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Screenshots - Pushover

Pushover atari screenshot
Pushover atari screenshot
Pushover atari screenshot
Pushover atari screenshot
Pushover atari screenshot

Information - Pushover

GenreArcade - MazeYear
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Rees, Peter

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Rees, Peter

Game design

Rees, Peter

Box / InstructionsEnglish
Musician(s)LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

Rees, Peter

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Pushover Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Instructions - Pushover



You are Zarich a Star Trooper caught by the vile Krenan, emperor of the evil Quantum II galaxy. 
Luckily Krenan, in a moment of uncharacteristic clemency, has given you a chance of freedom.  
To achieve this you must escape from renans specially constructed maze, nicknamed the  "Maze
of  Death" as everyone who has tried has perished!!!! 

Good luck..................


Pushover is a maze of 18 screens across by 16 screens down ie 288 screens in all. These screens 
are numbered 0 to 187. The object of the game is to get from screen 0 to screen 187 and escape 
the maze.  Ie you start at the top left and finish at the bottom right of  the maze.

To achieve this formidable task you must find your way through the maze by opening the doors on 
each screen.  This is achieved by pushing the various coloured energy blocks to the block destructor 
cells. Once all the energy blocks on a screen are destroyed then all the doors on that screen are 

Clearing these energy blocks from a screen is rather like solving a puzzle as you can only push one 
energy block at a time.  This fact, along with directional and collapsing floor tiles, often means that 
a screen can only  be cleared in one way.

To make things more difficult there are aliens that pursue you and laser bases that fire at you.  
You have a gun to destroy aliens but this uses valuable life points and is best avoided.

You start with 300 life points which you loose with time,  every time you push an energy block and
when you  are hit  by a laser or an alien.  You gain varying life points when you push different colour 
energy blocks to the yellow block destructor cells.  

Finally you die when your life points hit zero or when you fall into space.



Forward = up             up    arrow
Left    = left           left  arrow
Right   = right          right arrow
Back    = down           down  arrow
Fire    = fire button    left shift key

To fire simply push the fire key/button and move the joystick or input the direction key for the direction 
you require the shot to go. 
Each shot costs 10 life points.


Energy blocks can be pushed in any direction over all floor tiles except collapsing floors.  
Every time you push a block it costs 1 life point and you can only push one block at a  time.  
If you make a mistake and cannot subsequently push an energy block to a destructor cell, 
 then you can destroy the block,  for a large life loss, by pushing it 20 times.


Using the cursor keys or Joystick you can push one energy block at a time only.  You need to push these 
to the energy block destructor cells where they will be transformed to life and score points as below:


Yellow  20        20         -   40
Green   30        30         -   60
Blue    40        40         -   80
Gold   500       500         - 1000

If you make a mistake and cannot clear an energy block you can destroy it by pushing it (20 times) 
against another block or wall etc.  This however costs heavy loss of life points as above.

Finally when all blocks on a screen are cleared all doors (UPTO 50) are opened.


You start with 300 life points and die when your life drops to 0. You can only carry 300 life points 
from one  screen to another with any  surplus being transferred to your score.

Every 8 seconds decreases life by 2.

Every block push decreases life by 1.

Laser bases (UPTO 50) fire laser bolts at you which decrease life by 30.

Hyperspace tiles (UPTO 50) cost 10 life points and randomly transfer you to other Hyperspace tiles 
on the screen.

Falling into space kills you unless there are Hyperspace tiles on the screen in which case you will 
reappear randomly at a Hyperspace and loose 50 life points.


Aliens appear from green alien base tiles (UPTO 7).  If they touch you they will explode and decrease your 
life as shown below: 

ALIEN          HIT       Nos of shots to destroy

Red Figure     -20        x 1 = -10 
Blue Sphere    -40        x 2 = -20
Gold Sphere    -80        x 4 = -40

To fire your gun with cursor control simply push left shift key and the appropriate cursor key .   
To fire with a Joystick press fire button and move joystick in direction required.

Hitting an Alien with a block kills the alien for only 5 life points.


BLANK WHITE FLOOR tiles allow all types of movement.

RED ARROW RIGHT  & RED ARROW LEFT DIRECTION tiles only allow you to move in the indicated 
direction.  You can however push blocks over them in any direction.

GREY   WITH  BLACK  CENTRE  tiles are HYPERSPACE cells.  If you move onto one of these they 
transport you randomly to any other similar cells on the screen for the loss of 10 life  points.  
They also retrieve you after falling  into space for the loss of 50 life points.

GREY AND WHITE SLIPPERY tiles make you slide without control in the direction that you entered 
them. These tiles will allow you to push blocks but will only allow you to stop when you exit them or 
hit a wall.

DARK GREY WALL blocks are immovable walls that make up the foundation of the maze.

DARK  GREY AND RED DOOR blocks are immovable until they are opened by clearing all the energy 
blocks on a screen.

WHITE WITH DARK GREY CRACK tiles are COLLAPSING floors. These tiles will not let blocks pass over 
them and collapse when you stand on them.  
You have about 1 second to move before you fall into space and die. This short time delay is however
long enough for the skilled player to push upto three blocks and still move before plunging into space.

YELLOW & GREEN  & BLUE   & GOLD  ENERGY blocks can be pushed onto block destructor cells to 
gain life and open doors.

GREEN WITH WHITE SURROUND tiles are ALIEN BASES that release an alien each onto the screen to 
pursue you.

YELLOW WITH WHITE SURROUND tiles are BLOCK DESTRUCTOR CELLS that destroy energy blocks and 
give you life points.

GREY SPHERICAL blocks are LASER BASES that fire in sequence and cost you life points for every hit 
they achieve.


Always take your time to work out how to complete new screens, don't rush into them. Remember 
you can always move off and back onto screens to give  you time to think.

Only use your gun as a last resort as it gobbles up life points.  Its often much easier to block aliens by 
collapsing floors or pushing blocks in their way.  If you must kill aliens try and push a block into 
them as this only uses 5 life points.

Always keep an eye on your life  points and go in search of easy points when your life is low.

Try to avoid destroying blocks by repeatedly pushing,  its always best to push them onto a block 
destructor cell.

Remember when aliens are making your life difficult you can always leave the screen and when 
you return they will have to start again from there bases.

Remember that you can push several blocks from a collapsing square.

G O O D   L U C K   M A T E !!!!!!
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