Generator, The

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Generator, The atari screenshot
Generator, The atari screenshot
Generator, The atari screenshot

Information - Generator, The

LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Cisek, Paul

Graphic Artist(s)SoftwareEnglish
Game designBox / InstructionsEnglish
Musician(s)LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FXSerial
Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST / 0.5MB
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Instructions - Generator, The

The Generator
                           version 1.0

                     from Spectral Fantasies
                          by Paul Cisek

     This program is SHAREWARE.  Much time was spent developing it 
for  your use.  If you find it useful and are interested  in  more 
products of this type, send $5 or $10, along with any comments and 
bug reports to:
                         Paul Cisek
                         Deer Hill Rd#8
                         Carmel NY 10512
                         (914) 225-0933

     Please help the distribution of this program by uploading  it 
to  any  Bulletin Boards you may use,  and to share  it  with  any 
User's Groups you may be a member of.

     This  program  is  a  utility designed  to  help  players  of 
Advanced  Dungeons  and Dragons* from  TSR*  hobbies.  The  program 
greatly simplifies the generation of player characters and creates 
a clear and complete character sheet. The Generator includes rules 
from  the Player's Handbook,  Unearthed Arcana,  and  the  Dungeon 
Master's  Guide,  all  from TSR* hobbies.  Please  note  that  the 
program does not explain the AD&D* game system,  or the  abilities 
of player characters.  A good knowledge of these books, especially 
the Plaer's Handbook, is therefore essential for understanding the 
     The  program  is  a  nearly  complete  character   generator, 
supporting  things like multi-classes characters,  negative  level 
cavaliers   and  paladins,   exceptional  strength  (as  well   as 
dexterity  and  constitution  for  cavaliers,   and  charisma  for 
paladins), Barbarians and their skills, comeliness, psionics, etc. 
The  program  does NOT support characters  changing  classes,  the 
Bard,  the Monk,  the Thief-Acrobat,  and the Heirophant Druid. It 
also  does  not  cover  social  class,   circumstances  of  birth, 
equipping the character,  choosing spells, cantrips, or weaponless 
combat.  Because of the WRITE option (see below) however, any rule 
or  comment  can be added to the character sheet  using  any  word 
processor capable of handling standard text files. Any comments or 
suggestions pertaining to the Generator will be very  appreciated. 
Please mail these to the above address.
     The following is a manual detailing the use of the Generator:

               This  opens a new character window.  The  character 
               will have no race or class,  and will be anonymous. 
               As  soon as you open a new  character,  the  create 
               option will be available.
               Closes  the current character window.  Also can  be 
               done by clicking on the close box.
               Opens a character window,  and loads the  specified 
               character into it. If a character window is already 
               opened,  this  option  will not allow you  to  load 
               another character,  but can still be used to change 
               the  character pathname (the specification  of  the 
               folder where the character will be saved to).
               Saves  the  current character onto  the  disk.  The 
               default   filename  is  the  first  word   of   the 
               character's name,  but can be edited.  The pathname 
               (the  folder where the character is  put),  is  the 
               pathname specified by the last LOAD command.
               Note:  The character's filename can consist only of 
               letters,  numbers and the underline character,  and 
               must begin with a letter.
               This  option  saves  the  character  window  to   a 
               text  file,  allowing you to edit it with any  text 
               editor,  and print out on your own.  This is useful 
               if  you  use  rules outside of  the  scope  of  the 
               Generator,   and  wish  to  include  them  on  your 
               character sheet.
               Quits the program.
               This begins the generation of the  character.  Each 
               step  in creating the character has a  dialog  box, 
               explained  below.  Each box has an OK  button  that 
               records the data and proceeds to the next step, and 
               an  ABORT button that  aborts  generation,  without 
               recording any data.  Most boxes also have a BACK-UP 
               button that allows you to move back to the previous 
               step.  Note that the create function is unavailable 
               until a character window is opened (see FILE:NEW).
               This option is much like CREATE, but opens only the 
               choose  class,  choose race,  and roll  age  dialog 
               This option opens only the roll attributes dialog.
               This option opens the choose level dialog once  for 
               each of the character's classes.
          HIT POINTS:
               This option opens the roll hit points dialog.
               This  option opens the roll  height,  roll  weight, 
               choose  traits,  and if appropriate,  the roll  for 
               psionics dialogs.
               This opens the choose alignment and deity dialog.
               This opens the choose name dialog.
               Selecting   this   option   loads   ability   files 
               pertaining to your character,  processes them,  and 
               adds them to the character window.  This option  is 
               automatically selected after you load a  character, 
               and  after  you  have  finished  using  the  CREATE 
               feature.  It  is not selected if you  have  aborted 
               creation,  or  if you have used the  "single"  step 
               options such as RACE/CLASS or TRAITS.  After making 
               any  changes  to the character window  (other  than 
               perhaps choosing a name...), you should select this 
               option,  to make sure that your abilities have been 
               Prints  out the current character.  This option  is 
               available only if there is information displayed in 
               the character window.
          ROLL DICE:
               This allows you to play around with the diceroller, 
               explained below. The results are ignored.
               This  option opens a dialog box that  displays  the 
               current   preferences  you   have   chosen.   These 
               preferences  are  things like whether you  want  to 
               restrict demi-human races to their level  maximums, 
               or allow psionics only for certain races.  Some  of 
               the  choices appear again in the creation  process. 
               This  option also allows you to inform the  program 
               of the page length,  the number of lines per  page, 
               that your printer supports.  This should be no less 
               than 50, and is usually 66.
          LOAD PREFS:
               This  loads a file called GEN.CFG,  from  the  same 
               directory as the program.  This file contains a set 
               of  preferences saved before.  When the program  is 
               run,  it searches the directory for this file,  and 
               loads  it if it exists.  Otherwise default  options 
               are used.
          SAVE PREFS:
               This  saves  the current options chosen to  a  file 
               called GEN.CFG.

          The  Diceroller is a rather complex dialog box  that  is 
     used  throughout  the program to generate random  numbers  as 
     would the standard D&D* dice.  The most important part of the 
     Diceroller is the "roll" string,  located on the bottom. This 
     is the current combination of dice that will be rolled.  This 
     is  expressed in standard D&D* terms (i.e.  "3d6" means 3  6-
     sided dice are rolled and added up).  To edit the string, you 
     can either type from the keyboard or click on the icons.  For 
     example, clicking on the 8-sided dice icon adds a "d8" to the 
     roll  string.  Clicking d8 again changes this to  "2d8".  The 
     keypad  provided  to the left of the percentile dice  can  be 
     used to generate such strings as "2d4+1" or "199".  The  BACK 
     button acts as a backspace key,  and the CLEAR button  clears 
     the  string,  as  does  the ESC  key.  When  your  string  is 
     finished, click ROLL to see the results.
          A  new  dialog box is  displayed,  showing  the  rolling 
     string,  and  the result of the random  roll.  Here  clicking 
     REROLL causes a new number to be generated,  CANCEL to return 
     to the Diceroller,  and ACCEPT to keep the value.  Note, when 
     using  the  Diceroller from the menu  bar,  ACCEPT  keeps  no 

          Creating  a  character  consists of  selecting  the  NEW 
     option  from the FILE menu,  then selecting CREATE  from  the 
     CHARACTER  menu,  and then simply following the dialog  boxes 
     (explained below).  If the character you are creating is from 
     scratch,  you should use Method V,  Add bonuses,  use  Racial 
     maximums,   and  have  Age  affect  initial  attributes  (see 
     PREFERENCES,  under  the OPTIONS menu).  If you wish to  roll 
     your own dice for the attributes, use Enter instead of Method 
     V,  but  still  Add  bonuses  and  Racial  maximums.  If  the 
     character's   attributes  are  pre-rolled,   as  in  an   old 
     character,  use  Enter,  do not Add bonuses,  and do not  use 
     Racial maximums.
          When you choose to create a character, keep in mind that 
     the best way to do it is step by step. If you create a human, 
     and then change him to an elf, it is wise to start completely 
     over,  keeping no attributes.  The steps are arranged in  the 
     most logical order: age depends on race and class; attributes 
     depend on race, class, and age, as does the maximum level. If 
     you  change  your  mind as to what  class  you  want,  it  is 
     suggested that you reroll everything from that point on. This 
     will  prevent  you from accidentally  creating  400  year-old 
     human clerics with 18(99) strength.

          Select the class you want,  then hit OK.  Note:  A class 
     must be chosen in order to go on.

          Select the race you want and the sex,  then hit OK. Only 
     races that can practice the chosen class are available. Note: 
     A race must be chosen.

          When you begin,  your age will be undefined.  To go  on, 
     you  must first click the ROLL button.  This brings you  into 
     the Diceroller,  with the desired roll string already chosen. 
     You may edit the roll string or roll what's given.
          After  your  age is determined,  your  age  category  is 
     shown.  This will have an effect upon your attributes, if you 
     choose YES in the box to the right. To go on, hit OK.

          Before  rolling  any attributes,  consider  the  options 
     below  them.  You may either roll the standard 3d6  for  each 
     attribute,  ENTER each from the keyboard, or use Method-V (as 
     given  in  the Unearthed Arcana  p.74).  This  method  yields 
     better  results  in  the  areas  you  need.  For  example,  a 
     fighter's strength is usually high,  as is a cleric's wisdom. 
     Note that Method-V is officially illegal for non-humans,  but 
     the Generator ignores this.
          The next option is whether you want to add bonuses  such 
     as the age bonus,  race bonus, or the bonus on comeliness due 
     to high charisma.  This should be on if you're creating a new 
     character, and off if you're ENTERing one of your old ones.
          The  last option is whether you wish to abide by  racial 
     limitations. If NO is selected, the attributes can range from 
     3 to 25 (to 30 for comeliness).
          When you are satisfied with the options, you're ready to 
     roll  the  attributes.   You  may  either  roll  each   value 
     separately (by clicking on the ROLL buttons next to each), or 
     roll all at once by clicking the large ALL button. As each is 
     rolled,  a dialog box appears detailing how it was generated. 
     The  box shows the original roll  (plus,  for  comeliness,  a 
     charisma bonus),  the racial bonus, the age bonus, the racial 
     maximum or minimum,  the class requirement,  and finally, the 
     value generated.  Note that if an attribute is below a  class 
     requirement after all the bonuses,  it is immediately  raised 
     to  the lowest acceptable value.  After attributes have  been 
     rolled, hit OK to go on.
          Note:  If you choose to ENTER your attributes,  a dialog 
     box will appear.  This dialog shows the number of rolls on d6 
     that Method V would allow your character for that  attribute. 
     The  box also has an editable field where you can enter  your 

          This  dialog  box appears separately for each  class  of 
     your character. It displays your current level (to start off, 
     1),  your title, the required experience to be at this level, 
     the required experience to rise to the next one,  the maximum 
     level  you can obtain in this class,  and if your  attributes 
     deserve it, a 10% bonus on experience gained.
          To alter the level,  click on the arrows to either  side 
     of the current level.
          Note that all classes except Paladin and Cavalier have a 
     minimum level of 1.  For these two,  the minimum is -1, which 
     assumes  you  start with -1500  experience  points.  See  the 
     Unearthed Arcana (p.14) for details on this.
          When  you've chosen your level,  click OK to record  it, 
     and to move on to the next class. If no classes are left, the 
     program moves on to rolling hit points.

          This box displays,  for each of your classes,  the class 
     name,  a number of hit points generated for it,  and the roll 
     string used to generate the hit points.  The roll string is a 
     combination  of dice,  plus any extra hit points due to  high 
     level,   plus  a  constitution  bonus.   This  is  determined 
     according  to previously determined statistics.  To  generate 
     your hit points, click on the ROLL button. This brings up the 
     diceroller,  once for each of your classes. You can edit each 
     roll string or use what's given.  As soon as you are finished 
     with one class,  you will go on to the next. When all classes 
     are done,  your actual hit points will be the average of  the 
     rolls for all your classes. The roll strings will remain what 
     you left them as until you leave this dialog box.
          To enter a pre-rolled hit point total,  simply enter  it 
     for each of your classes, thus making it the average.

          This  box  displays your height  category,  how  it  was 
     determined, a roll string showing you how your height will be 
     generated,  and  your actual height both in inches and  feet-
     and-inches.  When you enter the dialog,  your height category 
     will be "Undefined" and the roll string blank.  Also,  with a 
     new character, the height will be zero. 
          Hitting the ROLL button brings up the  diceroller,  with 
     the  proper roll string.  This roll string is  determined  by 
     adding  a  random  factor to your  racial  average.  Use  the 
     diceroller as you will,  to determine your height.  When  you 
     are done,  your height category will be shown, along with the 
     roll that determined it. If your category is "Average", a sub 
     category has also been determined.  See the DM's Guide,  page 
     102, for details and charts.
          Note:  At any time, clicking on the height category roll 
     will  bring out the diceroller,  and allow you to enter  your 
     own roll from 1 to 100.  A roll of one is always  "Under",  a 
     roll  of  fifty is always "Average",  and a roll  of  100  is 
     always "Over". The same works for the sub category roll.

          Rolling  weight is almost identical to  rolling  height. 
     The only difference is that your final weight is  represented 
     only once, in pounds.

          This  box displays six hair colors and six  eye  colors. 
     The first five of each are standard,  the sixth can be edited 
     at will.  Your chosen traits are the ones  highlighted.  When 
     you  are satisfied,  click OK to go on.  When you enter  this 
     dialog,  the  traits chosen will be the most common ones  for 
     your race.

          This  very large and complex dialog box does not  appear 
     for most characters. Only humans, dwarves, and halflings with 
     at least a score of sixteen in either  intelligence,  wisdom, 
     or  charisma,  are  allowed  even a slim  chance  of  getting 
     psionic powers, unless you altered the psionics option in the 
     Preferences dialog.
          The dialog box is divided into five sections.  The first 
     is used to roll for psionics.  The one next to it  determines 
     psionic ability, if any. The two in the lower right determine 
     attack and defense modes.  The last one determines the number 
     of  disciplines that can be known by the character,  and  the 
     number  known at the current time.  The second and  following 
     sections are used only if the character has psionics.
          To show what section is currently being rolled, an arrow 
     appears in it,  next to the roll result. This shows what will 
     be determined when the ROLL button is clicked on.
          Instead of rolling for psionics the usual way,  you  can 
     click  on the roll and enter your own value  via  diceroller. 
     Thus,  you can force a character to have psionics by entering 
     a 1 (in other words, cheat).
          In rolling for ability,  you can also click the roll and 
     enter  your own result.  This will be added to some bonus  to 
     produce your psionic strength.  That doubled is your  psionic 
          When  rolling  attack and defense modes,  you  can  also 
     click  on the roll,  and enter a 99 for the maximum  of  five 
     modes.  Hitting the ROLL button will determine this randomly. 
     When  you know the number of modes allowed to  you,  you  can 
     select up to that number of them.  Highlighted modes are  the 
     ones you possess. Remember, your psionic attack strength must 
     be at least 100 to use attack mode A, Psionic Blast, so don't 
     choose it if you can't use it.
          Rolling  the number of disciplines is just like  rolling 
     the  other  sections,  it can be done by  clicking  the  ROLL 
     button,  or by clicking the roll itself.  Both your  maximum, 
     and  currently  known number of devotions  and  sciences  are 
     shown.  Note  the disciplines themselves must be chosen  from 
     the  Player's Handbook,  page 111.  In  this  case,  however, 
     clicking  on  the roll result brings up another  dialog  box. 
     This box shows you the combinations of Devotions and Sciences 
     possible,  along with the required roll range. You can choose 
     the  combination  you  want  by  clicking  on  it,  and  then 
     selecting the OK button.  If you click on the roll here,  the 
     diceroller  will  be  brought  up,   and  your  roll  can  be 
     determined using it.
          When  you  are  satisfied  with  having  or  not  having 
     psionics, click the OK button.

          This box displays the nine alignments,  and the name  of 
     your  deity.  The  alignments forbidden to you due  to  class 
     restrictions  are  disabled.   When  you  have  chosen   your 
     alignment and named your patron deity, hit OK to go on.

         This is easy,  just enter the name of your character  and 
     hit OK. This is the last step in generating the character.

          Once  you have either completed the generation  process, 
     or  aborted  it,  your character sheet will be  computed  and 
     displayed in the character window. You can use the scroll bar 
     and the arrow icons on the right of the window to examine all 
     the  information.  The rows containing only horizontal  lines 
     show  where the page breaks will be.  These rows will not  be 
     printed by the PRINTOUT command,  but will be included in any 
     text file WRITEn to.
          On the top of the first page,  your character's name  is 
     shown,  along with his/her sex,  race and title(s).  Here  is 
     also where his/her alignment and deity are printed. Below are 
     listed your character's attributes and the bonuses gained  by 
          For  strength,  note that the Open value is  the  number 
     needed  to be rolled on a 6-sided die,  for the character  to 
     open  a stuck,  or held door.  In cases where this  value  is 
     greater  than 6 (for strengths above 18),  the die rolled  is 
     the next higher integer.  For example, if the value is 9, the 
     character's  chances of opening a stuck door are 9 in  10,  a 
     nine or higher rolled on a d10.
          For wisdom,  the Bonus spells displayed for clerics  are 
     added to the clerics maximum number of spells of each  level. 
     For example,  2/2/1/1 means two bonus 1st level  spells,  two 
     bonus 2nd level spells,  one bonus of third level, and one of 
          For  dexterity,  there is another  Defensive  Adjustment 
     value  displayed for barbarian characters of high  dexterity. 
     The number in parentheses is the armour class adjustment used 
     if non-bulky armor is worn.
          Below the attributes, the character's hit points, saving 
     throws,  and room for armour class ratings are displayed. The 
     saving  throw bonuses to the right of the values  themselves, 
     are due to race,  class,  high wisdom,  and high constitution 
     scores.  Note that a bonus vs. poison only applies to poison, 
     not  paralysis or death magic.  Because the actual saves  are 
     adjusted  first,  and  then the  bonuses  are  computed,  the 
     results  can be confusing.  For example,  a 6th  level  Dwarf 
     fighter  with  15 wisdom and 19 constitution would  have  the 
     following saving throws and bonuses:

           Poison/Paralysis/Death: 11   +1 vs.magic
          Petrification/Polymorph: 12   +6 vs.poison
                   Rod/Staff/Wand: 8
                    Breath Weapon: 13
                           Spells: 9

          Below  the  saving throws,  the  character's  experience 
     points  are  shown.  The actual experience  values  are  left 
     blank,  but the points required to rise to the next level, as 
     well as the maximum level, are shown.
          The  next  information  displayed  are  the  character's 
     languages.  These are determined by race and by some classes. 
     The  blank lines are the additional languages  the  character 
     can  learn  due to  intelligence,  race,  and  special  class 
     abilities.  The  languages shown are in order of best  known, 
     but this is only a guideline.
     Note:  Druids and Assassins can learn extra languages due  to 
     high level.  Their choices are however,  restricted (see  PH, 
     p.21 and p.29)
     Note: Alignment language is implied, and not shown.
          Next,  the  character's weapon proficiencies are  shown. 
     The weapon choices themselves are left blank.
          Below,  information such as Thieving Abilities, Clerical 
     Turning, Spells, and Psionics are displayed. These are fairly 
          The  next page is devoted to the  character's  abilities 
     due to race and classes. These abilities are highly dependent 
     upon  level,  so  they should be recomputed after  any  level 
          On  the  last  page,   the  character's  description  is 
     printed, and room is provided for money and possessions.

     * AD&D, D&D, and TSR are trademarks of TSR, Inc.
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