HARFE - patience
(c) 1987 by Andreas Bewersdorff, 1000 Berlin 12,
This program is in the public domain, as long as the name of
the author remains intact and if users send suggestions for
improvenemts and especially selfmade card-images ! In
addition only all parts of the program may be given away
together :
the program HARFE - the game
the program MAKECARDS - the card-construction-kit
datafiles suffixed .CRD - the card-images for all
resolutions (Lxxx.CRD, Mxxx.CRD,
The cards:
The appearance of the cards may be edited using the MAKECARD
program. All images have the suffix .CRD. They contain the
cards as strings for the PUT-statement. The first character
should be 'L' for lores, 'M' for midres or 'H' for highres.
If no files is found in the folder \HARFE or the mousebutton
is pressed during the programstart a Fileselectbox lets you
choose the name of another card-image.
MAKECARD.BAS - Design of the card-images. They are sized
32*30 pixels for lores (Lxxx.CRD), 64*30 for
midres (Mxxx.CRD) or 64*60 for hires
(Hxxx.CRD). The border for the cards take one
or two pixels. The datafiles contain the
strings for the PUT-statement of GFA-basic.
This program is in the public domain only in conjunction
with HARFE.
Quick-ref for MAKECARDS:
When the program starts you are asked for a data-file, to
have something to edit. The screen is divided into four
- the for squares top right are used to determine the
painting colour: go with the mouse upon one of the fields
and choose the colour with a button.
- vertical bar with commands: END should be evident, LOD and
SAV are used to load and save datafiles, GET and PUT move
data of a card between the memory and the little image in
the top of the screen (don't forget a PUT between editing
one card and another!) and finally BIG to transfer the small
image into the larger raster.
- the list with all cards in the lower right: it is only
used in conjunction with the GET and PUT commands and let's
you select the card which shall be edited or saved. KA to KK
stand for square-ace to square-king, the next rows show
hearts, spades and clubs. The last two lines stand for spare
cards (xSpc), for clear (is used to clear a card), for a
border for spares, for the backsides of the cards and for an
- The most important and simplest field is the raster: you
can paint a card with the mouse in two colours using both
buttons. The appearance of an image is shown in the small
field in the top of the screen.
Some hints on editing cards:
Load a card with GET and a selection in the small window
Transfer with BIG into the raster
Paint with the mouse in the raster
Save the edited image with PUT and a selection. If you'd
like to edit other cards which are partially equal to the
last edited (e.g. the number or the symbol), simple leave
out the PUT.
This doc have become a bit longer than the actual game-doc,
becase I'm looking for people who can and will draw nice
I myself am actually not very good in drawing !
Now the doc for patience:
The patience is a variation of the patience 'DIE HARFE' (THE
HARP), which I found in several books with different rules.
The rules used here are the easiest ( I don't like patiences
which cannot be finished!).
The cards are placed in a harp-like shape, the rest is
stapled. This staple can be played at most three times. The
number unter the staple shows, which round you are in and
how many card are remaining on the staple.
You have to try to place all cards in the 8 staples at the
top. One every staple only cards of the same colour and in
the order Ace, 2, ..., King may lie. To weaken this
condition you may also use sequences by moving cards. These
sequences may however only be descending, that is their
values must be one lower that the one of the top cord in a
column. And they must contain red and black card alternating
(e.g. 7 red on black 8).
If a covered card becomes free by moving another it will be
shown. It is also possible to move a WHOLE column (e.g. the
sequence Diamond 6, Club 5, Hearts 4 to Diamond 8, Spade 7).
If a column is empty, a row which start with a king may be
moved there. The program does not check, whether it really
starts with a king, this is to make the patience easier (see
So you can place EVERYTHING in an empty column ! If cannot
or don't want to move, take a card from the staple and try
again. The card from the staple won't be accessible in the
same round again.
Commands (only mouse-drives).
- Move a card from one column to another by dragging it with
the mouse. Move one card with the left button, a sequence
with the right button. To select you have to point on the
lowest card, to move it, positioning on the column suffices.
- To take a card from the staple, drag it with the laft
button to a column.
- To turn the top card of the staple, press the right button
- To place a card on one of the eight staples, klick SHORTLY
with any button.
- To abort a round, klick on the "Ende"-card
- To finish a game, abort all rounds
- And to make the game more easier: it the staple is empty
and no cards are hidden, the patience can be finished.
Select "Ende" and the program plays automatically. To fasten
the procedure klick the buttons !
Lots of fun with HARFE whishes Andreas