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Screenshots - Overlord

Overlord atari screenshot
Overlord atari screenshot
Overlord atari screenshot
Overlord atari screenshot

Information - Overlord

GenreBoard Game - MiscellaneousYear1990
LanguageTalespinPublisherBudgie UK
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Bassett, T.C.

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Bassett, T.C.

Game design

Bassett, T.C.

Box / InstructionsEnglish
Sound FXSerial
Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Overlord Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Overlord

 ***  O V E R L O R D  ***


Overlord is not protected so can be copied for faster gameplay.  Copy 
files "Overlord.Tal" & "Overrun.Tal" to a ramdisk of 300k or hard-
drive system.  "Telltale.Tos", a PD Talespin runner program, does not 
need to be copied.  Click Telltale and when prompted "Select 
Drive/Folder" to switch to the correct drive.  Then "Choose & Load 
Title" loading Overrun.  The game will then fully load.

The first screen gives full instructions and initiates the game.  This 
document is merely supplemental.

                               THE GAME

The game relies on more than one player participation, ideally four 
players.  The object is to gain all 3 levels of the pyramid and then 
warp to it.  The power to do this is gained by re-energizing.


Click on the Ankh to implement instructions such as re-energize, 
summon crystal, construct pyramid level, check stats or bonuses & 

Click on the symbol to destroy the insectoid or to banish the 

Click on your lord to move him.  Remember to click on text to complete 
any command.  Click on the arrow to advance to the next player's turn.

Click on the Info box for a reminder of the gameplay.


You only gain power by re-energizing.  If you re-energize you can't 
move your Timelord for that go and vice-versa.  As you only get one 
move per turn (unless you receive a bonus move) you must choose which 
option available to you.  Re-energizing enough times allows for 
greater options and there are several things you can do within the 
game.  Maximum power is 5.

                            THE INSECTOID

He appears at random at the crossed plane and moves on one square per 
turn minimum before your turn.  He kills your Timelord by landing on 
his square (plane).  The Timelord can destroy him anytime on his move 
regardless of whether you have already "moved", if he has any power.  
You can only have one insectoid per dimension (screen).

                             THE CRYSTAL

The Crystal stops any insectoid from entering your dimension.  It costs 
3 in power to gain it, and can be taken from you if another player 
summons it to his dimension.

                             THE PYRAMID

3 levels of pyramid have to be constructed to win the game.  Each 
level costs at least 5 in power (3 or 4 if you are lucky).  Once 
constructed any level cannot be taken from you but attracts The 
Overlord at random to your dimension.

                             THE OVERLORD

This character appears in your dimension only if you have constructed 
any part of the pyramid.  If he does he drains all of your power and 
your move.  But he can be banished if you have enough power to 
challenge him.


If you have 3 to 5 power and The Overlord appears, you may be able 
to banish him for a turn by clicking on the symbol and selecting the 
appropriate command.  This leaves 2 in power and your move for that 


Many options only appear at random, including the "Bonus Power Surge" 
which gives you another move.  The more power you have, the more 
likely random options will occur for you.

                          POINT REQUIREMENTS

To Move Your Timelord                   =     0
Destroy Insectoid                       =     1
Summon Crystal (random)                 =     3
Banish Overlord                         =     3-5 - leaves 2
Construct Pyramid Level                 =     3-5
Warp To Displace Zone (random)          =     3-5 & 3 pyramid levels 


Because of the way Talespin operates several things must be done to 
make things happen.  You must click on the object to receive any text 
(in word balloons).  You must then highlight the text with the mouse 
cursor and left click on it.  To receive other options, including save 
game facilities, click on the right mouse button outside of any 

                       Hope you enjoy the game!

               "Overlord" copyright 1990 by T.C.Basset.
                     Published by Budgie UK 1990.
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