and The Lost City of Zorog
When the history books are examined, among the names of the Great adventures of our
times, Marco Polo, Columbus, Livingstone, Vasco da Gama to name but four you will
.....absolutely NO
mention of Michigan Mike.
Perhaps this sad state of affairs will be corrected with the telling of his great
adventures in the form of these games, but first a brief history so you can maybe
understand the tragic events that led up to his disappearance.
In June 1995 some papers were unearthed in a remote part of the rain forest. The tattered
remains of these papers were the diaries of Michigan Mike.
From what was legible it was found that he was an explorer, born sometime in the early
1900's. He had been part of an expedition in 1934 to map the great jungle of South America
but on a fateful day in September 1934 he had become separated from the rest of the
group and had wandered for 14 days, every day going deeper and deeper into the jungle.
Tired and on the brink of death he had been found by a tribe called "The Ohla". He
spent many weeks with the Ohla who helped him recover.
But one day a fire swept the village killing the elders of the tribe. The Ohla blamed
Michigan Mike and offered him to their god Zorog.
Zorog set him a quest, to find the 5 pieces of the Great ring of Zorog and to place them on
the alter in the heart of the lost city. Zorog spoke of riches, giant wasps, worms and
frogs, of traps, hidden doorways and switches of evil.
If he was successful he could leave with his life and the riches. If not his soul was
Michigans story is told here.
To help you here are some brief extracts from his diary:
"...I can't kill these evil creatures, even though I tried...."
"...my energy grows low I must find food soon, it was the
switch that I thought would help me, it didn't...."
"....the potion I drank protected me for a while against these evil
creatures,but not long enough..."
"....I searched high and low for the way out. I didn't
realise the switch looked different and was a...."
"....I had to retrace my steps to reach the entrance. This is
a god forsaken place..."
"...the vines almost killed me, I need to find a way to cut
through them....."
The controls are easy:
Joystick Action
Left Left
Right Right
Up Jump
Down Activates switch when standing in front of it.
Fire Work it out.
If you make a wrong turn and can't continue, pressing the ESCAPE
key will loss you a life and return you to the start of the level.
This adventure has been brought to you by Gordon
Storey. It is public domain but the Copyright belongs to
Gordon Storey, who takes no responsibility for any damage
done from the use of this adventure in any shape or
It was written on a Trusty old, battered, held together
with masking tape 1040 STFM and a dusty, covered in fag
ash 4160 STE using GFA Basic 3.5e and Sprite Works (which
is a must for all GFA people).
I would like to thank Dave Sapstead and Ben watson for
testing it. It was written for my 5 year old son Matthew, so
blame him.
It requires a low rez source, joystick and 520k or more
The next installment of Michigan Mike is being written
for my son. If there is enough interest it may well be
Any comments, good, bad or indifferent (It would be nice
to know what people think, Politely if you please) or
even money can be sent to:
Gordon Storey,
253 Ripon Road,
SG1 4LR.
Nest ~ 90:102/200.4
Atarinet ~ 51:6/500.4
Turbonet ~ 100:105/0.4