Game Cheats

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Screenshots - Game Cheats

Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot
Game Cheats atari screenshot

Information - Game Cheats

Language[unknown]PublisherST Format
Controls-DistributorFuture Publishing
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Pugh, Martin

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)


Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Game Cheats Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Game Cheats


        In this folder you  will  find  cheats  for  12  games from previous ST
Format and ST Amiga Format cover disks. The way to use these cheats is  to copy
the relevant cheat program into the relevant  games folder on a  backup copy of
the correct cover disk or a  disk  containing the relevant folders  and  files.
Please note though the cheat program  must  be  in  the same folder/root as the
executable games program. Unless otherwise stated these cheats must be run from
a low resolution desktop.

CENTIPEDE  ( as on cover disk 43 )

        Copy CENTICHT.TOS into the  folder  which  contains  CENTI.PRG and then
simply double click on CENTICHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Invincibility
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

DROID ( as on cover disk 37 )

        Copy DROIDCHT.TOS into the  folder which contains DROID.PRG and then
simply double click on DROIDCHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Energy
        F3      Infinite Ammo
        F4      Infinite Keys (including IKD's)
        F5      This option will give you infinite use of all the possible
                weapons from start to finish.
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

ENTOMBED ( as on cover disk 30 )

        Copy ENTOMCHT.TOS into the  folder which contains ENTOMBED.PRG and then
simply double click on EMTOMCHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Keys
        F3      Infinite Bows
        F4      Infinite Arrows
        F5      Infinite Time
        F6      This option will give you a much easier game, it's not complete
                invincibility,but it does stop you being killed by any bullets,
                mantraps or enemy sprites.
        F7      This option will add a 'LOSE A LIFE' option to the game, this
                is because it is possible with option F6 to get stuck in places
                where it is impossible to die, if option F1 is selected you
                won't actually lose a life as such. To use this option during
                gameplay pause the game with 'P' and press 'Q' to lose a life
                or any other key to unpause.
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

GRAV 2 ( as on cover disk 44 )

        All you have  to  do  here  is  once  you  have  de-archived GRAV2 from
coverdisk 44 is to  copy  GRAV2CHT.TOS  into  the  root directory  which should
contain GRAV2.PRG and then simply double click on GRAV2CHT.TOS to give you this
hefty list of cheat options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Fuel
        F3      Infinite Ammo
        F4      Infinite Credits
        F5      Infinite Impact Shields, this will totally stop your ship being
                blown up by any stray enemy fire.
        F6      Infinite use of all secondary weapons, unlike option F5, here
                you must buy AND load at least one of each secondary weapon
                that you require infinite use of every time you die.
        F7      This option will turn off Sprite to Background collision
                detection and stops your ship exploding whenever it is in
                engulfed by an explosion. NOTE: Try not go off the screen edge
                as this may lead to slight problems with getting your ship back
                onto the playarea.
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

MEGAROIDS ( as on ST/Amiga Format cover disk 2 )

        Copy MROIDCHT.PRG into the  folder which contains MEGAROID.PRG and then
simply double click on MROIDCHT.PRG to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

        Note: This cheat must be run from a medium resolution desktop.

NOVA ( as on cover disk 54 )

        Copy NOVACHT.TOS into the  folder which contains NOVA.TOS and then
simply double click on NOVACHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      No enemy bullets
        F3      Invincibility
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

PRENSORIUM ( as on cover disk 51 )

        Copy PRENSCHT.TOS into the  folder which contains PRENS.PRG and then
simply double click on PRENSCHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Mines
        F3      Infinite Shields
        F4      To stop the Bonus Timer
        F5      To stop falling down holes
        F6      This option will display the level codes for all fifty levels
                before the game starts. However, any levels with the code bonus
                cannot be entered directly.
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

PUNT 2 ( as on coverdisk 50 )

        Copy PUNT2CHT.TOS into  the  folder  which  contains  PUNT.PRG and then
simply double click on PUNT2CHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Time
        F3      Select the starting level between 1:1 and 9:5
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

SPOOKS ( as on ST/Amiga Format cover disk 5 )

        Copy SPOOKCHT.PRG into the  folder which contains SPOOKS.PRG and then
simply double click on SPOOKCHT.PRG to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Invincibilty
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

        Note: This cheat is not STe compatible and the memory should be
              completed cleared before running any of the other cheats.

SQUISH ( as on cover disk 49 )

        Copy SQISHCHT.TOS into the  folder which contains SQUISH.TOS and then
simply double click on SQISHCHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Time
        F3      Harmless Bouncers
        F4      Harmless Water
        F5      Select the starting level
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

STF BALLS ( as on cover disk 46 )

        Copy STFB_CHT.TOS into the folder  which contains STFBALLS.PRG and then
simply double click on STFB_CHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Time
        F3      Select the starting level between 1 and 31
                NOTE: As soon as you start to enter a level password on the
                      title screen, whatever level you had previously chosen
                      here will be ignored. The level passwords are:
                      MELLOW (Level 9), K BUSH (Level 13), DELIUS (Level 17),
                      T WEBB (Level 21), JOSHUA (Level 25) & COOPER (Level 29).
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop

STOMP ( as on cover disks 47 & 55 )

        Copy STOMPCHT.TOS into the  folder  which  contains  STOMP.PRG and then
simply double click on STOMPCHT.TOS to give you these options:

        F1      Infinite Lives
        F2      Infinite Time
        F3      Select the starting level between 1 and 35
        F10     Load the game
        ESC     Return to Desktop


        If you haven't got the required  cover  disks,  but, you have the games
and the cheats don't work  ensure   the  executable  filename  is not different
than above. If you still have no success  then try depacking them or repacking
them with ICE PACKER V2.4. If  you   still  don't  have  any success then tough
titty you're out of luck!


        I can not be held responsible  for  any  damage caused to your computer
system and/or media during any  of  the  installation  procedures or use of the
above cheats. The cheats will work with  the  versions given away  on ST Format
and ST/Amiga Format cover disks and I can not be held responsible if they don't
work on any other versions other  than  those  stated above. NOTE: These cheats
have been tested on a 520 STFM  with  2.5  megs of memory and running TOS V1.00
and a 1040 STe running TOS V1.62.

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