Paradise Software 1995
Genocide is a fast 3D Shoot'em up for the Atari STE. This
program uses most of the STE's Hardware capabilities so unfortunately
it won't work on an STFM. This demo, however, does require 1MB+ of
memory to work. This document provides a quick overview of this demo
game and the full version.
Loading The demo:-
Simply double click on the GENOCIDE.PRG to play the game.
Playing The Demo:-
At the start of the game you have 3 lives and score 0 which is
displayed at the top of the screen. In the demo you have to complete
10 Waves ,including a Boss. You also have to watch out for flying
comets which can be destroyed with a single shot.
If you move to the edge of the screen, the playing area will scroll
in the appropriate direction to give you a greater game playing area.
When you have been hit your ship will flash for 3 seconds. In this
period of time you cannot be hit, so use it wisely.
When the game is over you can press the fire button to play again.
If you wish to go back to the option screen the press the 'Undo'
key to quit the game.
Game Controls:-
Joystick 0 - Controls Player 1
'P' - Pauses The Game
'R' - Resumes The Game When Paused
'Undo' - Quit The Game
The Boss:-
To destroy the boss you have to shoot all the parts of the
centipede. When one part is destroyed it will no longer flash but
still exist. When you have destroyed all the parts on the
centipede you will have completed the game.
The Paradise Software Screen:-
On this screen we have included a 50/60Hz toggle mode. To
toggle the 50Hz mode press the F1 key and press the F2 key for
60Hz mode. Press 'SPACE' to continue.
The Option Screen:-
When the Genocide Logo has zoomed into the screen simply
press the fire button to activate the options. Use the joystick to
control the selector arrow and press fire to select.
1) Number Of Players:-
You can select either 1 or 2 players to play. (N.B. You
cannot select 2 players in this demo)
2) Timed Games:-
You will be given a set amount of time in seconds at the top
of the screen. You will have to complete this wave in the time
allowed. If you do not complete the wave you will lose a life and
be given extra time.
STE Stereo Sound:-
Genocide makes use of the STE's DMA Sound chip. You can
connect the Audio outputs at the back of your STE to a Hi-Fi to
provide Stereo Sound output.
The Full Version:-
The Full game consists of 60 waves of aliens to destroy. There
are bonus waves & boss waves throughout the game. The full game also
uses the STE's DMA Sound Chip & Blitter chip to provide fast game
play and high quality sound.
Ordering the Full Version:-
The full version of GENOCIDE will be available for the ATARI
STE by mid October 1995.
The full game is available directly from Paradise Software
for œ15=00 sterling inc P&P. (Please add œ1=00 for overseas
orders). To order this game please send a Cheque or Postal Order
made payable to 'J. Pullen' to the address below
Paradise Software
P.O.Box 72
Projects in development:-
We have several games in development for the Atari STE which
will be available in the coming months. We will be releasing demo's
of these nearer the time of completion. We are also looking for
other products & game ideas , so if you have anything you want us
to take a look at then don't hesitate in dropping us a line at our
Paradise Software also welcomes suggestions, criticisms, and
general feedback on our products.
We hope you enjoy this demo and continue to support the ST
software scene.
Paradise Software 1995