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Screenshots - Gess

Gess atari screenshot
Gess atari screenshot

Information - Gess

GenreBoard Game - MiscellaneousYear1995
LanguageGFA BASICPublisher[no publisher]
Players1 vs. 2Developer[n/a]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Doucet, Jean-Etienne

Graphic Artist(s)

Doucet, Jean-Etienne

Game design

Doucet, Jean-Etienne / Puzzle and Games Ring

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Gess Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Instructions - Gess


      Atari version 1B  (05/06/95)
          Jean-Etienne Doucet

GESS is a two (human) players game;  the
computer is only an assitant.  This game
should run on any Atari comp, ST or STe,
and maybe also on TT and Falcon.


GESS   (pronounced  "guess")  has   been
created  by the "Puzzle And Games  Ring"
of  The  Archimedeans,   a  mathematical
society  from the Cambridge  University,
England.  It  is played with a Go  board
and  stones,  but  moving pieces  is  so
uneasy that I decided to write a program
to  manage with all the boring  part  of
the game.


Official rules can be found in the  file
OFFICIAL.RUL  which is aptly  named.  So
please refer to it.


The  screen contains the board  (on  the
left)  and an information panel  (right)
which contains:
   - the player whose turn it is,
   - last move played,
   - number  of  remaining   stones  and
rings for each player,
   - help mode buttons: see below,
   - control  buttons  whose function is
explained later.

On his turn, a player may:
   - pass: click the mouse right button,
   - play:  left click on the square  to
be the central square of the piece:  the
piece will be framed in dark  blue,  and
its center in light blue. You can cancel
the piece choice with a right click.  To
move the piece, left click on the square
where the center should come:  the  move
is done only if it's a legal move.

After  he's played, a player may use the
control buttons to cancel his move (BACK
button) or validate it (NEXT):   in this
latter  case,  hand  goes to  the   next

Help mode:  when activated, it will show
all  the possible moves for  the  chosen
piece; colour tells the story:
   - red: you lose some of your stones,
   - green:  you  take  some  opponent's
   - yellow: you take both,
   - white: no stones taken.

To  change this mode,  left click on  it
before selecting a piece.

The game ends when one player loses  his
last  ring (this is the normal  ending),
or  after the two players  have  passed:
the game is abandonned.

You may then choose to play another game
(NEW button) or quit (QUIT button).


This program is FREEWARE:  you can  copy
and distribute it as you want,  but  you
have  to  keep these 4  files  together:

However,  I'd  appreciate if you send  a
post card at the following address:

     Jean-Etienne Doucet
     38 chemin Malclabel
     31500 Toulouse

or an e-mail message at


Version 2 is almost ready; it will allow
loading   and  saving   games,   partial
replays, undoing moves, ...

For  now,  it uses system's alert  boxes
and  file  selector,  but I  don't  like
their  look;   so,  I'm  writing  custom
dialog boxes to replace them.

You  can  contribute  to  version  2  by
sending  me  remarks,  critics  or  sug-
gestions at one of the afore  mentionned

You also can send some of your own  GESS
games, to be included in the V2 package,
but  you'll have to manually write  down
the moves:  the "last move" window  will
help you.

If you have some ideas about a  computer
strategy,  I'll  be VERY happy  to  read
them, in case of a version 3. I must say
I have none for the time being.

That's  all for today.  I hope  to  hear
from you soon.

Jean-Etienne Doucet,
May 15th 1995.

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