King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

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Screenshots - King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot
King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow atari screenshot

Information - King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

GenreAdventure - Point and ClickYear2024
LanguageAGIPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLow / HighLicensed from-

Kouri, Brandon

Graphic Artist(s)

Kouri, Brandon / Skirvin, William
Shroades, John / Yhalkee, Deanna
Hutchison, Michael

Game design

Williams, Roberta / Jensen, Jane

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Kouri, Brandon / Braymen, Chris
Kehler, Dan / Spurgeon, Rick
Hanley. Orpheus

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Kings Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / High Density

Additional Comments - King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

Atari ST version was built by Marko / Atarimania by copying the PC version files and AGI Quest I ST launcher together. Please note that there are a few bugs. For example if you move the mouse, the text parser stops working. So be careful. Hopefully someone with programming skills could make it more stable in the future. The disk is also in HD format, so that's another matter to solve if you want to play it on pre-Mega STe hardware.

Instructions - King's Quest VI - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

              King's Quest VI AGI Demake
               Created by Brandon Kouri


King's Quest is copyrighted by Sierra Entertainment, Inc.
This application is in no way associated with any current
intellectual property owners. This program is entirely 
fan-made, and has been done so without any permission. 
At the time of this writing, Activision holds all rights
to King's Quest. This work is in no way a true or accurate
representation of the original Sierra On-Line application.
Certain application resources have been explicitly borrowed
from pre-existing copyright Sierra On-Line software.


This game is a 'demake' of Sierra On-Line's original
'King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow.'
The original game was released in 1992, and featured
256 color VGA graphics and a point and click interface.
This demake re-creates the original game using Sierra's
older AGI game engine from the 1980's. It features 
16 color graphics and a typing interface.

This game was created by Brandon Kouri. It took about
18 years to produce (2006-2024). This game was made
for anyone who loves King's Quest VI, the AGI game engine,
text parser adventure games, or anyone looking for a 
nostalgic blast from the past! This is likely one of 
the largest (size on disk) and most complex AGI games ever made.

This game was assembled and compiled using AGI Studio.
Game resources were created and edited using WinAGI GDS.
Sound resources were developed using MF2ROL and ROL2SND.
Other resources were extracted using SCI Companion.

A very special thanks goes out to the following people
who helped develop the software used to make this game,
as well as to those who have supported the creation of this game:

Peter Kelly, Andrew Korson, Chris Cromer, Phil Fortier, Brandon Blume,
Alejandro Kapauan, Lance Ewing, Eric Fullerton, Peter Spear,
Rudy Marchant, and YouTube Supporters.

Certain graphics and sounds were directly borrowed from
the following copyright Sierra On-Line games:

King's Quest I-VI, Gold Rush, Mixed-Up Mother Goose,
Sierra Christmas Card, The Black Cauldron, and Police Quest I

Certain events may or may not occur as they do in the original game.
This may be because of memory limitations of the AGI system,
the typing interface, or simply the decision of the developer.
This game does not claim to be a perfectly faithful replica
of the original. Certain elements have been made intentionally
more difficult for the player, while others have been made easier.

         Find a Bug?

Did you find an error, a place the program locks up,
crashes, or behaves unexpectedly? Did you find a spelling error,
or a loophole in the game logic? Feel free to email me at:

I will include your name in the credits, and update the version
of the game! With a program of this complexity, there are bound 
to be issues to be fixed. Thanks!

         How to Run This Game

This game is NOT a modern piece of software that is designed
to look like an old game. This game runs using Sierra On-line's 
actual AGI game engine built in the 1980's. This game cannot
run directly on a modern machine without the help of some kind
of emulator. It is recommended to run the game using DOSBox.
DOSBox can be downloaded from this website:

Once installed, simply drag the game's executable onto the DOSBox
icon to get started. Typically, ALT-Enter will toggle into 
full screen mode. This game has only been tested using DOSBox.
Using some other interpreter or emulator such as NAGI or ScummVM
to run the game has not been tested, and may produce unpredictable
results or behavior. 

You could try running the game on an actual "old" machine
that features the DOS operating system. If you do so, please
let me know how it runs! Email me at
It is highly recommended that this game be run using
the interpreter that is supplied with it. KQ6AGI is very
resource demanding, and has been tailor-made to operate using
the supplied interpreter. 

Keep in mind that some sounds are three channel, 
while most are one channel.

         Thank You!

Thank you for your interest in KQ6AGI!
Without people like you, this game would not be possible.

         Revision History
This game is frequently updated with bug fixes that you find!
Compare the most recent date below with the date
posted on the website
to see if you have the most up to date game version.

8/16/2024 - First stable version 

8/19/2024 - Fixed 'Let's Play' spelling errors, typing functionality, and beast timer
8/26/2024 - Skippable disclaimer and death scenes. Updated typing functionality for getting
baby tears, falling fountain water, and using nightingale in short path. Peppermint plant and scarf
coordinates updated. Iceberg lettuce will not get stuck on the pond edge. No risk of death picking up brick.
Minotaur will no longer appear in first room of catacombs. 

8/28/2024 - Fixed "set.loop(6, )" bug on ferry screen, fixed pawn shop 'Esc' bug on trading screen,
fixed Isle of Mists fire pit positioning bug when opening spell book, updated short path max points, 
more typing functionality, spelling errors, added "Bug Finders" to "About" page. 

8/30/2024 - Fixed mother ghost conversation "zombie" interruption crash on death screen when 'Enter' is pressed.
Spelling, capitalization, and quotation fixes. Improved typing functionality in Realm of the Dead, and in final
game moments. Longer Charon timer. Longer Saladin timer. Menu now accessible after using feather.
Gauntlet message cliffhanger. 
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