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Dryegg Manual
Dryegg is a little puzzle game for the ATARI Falcon 030. The game is controlled
by the Joypad.
The aim of the game is to be the first who put all his triangles on the board.
1.Option Menu:
Chosse your opponement. You have the choice between Human opponement and a
computer opponement. Press either [space] or [button b]
1.2.Thinking time
If you chose a computer as opponement, you could change the time the computer
need to choose the next step.
Here you have the choice to define how many possible colours your trangles
could contain. If you choose 3 for example, the triangles could only contain
red,blue and yellow. If you choose 4 the triangles could contain red,blue,
yellow and orange! The difficulty of the game increases with every new colour!
Choose who many rounds do you want to play.
Well what are credits? if you don't know? suprise suprise!
1.6.Quit to TOS
Click here to see your lovely Desktop.
Click here to start the game
2.The game
2.1.Select a triangle
First your cursor is in the right corner of the top line (if you are player one,
the top line of player two is the bottom line). Now you could select a triangle
to put on the board by pressing [button b] when the cursor is over the triangle
you want to choose. If you want to get a new triangle, press [button a] when the
cursor is over a free(white) triangle.
After pressing [button b] your cursor including your choosen triangle jumps on
the board.
2.2.Put the triangle on the board
On the board, you have to find another triangle, which have the same colours
than the one you chose.
Whith [button b] you turn your triangle, with [button c] you put the triangle
on the board and with [button a] you go back to topline. If you press [button b]
and your triangle match, you put the triangle on the board and go back to the
top line, to select the next triangle.
At the right side of the top and bottom line there is clock. This clock goes
from 25 to 0. If the clock is 0 it starts again with 25 and a new triangle
appears if a free triangle is left. If no triangle is left, the game is over.
In the middle of the top and bottom line, there is a circle. for each triangle
which is put on the board, a line of this circle disappear. If player one put
a triangle on the board, the circle decrease in the right direction, and if
player two put a triangle on the board, the circle decrease in the left
For each triangle you put on the board, you get as much points, as much lines
left in the clock. IF your triangle match with two other triangles on the board,
you get double score.
If you put the last triangle on the board, you get 25 points for each triangle
left of your opponement.
If you or your opponement runs out of free triangles, the winner gets 25 points
for each free triangle in his top(or bottom) line.
6.Option and pause
Press the [pause] button to get into the pausemodus.
Press the [option] button to get into the optionmodus.
Here you could press:
button [1]: tongle the sound on/off
button [2]: go back to the Desktop
button [3]: go back to the main menu
7.Cantact the author
Still writting games on the ATARI is a hard work, because there are to few
people who will give you a feedback of your work. So please get in contact with
Foundation two.
Foundation Two
c/o Thorsten Butschke
65195 Wiesbaden
Tel: (0)611/404002
email: Thorsten_Butschke@wi2.maus.de
Wiesbaden 05.11.97
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