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First of all a important note about the copyright.The program PATIENCE and all
files belonging to it can be freely distributed and used without limitations as
long as no changes within the files are made (exceptions see below).
Distributing the min PDcollections(disk,CDROM etc.) is only permitted when
the demanded pay keeps within the usual limits.If the files(or parts of them)
are to be used within commercially distributed programs the explicit permission
of the author is required.
This program consumed much of my spare time with in the last months and I find
is only just that these conditions are obeyed, especially as I do not request
anymoney, postcards or something similar for this program.
2)Changes within the files
Assidin chapter1 no changes within the enclosed files are allowed.But
following exceptions are allowed:
a)Key shortcuts: If the user is not contended with the key shortcuts I choose,
he/she may alter the musing a fitting resource construction set(which must be
able to handle color icons, e.g. Interface 2). The shortcuts can be build using
the usual rules: '^' for CONTROL, 'ALT-1' for SHIFT, 'ALT-7' for ALTERNATE
(combinations are possible), followed by a single uppercase letter or a
keyword (ESC, TAB, BACK, DEL, HELP, UNDO, INS, HOME, CLR, F1 to F20).It is
recommended to avoid CTRL-ALT combinations ( the DELETE key is waiting...).
Attention with ALT combinations: the menus are preferred to the dialog boxes
if they are in a window! For shortcuts within a dialogbox always 'ALT-7' must
be used, which can also be within a word(e.g. 'Re#new' means ALT-N).
These changes must only be done within PATIENCE.RSC, all other resource files
are not to be changed.
b) Adapting to languages: As there are not only countries with German or
English as mother language, the program can be adapted to any language by
changing the resource file.The base resource(PATENG.RSC or PATDEU.RSC) should
be loaded into a resource construction set and be save with "SAVE AS..." using
a new name(e.g. PATFRA.RSC for French, PATESP.RSC for Spanisch and so on). The
texts can be changed at will, but the order of the objects must not be altered.
The new resource files can be distributed with the other files under the
conditions stated above. If someone sends me a new resource I will try to
include it in the next release.
The program war created on an ATARIFalcon030 using Pure Cand Interface.It
runs with all color resolutions from 2 to 256 and was tested with the operating
system version 4.01, 4.04(RAM+ROM) indifferent screen resolutions(using
Screenblaster), further on ATARIST with operating system versions 1.02, 1.04
and 2.06(Thanks to Richard + Mario!). I believe it is save to say it should run
on any computer from ATARI and on any grafic-card, but I cannot guarentee that
this is really so or beheld responsible for any demage caused by this program.
Should any errors occur while running this program, I ask to be informed.
Stating the configuration(computer, TOSversion, installed hard-and software)
will help. I will try to locate and fix the error if possible and release a
corrected version of the program.
4)Release notes
The program PATIENCE was only created because I needed to test the GEM
libraries I wrote.These relieve the programmer from much work,master dialogs
in windows,key shortcuts and all the stuff that is "in". As these libraries
have been much work I will not release the sources officially.
First release of the program; it uses the features of operating system as good
as possible and displays 3D objects and color icons even on computers with TOS
smaller than 4.01; it is freely configurable ( shortcuts, dialogs in windows and
soon)and is obeys all known rules,I learned from books and magazines.
Using this program should not be hard for anyone, who already has some
expirience with GEM based programs.Nevertheless some program specific hints:
Shortcuts are distributed primarily to the menu, only if no matching menu is
found it will bepassed to the upper window.This is important for dialogs in
windows, as double defined ALT combinations can be ambigious.My suggestion: do
not used ALT combinations within the menus.
Dialogs within a window are always linked to the starting window. If this
window should be brought to the foreground, the dialog comes up instead. All
in puts to this window are inhibited.The same applies to dialogs referring to
the whole program, which lock all windows and menus. Accessories of course can
always be used.
It is possible to play as many games as windows or memory are available.But
because dialogs may need windows too and TOS4.01 hangs up when using more then
15 windows, it is recommended to have not more than two or three games
simultaneously. Besides the screen will get too complex, too.
If a game is over the window is not closed by the program, it should be done by
the player before a new one is opened(see also previous paragraph).
The mouse pointer shows a hint if a card is moveable (cross) or not(arrow).
But this is not working on all TOS versions correctly, I known o solution for
this problem.(Reason:TOS 4.0X always sends a WM_TOPPED if the window becomes
the to pone, old TOS versions only when the window is topped with a mouse
click. Cue:closing of ACC windows).
With the help function it is possible to show the next possible move. This
function is also available using the right mouse button.
The mouse buttons have the following functions:
Left once: selects a card.If there was already a card selected, it is checked
if the cards match, where by the program automatically recognizes which card fits
onto which. If they match, one is moved. If not the last selected card stays
Left holding: move a selectable flush of cards to another column. If the mouse
button is released (the mouse pointer is important, not the cards) the flush of
cards is move if possible.
Left twice: the clicked-on card is moved to a matching one if possible.
Right once: shows the next possible move.
Right twice: performs the next possible move.
The autoplay function can be abended by menu or keyboard input. It can run in
the background during playing another patience in the foreground.
Each dialog can be abended by closing the window or by pressing UNDO.
By double clicking on a radio button or the text near it a game can be started
immediately(without OK).
Four rows has a card stack with 104 cards, twelve columns and eight stores. At
the beginning four rows of cards(hence the name) are laid on the columns.
Cards can be moved red on black( or vice versa) with descending value(e.g. Ace
of Hearts on Two of Spades).On free columns a king may be laid. If a flush
beginning with an Ace and ending with a King is completed, it is move to the
store automatically. If the stack is empty and no more move is possible, the
game ends.
Solitaire has a closed card stack(104 cards), an openstack, eight stores and
ten columns. At the beginning cards are laid to the columns in the shape of a
triangle. Cards can be moved red on black(or vice versa) with descending value
(e.g. Ace of Hearts on Two of Spades). On free columns a king may be laid.The
upper cards of the openstack and of the stores may also be used.On the stores
the card families are build with the same colour and ascending(e.g. Queen of
Hearts on Jake of Hearts),on to an empty store an Ace may be laid. If no more
move is possible, the upper three cards of the closed stack are moved to the
openstack. If the closed stack is empty, the open stack can be made a closed
one as often as necessary.
Attention: the help function does not show possible moves to the stores! When
moving a card without selecting a target card, the store is used before the
Gallery has a closed stack(104 cards), 24 stores and eight columns.At the
beginning 24 cards are laid on to the stores, aces are not used and are removed
automatically. On a free store either a Four (upper row), a Three (middle row)
or a Two (lower row) can be laid. On these cards cards with the same colour
can be laid as follows:4-7-10-King, 3-6-9-Queen, 2-5-8-Jake. From the stack
always eight cards are laid to the columns, which can be used too. If the stack
is empty and no more move possible, the game ends.
The following games are easy and can be solved using the autoplay function:
Fourrows15552,Solitaire20584,Gallery12789.For beginners it is adviced to
try this games to get accostumed to the rules. |
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