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KIDPOTATO by D.A. Brumleve
KIDPOTATO is yet another in the
series of public domain KIDPRGs
written in GFA Basic. The program
requires the following files:
This silly little program was
written at the request of two of my
sons, who are especially fond of Mr.
Potato Head and his friends. The
program is designed to entertain
children ages 2-5. Older children
who enjoy Mr. Potato Head may also
enjoy the program. Options include:
(1) a matching game in which the
user makes a potato that matches one
chosen at random by the computer and
(2) designing one's own potato. It
is possible to EXIT during either of
these activities, but each activity
must be completed before switching
to another.
The search string "KIDPRGS" will
call up most of the programs in the
series on the MichTron and ST
Roundtables on GEnie. Most KIDPRGS
have more educational value than
this one...For this age group, I'd
especially recommend:
KIDMIXUP--put pictures in order
KIDSONG1 ("Makin' Aiken")--an
interactive illustrated song
KIDGRID--graphics design
My address on GEnie is D.A.BRUMLEVE.
I hope your children enjoy this one
as much as the two who suggested it.
D.A. Brumleve |
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ST Format · January, 1991 | Rating: **** |
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