Location Crisslefridge

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Screenshots - Location Crisslefridge

Location Crisslefridge atari screenshot
Location Crisslefridge atari screenshot
Location Crisslefridge atari screenshot

Information - Location Crisslefridge

GenreBrain - Logical / PuzzleYear1989
Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouse, JoystickDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Cook, A. J.

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Cook, A. J.

Game design

Cook, A. J.

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Location Crisslefridge Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Location Crisslefridge

Other version with the same title:

ST User ().

Instructions - Location Crisslefridge

      Copyright  A J Cook 1989 

Game Background
  The most undemanding job in Location 
Crisslefridge ( a solar system 
somewhere on the edge of the universe) 
was nuclear waste disposal, simply 
because there was never any nuclear 
waste to dispose of.  That was until 
the Cribblewerts invaded this system 
with the intention of dumping all their 
nuclear waste on one planet.  You, as 
Denby (native of this planet), must 
dispose of the radiation cannisters as 
quickly as possible by pushing them 
into Denby-eating plants.  You must 
also clear all the radioactive earth, 
collect the anti-radiation crystals, 
diffuse the time-bomb (with which the 
Cribblewerts hope to destroy you !), 
and kill any Cribblewerts.  

The Game
   To load the game, click on the 
CRISSLE.PRG icon in low resolution 
mode.  You'll need a joystick in port 1 
and a mouse in port 0 for the program 
to work.  
   When the title page appears, select 
the LOAD icon. A few boxes labelled 1 
to 9 will appear, corresponding to the 
nine sets of 16 screens that can be 
stored on a disk.  Box 1 should already 
be highlighted, so you can load screen 
set 1 just by clicking on the LOAD box 
- this set of 16 screens shows the 
amazing variety of screens which can be 
designed using the editor, but is still 
a fraction of what can be achieved.  
    When the title screen reappears, 
you can adjust the difficulty level by 
using the numeric keys. 9 is the 
easiest, and 1 is impossible! I suggest 
you leave it on level 9 to begin with!

   When you start a game, you can start 
on any screen from B to P by entering 
the password, or just start on screen A 
by clicking on the 'SCREEN A' box (or 
by pressing RETURN ).  Now it's time to 
grab your joystick ! The bars up the 
sides of the screen represent the life 
left in Denby, and the time left till 
the bomb explodes - if any of these 
reach zero then Denby is a gonner. 
Unfortunately, Denby left his bazooka 
at home, so he'll have to use his brain 
to solve the puzzles ! A bonus is given 
when a screen is completed and depends 
upon how much time is left, so try to 
do each screen as quickly as possible.
Remember - all the screens are 


1.  Denby can only push one boulder at 
a time.  

2.  Denby can push loads of radiation 
cannisters (rads) at a time.  

3.  Denby can push a rad into a slope 
provided the way is clear, but he can't 
do this with boulders.  

4.  Denby-eating plants will only eat 
rads and Denby.  

5.  The spinning anti-radiation 
crystals give Denby more life.  

6.  Only Denby can travel through 
one-way systems and teleports.

7.  A Cribblewert must be killed by 
exposing it to excessive radiation. 
This is achieved by surrounding it with 
4 rads.

8.  The time-bomb is made safe by 
surrounding it with 4 boulders.

9.  Cribblewerts eat Denby !

10. To complete a screen, Denby must 
have made the bomb safe, killed all 
cribblewerts, disposed of all rads, 
collected all the crystals, and dug 
away all the radioactive earth.  

11. Scoring:

Killing a Cribblewert  - 3000
Making the bomb safe   - 1000
Disposing of a rad     - 200
Collecting a crystal   - 50
Digging earth          - 10

The Editor 
  A powerful feature of this game is 
the screen editor which allows you to 
design screens with ease.  When you 
click on the EDIT box (on the title 
screen) you will be prompted for an 
editor password.  This feature prevents 
unauthorised persons from editing your 
screens i.e.  cheating !  The password 
is blank in the example set of screens, 
so just click on the ENTER box.  Now 
you're thrown into the editor.  

   At the top of the screen is the 
screen letter with the screen password 
(not to be confused with the editor 
password).  To alter the password, 
click the left mouse button while 
pointing at it.  To change which screen 
you're editing just press the screen 
letter on the keyboard, bearing in mind 
that you can't exit from a screen if 
it's illegal i.e.  if it has more than 
5 Cribblewerts, more than one bomb, 
unmatched teleporters, or more than one 
Denby - you'll hear a bell sound if it 
is illegal.
   To edit a screen, click the 
right mouse button.  A selection of 
characters will appear, along with the 
editor password which can be changed by 
clicking the left mouse button on it. 
To select a character, click the left 
mouse button on the desired character. 
To select a blank character, simply 
click the left button on a blank area 
of the screen. Having made your 
selection you can return to the main 
screen by pressing the right button 
again.  Then just click the left button 
to place your character anywhere on the 
screen.  Exit the editor by pressing 
ESC on the keyboard (your screen must 
be legal, of course).  

Loading and Saving screens
Use the left mouse button to select 
which set of screens to load/save to.  
Very important: make sure you have 
enough space on your disk to save your 
screens, otherwise you could end up 
with half a set of screens.  It's 
safest to use a blank disk.  For 
technical readers, files are saved as 
'SCRDATx.DAT' where x is the set number 
(from 1 to 9).

   Anyway, enjoy the game !

                       Andy Cook

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