I remember this on STF47, stereo music on title screen. Even though it says STFM on main screen... Is there a registered (STe) version out there? |
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Welcome to Galaxian for the
The default keys for Galaxian are
Q,W move left and right
SPACE fire
HELP Pause
UNDO Abort
Both Joysticks 0 and 1 can be used with
Galaxian, as well as the keyboard.
- 1 -
p---- Press Space ----qb
bpInstructions - How to Playq
Incase You have never played Galaxian :
Destroy waves of attacking Galaxians by
moving left and right and firing. The
Galaxians will sit in formation above
you, and you can pick them off with
your Cannon. Beware - You can only
fire one shot at a time. Your next
bullet will not reappear until your last
one has disappeared. Also, the
Galaxians become more and more
aggressive as the waves proceed. They
will break formation and swoop down on
you as they attack.
p---- Press Space ----qb
Scoring :
Colour In formation Attacking
Green 30 pts 60 pts
Purple 40 pts 80 pts
Red 50 pts 100 pts
Yellow 60 pts 120 pts
If a Galaxian is killed while attacking
his score is doubled. The only
exception is when a yellow flagship
breaks formation and attacks with two
Red Escort ships. If the Escorts are
killed and then the flagship (in that
order), then you will score 800 pts. If
only one Escort is killed, you will only
score 200 pts.
Extra Lives are gained every 7000 pts.
p---- Press Space ----qb
The Main Menu can either be controlled
by either Joystick, the function keys,
or the currently defined left and right
F1/F2 - From the main menu, you can
start either 1 or 2 player games.
F3 - Allows the user to redefine
the keyboard layout, incase the
default one is not to his/her liking.
p---- Press Space ----qb
F4 - Options Menu
F1 - Select Joystick 0/1 or
keyboard for use in the game
for player 1.
Remember that Joystick 0 is
the mouse port.
F2 - Select Joystick 0/1 or
keyboard for use in the game
for player 1.
Remember that Joystick 0 is
the mouse port.
F3 - Select difficulty level. With
the upper two levels, the
game enables an option called
"formation bombing". This
allows the Galaxians to bomb
while still in formation.
F4 - Select the number of lives
that you begin with. Goes from
3 to 9.
p---- Press Space ----qb
F5 - Allows the user to enable
Overscan. This effectively
removes the bottom border of
the screen, making the screen
aspect closer to the arcade
original. NOTE - THIS WILL
with accelerator boards.
F6 - This allows techie types to
see how much processor time
the game is consuming at any
one moment.
F7 - Enable and Disable the Sound
FX. This may be desireable
for people who don't
absolutely love the YM chip !
F9 - Save the current setup of all
of the above options (except
the high score table). This
also saves the redefined keys
F10- Return to the main menu.
p---- Press Space ----qb
F5 - Save the high score table. Just
ensure that there is a write
enable disk in the drive.
F6 - Demo mode. Not for the sqeemish
F10 - Return to GEM Desktop
Notice for Hard Disk Users :
The game will quite happily run off of
Hard Disk. Just stick the program in
a folder, and run it. For those
people who have really fast hard Disks
and are not worried about space, then
you can depack the game with one of the
myriad of depackers available in the
public domain. (We recommend Mega-Depack
'cause we wrote it !).
p---- Press Space ----qb
bIf you like Galaxian, then please try
to support the SHAREWARE industry by
registering with us. Galaxian will
cost you œ5 (five pounds sterling), but
the 68000 Assembler Source is available
for œ10 (ten pounds sterling), (a real
bargain !).
If you do register with us, then we
will ensure that you receive the next
Sinister Development well before its
release, and also receive any updates
to this and any other programs that
you have registered for.
p---- Press Space ----qb
bYou can reach us at:
Sinister Developments
16 (1f3) Downfield Place
EH11 2EL
Please make any cheques/postal orders/
international money orders payable to
Many Thanks for your support !
p---- Press Space ----qb
All of you 1Mb STE owners can now
register and receive the 1Mb STE
version of Galaxian FREE !
Also look out for other Sinister
Developments :
(If you do register, and you don't
have either of the above, just say
so and we'll send you a copy. Just
one mind, not both ! If you like
it, just bung us a fiver !)
See ya ! |
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Origins Based on Namco 1979 coin-op. Unofficial version.
Conversion - Atari 2600
Conversion - Atari 5200
Conversion - Atari 8-bit
Hardware Supports DMA sound on STe Features overscan (in-game)
Sound Features digitized title soundtrack at 12.5KHz (stereo) on STe Features digitized title soundtrack at 12.5KHz on ST
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