, and like. This is just too infected with demo coding :-) |
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Download includes both MSA and files |
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Sillyventure 2018 game compo entry
Tomchi :: RGCD
ATARI STE 1 MEG + JAGPAD(or custom ;))
Main PRG has to be in the same folder
than DATA.RZ
Your Floppy has to be write enabled
to save scores.
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Based on Self Destruct (PC)
By Terry Cavanagh
GFX: Vierbit, Heavy Stylus, C-Rem
Zik: Dma-sc, STU, Tao, XiA
Design: Heavy Stylus :: Tomchi
Prg: Tomchi
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How to play, greetz, just read the
HUD in the main menu screen and
the CREDITS screen.
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Origins Based on Terry Cavanagh 2008 PC-game Self Destruct
Sound Features digitized sound fx at 6.2KHz
Hardware Supports Blitter Supports STe DMA sound Supports STe palette Supports STe hardware scrolling
Graphics Features parallax-scrolling (options or static screen)
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