The program is entirely mouse-controlled and runs only in low resolution.
It does not matter which mouse button is used. The user may not choose
a new story until the current story is put in order, but the EXIT option
(quits the program) is always available when the mouse arrow is visible.
Instructions are included on the game screen. Non-readers will require
a bit of assistance at first but should rapidly master the procedures, as
both written and graphic signals are provided.
This is the first of my KIDPRGS in GFA BASIC. Previous KIDPRGS were
written in ST BASIC and compiled with the LDW Compiler. KIDPRGS cover
a variety of computer-use categories and are intended to introduce the
young child to computers as well as to provide entertainment and/or
instruction. The search string "KIDPRGS" will elicit a listing of all
such programs in the ST Libraries on GEnie.
I am indebted to the MICHTRON RT GFA Basic product support library on
GEnie, and in particular to Jim Luczak for his PIC_CLIP programming
utility, for the successful completion of KIDMIXUP.
Your feedback is welcome. Address mail to T.BRUMLEVE on GEnie.
Hope your children enjoy this one as much as our five have!
D.A. Brumleve