This is nethack-3.4.3 for Atari Gem and tty
Windowing System.
It is by far not complete or perfect.
(My english too :-))
You need at least 2Meg free RAM, 16 colors and
3 Meg free Disk space.
In fact it works also with monochrome, but you
have to create a nh2.img (and title2.img) on your own.
Atari windowport changes from 3.3.0:
added a ASCII-Mode in GEM -> F2
the cursor is switchable -> F3
added inventory/menu search -> :
removed the redraw problem
removed almost all flicker (except with NOVA-Card :-()
placed the GEM-dialogues more pleasent
tty corner windows (i.e. inv) display now correct in a vt52-win
greyed out old messages
placed the GEM-windows more convient
Atari windowport changes from 3.3.1:
added Clipboard support
added graphical tombstone
added Font Support (Options and F4)
Feel free to contact me about Issues and Errors.
e-mail: gaston@cs.tu-berlin.de
You use this program at your own risk, I can't
guarantee it will work or do you no harm.
Look at the nethack licence too.
As you may have noticed the look and feel is from
Warwick Allisons nethack3.1.3d Gem Version
and I have used E_Gem2.2.0 from Christian Grunenberg.