R0x Zero

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Comments (1)
Petari - 20/08/2020
This is just another example for that good coding is not enough for making really good game. Beside being complete unoriginal it is really not some great pleasure to play - or in other words - not addictive. Transitions are too long. Will not say more, except: simple shooter should be runnable faster (not play speed self), not long waiting after death, and like. This is just too infected with demo coding :-)

Screenshots - R0x Zero

R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot
R0x Zero atari screenshot

Information - R0x Zero

GenreShoot'em Up! - Vertical ScrollingYear2018
LanguageGFA BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJagpadDistributorAtari Legend
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Flandin, Nicolas [Tomchi]

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

C-Rem / Monkman, James [Heavy Stylus]
Fabian, J. [Vierbit]

Game design

Monkman, James [Heavy Stylus] / Flandin, Nicolas [Tomchi]

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Almered, Per [Excellence in Art] / Seemann, Frank [Tao]
Studach, Christian Martin [Stu] / Stempell, Mathieu [DMA-SC]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeSTe Only / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari R0x Zero Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable

Additional Comments - R0x Zero

Download includes both MSA and files

Instructions - R0x Zero

*      ______   ______ _    _        *
*     (_____ \ / __   \ \  / /       *
*      _____) ) | //| |\ \/ /        *
*     (_____ (| |// | | )  (         *
*           | |  /__| |/ /\ \        *
*           |_|\_____//_/  \_\       *
*   _______ _______ ______   ______  *
*  (_______|_______|_____ \ / __   | *
*     __    _____   _____) ) | //| | *
*    / /   |  ___) (_____ (| |// | | *
*   / /____| |_____      | |  /__| | *
*  (_______)_______)     |_|\_____/  *
*                                    *

Sillyventure 2018 game compo entry
Tomchi :: RGCD
ATARI STE 1 MEG + JAGPAD(or custom ;))
Main PRG has to be in the same folder
than DATA.RZ
Your Floppy has to be write enabled
to save scores.
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

Based on Self Destruct (PC)
By Terry Cavanagh

GFX: Vierbit, Heavy Stylus, C-Rem
Zik: Dma-sc, STU, Tao, XiA
Design: Heavy Stylus :: Tomchi
Prg: Tomchi
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

How to play, greetz, just read the
HUD in the main menu screen and
the CREDITS screen.

Trivia - R0x Zero

Based on Terry Cavanagh 2008 PC-game Self Destruct

R0x Zero Trivia

Features digitized sound fx at 6.2KHz

Supports Blitter
Supports STe DMA sound
Supports STe palette
Supports STe hardware scrolling

Features parallax-scrolling (options or static screen)

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