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Screenshots - Dominizer

Dominizer atari screenshot
Dominizer atari screenshot
Dominizer atari screenshot

Information - Dominizer

GenreBoard Game - DominoesYear1994
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
Players2 (alt.)DeveloperNebula Entertainment
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Morgan, Andy John

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Morgan, Andy John

Game design

Morgan, Andy John

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Dominizer Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Dominizer

                          'Dominizer' - Instructions                           

Credits:  Mandarin Software  ( STOS )
          Top Notch Software ( Misty Extension )
          JVC Corporation    ( RCX510 )

Welcome to the latest ( 14.6.94 ) in the 'Dominoes' series.If you have had the
pleasure of playing the other demos you will find this just as entertaining!

While on the Title screen press the mousekey.You will then be presented with
the Options.Using the mouse you can choose your desired settings.For example
you can play against another human player or computer,you can choose the style
of dominoes you want, ( Normal dominoes is the Hardest! ) ,and you can set how
many games you want in a match.

When ready select OK.

You will now be presented with the playing area.Down the left-hand side of the
screen are two columns of 'rectangular boxes',these are for scoring purposes 
as you will understand when playing.On the right,twenty dominoes are scattered
face-down.Infact,there are two sets of ten dominoes. ( Ten identical pairs. )
Each player takes turn in selecting two dominoes,and if the chosen dominoes
are different the other player takes his turn.If you find a pair the same,then
those dominoes are removed from the game and you are awarded a point.
Obviously,you must try to remember what dominoes are where to score.If your
score amounts up to six then you have definately won that game,however you must
finish the layout to please the computer audience. ( You will find out! )
All messages during the game are displayed under the scores.

The only other rule of the game is that you are not allowed to choose the same
two dominoes as a previous go,or choose your opponents previous two.

Have fun!

Obviously because this is only the DEMO version,you are unable to choose your
desired settings on the options screen of the game.Also,after playing one game
the demo will reset your ST.

To aquire the FULL VERSION you must register with the author!!

The following is a selection of Registration Fees for you to choose from.
Please read through carefully before ordering!

                   'Dominizer Registration' - £5.00 sterling                   

By registering for Dominizer you will receive the FULL Half-meg version of the
shareware game 'Dominizer'.
The full version will allow you to play against Human or computer opponent,set
how many games in a match,and choose which design of domino you wish to play

Send cheque/postal order for £5.00 made payable to 'Andy Morgan' and send to
the address below.Please mark above the address 'Dominizer Reg'.

                    'Domino Registration' - £5.00 sterling                     

By registering for Dominoes you will receive TWO FULL VERSIONS of the shareware
game 'Dominoes'.
The first version is for Half-meg machines.
This version allows you to play against any one of the 13 different computer
The second version is for One-meg machines.
This version has the same 13 opponents,PLUS a Tournament where there are more
opponents to play against as you try and make your way through the rounds and
win the Final!!

Send cheque/postal order for £5.00 made payable to 'Andy Morgan' and send to
the address below.Please mark above the address 'Domino Reg'.

                'Threes N Fives Registration' - £5.00 sterling                 

By registering for 'Threes N Fives' you will be sent the FULL Half-meg version
of the shareware game 'Threes N Fives'.
The Full version will allow you to play against all 4 opponents.
Namely... Mad Gal Madge,Magic Melanie,Shifty Sharon,Coolhead Andy.
This game is the follow-up to 'Dominoes'.

Send cheque/postal order for £5.00 made payable to 'Andy Morgan' and send to
the address below.Please mark above the address '3 N 5 Reg'.

                   'The Galaxy Package 2' - £15.00 Sterling                    

Package containing the following..

'Dominoes'                ( Both FULL VERSIONS! )
'Threes N Fives'          ( The FULL HALF-MEG VERSION! )
'Bright Spark'            ( The FULL HALF-MEG VERSION! )
'Super Snakes N Ladders'  ( The FULL ONE-MEG VERSION! )

Bright Spark is a 50 Level puzzle game that has previously been available in
selected Librarys for £4.00.
Super Snakes N Ladders is a recent game that has been held back from the PD/
shareware scene for the sole purpose of placing into a value software package.

If you have thought about spending £10.00 on Registering both 'Dominoes' and
'Threes N Fives' then consider that for just another £5 you can have another
TWO Fully registered games!

Send cheque/postal order for £15.00 made payable to 'Andy Morgan' and send to
the address below.Please mark above the address 'Galaxy 2 Reg'.

Please note that 'Super Snakes N Ladders' will never be available seperatly!

                 'The Galaxy Bundle Package' - £20.00 sterling                 

Package of 2 disks containing the following..

'Dominoes'                ( Both FULL VERSIONS! )
'Threes N Fives'          ( The FULL HALF-MEG VERSION! )
'Bright Spark'            ( The FULL HALF-MEG VERSION! )
'Super Snakes N Ladders'  ( The FULL ONE-MEG VERSION! )

                      + PLUS +

'Circuitry One'           ( Ex-Licenseware Platform game. )
'Circuitry Three'         ( Yes!! The follow-up! )
'Cardbash'                ( Set of 3 card games.The Patience game shows off
                            this program! )
'Cardbash 2'              ( Another 2 card games. )
'Aaron'                   ( Ex-ST REVIEW COVERDISK EXCLUSIVE! )
'Aaron Editor V.2'        ( Edit-out your own rooms in Aaron! )
'Building Trouble'        ( Clean-up the Building site within the time limit
                            whilst avoiding the hazards! )
'Building Trouble 2'      ( There's unusual hazards on the Night shift! )
'Darts'                   ( A Two-player game of Darts. )

Yes! Super value for only £5 more than the 'Galaxy Package 2',you get another
EIGHT Full games and an Editor!!
For just £20 you get 14.. THAT'S FOURTEEN!! programs.
Don't forget that the price includes Registration fees,Postage & Packing etc
Just by buying 1 game from a Library and then registering it,it would cost you
atleast £6.25 !! So I don't really need to say anymore.

Send cheque/postal order for £20.00 made payable to 'Andy Morgan' and send to
the address below.Please mark above the address 'Galaxy Bundle Reg'.

                             Registrations Address                             

                             ! Registration name !
                             Nebula Entertainment
                              382 Kingswood Road
                                   CV10 8QP

Postal order registrations are normally sent out on same day of receipt.
Cheque registrations are subject to a short clearance period before order is
sent out.

(C) Nebula Entertainment 1990/94.
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