Documentation for "Gauntlet"
The game is the same as DGDB except that I have changed the
colors, and created my own ZEICHEN.DAT file to look like the
Gauntlet arcade game. Creating your own graphics for the game is
very simple. First, run the DAT_PI1.TOS file to convert the file
ZEICHEN.DAT into a Degas picture. Then edit the picture using
Degas or Degas Elite, or by converting it to some other picture
format, such as Neochrome. Each token or picture is 16x16 pixels
in size. Make sure each token stays within its boundry. After
you have made the changes you like, exit the draw program, and run
the PI1_DAT.TOS program to convert the picture back into a
the disk in the DGDB folder for the programs to work. If you want
to change the colors, you will have to use a disk editor to change
the color palette within the DGDB.PRG file. The colors are about
30000 bytes into the file, and will start with 00 00 07 77... Each
two byte entry defining a single color in the format 0R GB, where
R, G, and B are the amounts of red, blue, and green respectively.
The two zero bytes begin the table, and the next two make up the
first color, and the colors are stored in the same order as they
are shown in Degas. If all this goes over your head, enjoy the
game as it is with the original colors. If you have any
questions, leave mail to me on the Hotel California, or FaST Lane
Enjoy the game,