This game is donationware! This simply means that if you enjoy the
program I would like you to take the time to send me $5.00. (US)
This money acts like a vote from you and tells me you like what I'm
doing! More seriously it helps me to continue developing software for
the ST/STe computers. So if you enjoy Frogger! why not take the time
to send me the $5.00? In return I'll send ya a disk full of my stuff.
Overseas users PLEASE make payment in US funds if possible!!
Frogger! by Dave Munsie
512k Color ST system. (Should run ok on TT and Falcon..)
The object of the game is to move your frog through hazards like cars
and other objects in order to make it all the way to one of the safe
froggy homes on the side of the screen. Use your joystick to
guide the little critter.
You can boot Frogger from either low or medium res. Don't worry about
your system it will change back to the correct colors and res after
your visit with Frogger is over.
Frogger runs at a decent speed on USA systems at 60hz, but if
you toggle the screen hz by pressing F9 or F10 you can run
Frogger in 50hz video which causes it to run a little faster.
Recap: 60hz video=slower(F10) 50hz video=faster(F9)
Oh yah...ESC to exit!!! ESC to exit!!!
Yah, I know, another trip back to the past eh? But man! C'mon!! Those
early 8 bit titles were so much fun!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I can't promise it
but hopefully my next title will be an original ok? ok....
Grettings to all my overseas freinds and BBS NET buds, you know who you
See ya next time!!!!
Dave Munsie
817-485-9293 (Voice)
5601 Ammons
Haltom City, TX 76117 USA
Call me or write to me!!!! L8r...