Twenty years later when memories from E-Swat pops back into my mind, I still cannot figure out whether its ugliness and unfinished state of art were done on purpose as an artistic effect, or if programming part was really assigned to a 12 years old Basic programmer. Seriously... This Atari ST version is screwed. While the 16-colors screen might partly explain poor graphics, how can a game be so incredibly slow that it takes your character about 10 seconds to cross a screen, and half second to react to controls? How come programmers haven't figured out the time counter is properly twice too short for some level, and that all a good player can do is to arrange to loose only one life there? E-Swat look like an untested game, think someone just said "hey, let's ship the game on ST" and recompiled the arcade version using ST Basic. Still, my newness to that kind of game made me appreciate it. And then there's nostalgia... It's a fun and tender memory still. Alright, 3/10 looks fair enough. |
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