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Screenshots - Nishiran

Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot
Nishiran atari screenshot

Information - Nishiran

GenreAdventure - RPG (3-D)Year1995
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouseDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Lamonoca, Guillaume

Graphic Artist(s)

Pires, Manuel [PIPS]

SoftwareEnglish, French
Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish, French


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe, TT, Falcon030 / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Nishiran Download / STNumber of Disks2 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Nishiran

Other version with the same title:

Legend Software (version [unreleased]) (France).

Instructions - Nishiran

An action/adventure 3D game for PC and ATARI (ST,TT,Falcon...)

                     How to play (Hints for level 1)

(First, I apologize for my bloody english...)

Print out this file and read it in order to play NISHIRAN.

You can install NISHIRAN on your hard disk, but you can play it from
one or two disks: 1 HD disk or 2 DD disks
(Don't take NISHIRAN.PRG out of the AUTO directory, just click it !)

If you copy the contents of the NISHIRAN directory into DD disks, put
the DISK2 directory and the file NISHIRAN.2 on the second disk.
(If you need space, you may delete SETUP.EXE and the text files *.TXT)

On ATARI 520, because of low memory, you must play the game from

Caution : If you are an experienced player, try to discover the game
          by yourself. But if you feel that the game is boring, please
          spend a few minutes and achieve level 1 with this text !

                     Map of level 1 : The forest

[] X  [][][][]    [][][]     m    [][]    []                [][]
[]   . Y   |     . *[]    [][][]  []    [][][][][][][][][]    []
[]  [][][][][]    [][]  [][]      []  []  [] . Y   Y .[]  []  []
[]      [][][][][][]    []    [][][]  []    [][] Y[][]        []
[][][]       :        [][]  [][] .[]  []  [] . Y   Y .[]  [][][]
[][][][][][][][][][][][]    []    []  []  [][][]  [][][]  []  []
[][][]      [][][]        [][]    []  []      []  []          []
[][]          [][]  [][][][]      []  [][][]  []  []  []  [][][]
[]              []    [][]      []        []  []  []  []    [][]
[]              [][]    [][]      [][][]  []      []  [][]    []
[]        [] .[][][][]    []        [][]  []  [][][]  []  []  []
[][]        [][]      []  [][]  []    []  []          []  []  []
[][][]            []  []  []          []  [][][][][][][]  []  []
[][]        [][][]    []  [] Y    []  []      []          []  []
[][][]    [][] .[]  [][]  []  [][][][][]  []  [][]  [][][]    []
[] .[][]  []    []        []      []      []    []        []  []
[]    [] Y[]    [][][][][][]        [][]    []  [][][][]  []  []
[]    []        [][]     .[][]        [][][][]  []    []  []  []
[][] Y[][][]    []      []  []    []  []        []  [][]  []  []
[] Y          [][]    []    [][]      [][]  [][][]            []
[]  [][][][][][]      []      []    [][]          [][][]  []  []
[]  [][]    [][]              []      []  []  []  []  []  []  []
[]  []        [][]  []  []  [][]      []  []          []  []  []
[]        []    []          []    []  []  [][][]  [][][]  []  []
[][]            [][]      [][]        []  []          []  [][][]
[]  []        [][][][]  [][][]      []        []  []  []      []
[]    []    [][]           .[]    [][][][][][][]  []  []  []  []
[]        [][][] Y[][][][][]                      []      []  []
[]  [][][][]       Y      [][][]  [][][][][][][][][][][][]    []
[]            [] Y[][][]                                []  [][]

'X':Starting point
'Y':Carnivorous plant
'.':Objects to pick up
':':Burned trees
'm':Mine to disarm and to pick up
'*':Teleporting wheel

How to play (Hints for level 1)


-Click or press a key
 (On ATARI, if you are playing a MOD file, you MUST press the 'S' key !)



-After landing, use the numeric keypad in order to move
 8/5 or 2:walk forwards/walk backward
 7/9:turn left/right
 4/6:walk toward left/right side
 (You can also click the dashboard arrows)

-Type in "P" in order to pause the game.

-Type in "Escape" in order to abort. Select "RESTART GAME".

-On the ground, in front of the plant, you can see a skull (just
 here for pleasure of your eyes, you cant't take it) and a book.
 Walk toward left side in order to catch it quickly with your "hand".
 Walk toward right side quickly in order to avoid the plant bite.
 If the plant bite you, you explode because your protection shield
 is very weak (you hit drenium shield very hard). 10 yellow bars
 on the right side of the dashboard show the shield status of your
 robot (if they are too small, they will be red, but if you have
 electricity power, they will regenerate...).

-If you succeed in picking up the book (the "hand" is replaced by the
 book), then, click the right button of your mouse in order to summon
 the inventory screen. Each black (empty) icon is a storage icon.
 Click inside in order to drop the book. If you drop it into the left
 storage icon (there is a gray eye drawn inside), you will be able
 to read the book. In order to turn its pages, click the "turn page"
 button (just below the "eye" storage icon). Drop the book into a
 storage icon.

-Look at the top left corner, this bar gives you the status of your
 electricity power (battery). When you run out of power, your
 protection field will vanish, and you won't be able to move your
 robot anymore...
-Click the right button of th mouse in order to exit the inventory.

-Go south, dont waste your time in fighting the plant, you are not
 strong enough. You will go through some burned trees. Stop walking
 just behind these trees.

-Save the game: In the inventory screen, click the "save game" button
 (this button is on the right side of the screen, drawn on it are a disk
  and an arrow pointing downward toward the disk)
  Select a saved game number, or the RAM saved game.
  (You can press 1 up to 7, or R)
  (If you save your game on hard disk, the first time, you will be
   asked to insert a disk. Ignore this request !)
-Load the game: Use the "load game" button.

-Advance... There is a gray mine somewhere... If you walk near it,
 it will explode. If it happens, load the game and approach it again.

-First, try to fly above it. On the left side of the screen, there is
 some handle. If you push this handle (press the numeric keypad
 '-' key, or click behind the handle) you will start a small engine
 on the back of your robot. The first push permit stationnary fly.
 A second push is needed if you want to ascend... (since Drenium is
 surrounded by a strong magnetic field, you can't ascend too much!…)
 Caution : the top orange bar is your fuel level. You are running out
 of fuel, so try to fly above the mine very quickly... 
 Advance with stationnary fly active, and land behind the mine by
 pulling the handle (click in front of the handle, or press the
 numeric keypad '+' key)

-Load the game, and do not waste your fuel anymore!

-Use your flying probe in order to disarm and pick up the mine:
 In the inventory screen, above the storage icons, there is a raw
 of icons that command the flying probe. On the left side, the
 "call back probe" button. On the right side, the "send probe" button.
 (you can send the probe also with the numeric keypad '*' key)
 Between these buttons, you find the "pick up the first object
 encountered and come back" button, the "drop the object in front of
 me" button, the "shoot the first monster encountered" button,
 the "go straight forward" directive button and the "follow the left
 or right wall" button. If the object is a mine, the flying probe
 will disarm it before picking it up, or will arm it after droping it.
 Sometimes, some objects are difficult to catch with your "hand"
 because they are just under the robot. If it happens, walk backward
 and launch your probe.
-Send your probe by typing in '*' on the numeric keypad, in order
 to look at the flying probe when it is launched. This attempt
 will fail (the "ENERGY" message warns you that the flying probe
 is running out of electric battery). On the top right corner of
 the inventory screen, there is a storage icon with a lightning
 symbol drawn into it. Take the robot battery from the left storage
 icon to the right storage icon (the battery probe icon storage).
 Look at your vanishing protection shield! Without this battery
 your robot can't move of course... Send the probe.

-In the inventory screen, retrieve the disarmed mine from the
 mechanic hand of your flying probe (a storage icon on the top
 right corner of the inventory screen). Drop it in a storage icon
 of your inventory. Give back your robot its battery.

-Follow the forest path. You will soon enter a clearing. The south
 exit is keeped by a carnivorous plant (a little bit dried up!).
 In the northern part of the clearing, you can find a small rock.
 Pick up this rock!
-Take the fuel container (orange object on the top left corner).

-Save the game.

-Kill the plant with the fuel container! Throw it toward the plant.
 Each time the container hits the plant, you should hear a little
 sound. Don't pick up the container immediately. You must avoid
 the plant bite because your protection field is too weak...
 Walk backward, then walk forward, catch the container, and try again.
 The container may be hidden behind the plant, but you can still
 retrieve it !
-You will soon enter a smaller clearing. On your left, another rock.
 Grab it!

-Later, two plants to kill and anoter rock.

-More later, three plants, but very strong this time !
 You absolutely need modern weapons and a new battery !
 Make them :

-In the inventory screen, on the bottom left corner, you can see
 a "chemistry" button (a test tube is drawn on it). Click this
 button in order to enter the chemistry screen. Notice immediately
 the microscope storage icon in the bottom left corner. This icon
 is useful in order to analyse the molecular structure of objects.
 First, make a battery...

-Analyse the robot battery. Just drop it into the microscope icon.
 Remember the fuel molecular structure.
-Give the probe this battery.

-Analyse the mine.

-Just right the microscope button, you can find the "refinery" icon
 (there is a tube test and an arrow pointing toward the tube test).
 If you drop an object into this icon, all elementary substances
 will be extracted from it. Analyse your rocks and refine them. 

-You will see the refined elementary substances on the top of the
 chemistry screen (a dark bar will show you the amount of elementary
 substance available, a taller and lighter bar whill serve as a
 subunit counter). Refine the mine.
-I will give the name A,C and E to these visible elementary substances.

-In order to make a battery, you must write the correct formula, i.e
 a formula that descrives the way of making 1 molecule.
 In order to make 1 molecule of "battery" you need 2 brown atoms,
 2 blue atoms, and 3 gray atoms.
 Example of calculation:
 (but you can write also equations...)
 Gray atoms must come from C. Thus, you must start writing the formula
 with C (3 gray atoms needed, 2 gray atoms in 1 C element, so 3/2 C).
 Click on element C. Each time you click, 1/4 of the product is added
 to the formula. If you click directly on the formula, the product
 will be deleted. Brown atoms come from A. 2 brown atoms needed: 1/2 A.
 (Thus, click A twice). 2 blue atoms needed. Inside 1/2 A, there is 
 already 0.5x1 blue atom. So you just need to add 2-0.5=1.5 blue atom.
 So add 3/4 E. You must obtain "3/2 C+1/2 A+3/4 E="

-Click just right the sign '=' (ask for the result).

-The wanted molecule will appear if the formula is correct. On the
 bottom left corner you will see all available objects available
 if you have sufficient reserves in order to make them...
 If you grab one of these object, it will be immediately built up.
 (amount of elementary substances consumed will be reduced accordingly)
-Pick up a new battery (make it) and give it to your robot (drop it
 into its energy storage icon). So, now your protection shield will
 raise slowly. So, now continue to make objects:

-The formula you have just written, is the formula numbre 1
 (8 buttons serve to select 1 out of 8 formula banks). Click the
 "formula number 2" button. If you want to retrieve the first formula
 you just have to click the "formula numbre 1" button.
 In the second formula bank write the formula "3/2 A + 9/4 E="
 and ask for the result.

-Make as many grenade as possible.

-If you analyse your fuel container, you may notice that you don't
 have the right elementary substances in order to make fuel...
 For the moment, just remembre the fuel molecular structure.

-Shoot the plants with your grenades (rhaaa!). Caution : grenades are
 heavy and you must be in front of the plants in order to shoot them !
 In order to throw a grenade, click on the upper half side of the
 screen. You must still avoid the plant bite !

-Go north and pick up two other rocks. Refine them.

-Make as many grenade as possible.

-Later, another plant and a rock in a large clearing. This rock
 holds a new substance (I will call it B).

-If you would have kept some A, fuel could be made now !

-Easy: Refine the grenades !

-Write the fuel formula (number 3): "1 A+2 B="

-Ask for the result (click right the sign '=').

-Do not make fuel container ! Make ammos !!!

-Store them in your inventory.

-Load the first ammo in your cannon (press numeric keypad ENTER key,
 or click the small arrow on left side of the dashboard, or drop the
 ammo in the upper left ammo storage icon).

-The orange bar beside the two arrows shows you the number of shots
 available with this ammo. In order to shoot (rhaaa!) you just have
 to press the space bar or to click the large arrow.
 When all shots are fired (8), the next ammo of the inventory will be
 automatically loaded (rhaaa!)...

-Enter the labyrinth and search for the next plants (5).
 Kill the 2 first plants (right and left side) and retrieve the
 rocks hidden behind them.

-Make ammos.

-Kill the 3 remaining plants and retrieve the remaining rocks.
 Make ammos.

-Come back to the starting point.

-Kill the last plant (only 2 shots needed).

-Behind this plant, a dead end. But look at the top of these trees.
 And compare with other trees... You may notice that density is
 lower, so there is certainly some hidden path behind these trees.
 Walk backward, and shoot once. You can go through the burned trees

-Pick up the rocks, and make ammos.

-Walk into the black wheel... (3% of game completed)

-You land into level 2: The giant spiders cavern.
Some advice

 Draw exact maps.
 So, inexplored areas will give you ideas...
 Don't forget any object.
 Some objects are needed to enter some levels...
 Never lose your flying probe.
 Save game just before entering any teleport wheel.
 You can copy 7 games (GAME0 up to GAME6) into other directories
  in order to keep more than 7 games.
 Keep a saved game for each level.
 Caution : The RAM saved game is volatile ! If you quit the game,
  switch off the computer, or load a saved game, the RAM saved game
  will be lost. If you play on hard disk, use it !

That's all. Enjoy NISHIRAN...

NB: NISHIRAN took us many months of hard work...
    If you want other products of this kind, encourage us !
    Send money !
Technical note: This game has been created with GLCB (freeware library).
                Animation fluidity depends on your computer speed.

Manuel PIRES (graphist, E-mail :
Guillaume LAMONOCA (coder, E-mail :

January 1st 1995.
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