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Screenshots - F-16

F-16 atari screenshot
F-16 atari screenshot
F-16 atari screenshot

Information - F-16

GenreShoot'em Up! - Horizontal ScrollingYear1990
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Ribbink, Martin

Graphic Artist(s)

Ribbink, Martin

Game design

Ribbink, Martin

Box / InstructionsEnglish
Musician(s)LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FXSerial
Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari F-16 Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Instructions - F-16

 F16 by Martin Ribbink
                          Stokebrand 162
                             7206 EK

Controls (joystick):

down: move plane up
up: move plane down
right:afterburner (plane moves faster)
right+fire:  launch  missile  (AGM  64  Maverick)  against  ground 
left+fire: drop bomb (Mk 84) against ground targets
fire: fire gun against air targets and credits

Object: High score + complete all 8 missions.

To start the plane first push joystick to the right, then push the 
joystick  down  to  take off.  To land the plane  wait  until  the 
airfield appears then land,the plane will stop automatically.
As soon as the plane has landed, a message will appear to indicate 
wether  the  mission  has been completed or not (  to  complete  a 
mission  all  the specified targets have to be destroyed  and  the 
plane has to land again).  When the mission has not been completed 
one plane is lost and you have to refly the mission.
When  the mission is completed a menu will appear from  which  you 
can choose to refuel,  reload, repair damage etc. For every option 
you need 1 credit. As soon as you have finished click on ready and 
the next mission will start.
When you are attacked by mig 25's,  watch the radar screen to  see 
from  which  side  the migs are attacking (mig  indicated  by  the 
yellow plane).

F16 was     programmed   (in   STOS basic   version    2.6)    and 
tested on a 520 STm with 0.5 Mb memory.  The program only works in 

IMPORTANT:The  file  F16.prg has to be placed in an auto  folder in 
order to run the program on a 0.5 MB ST.

FILES:         F16.PRG
               F16 FOLDER

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