Dodge the Aliens
by, Curtis Moore
I wrote this program to help people unfamiliar with GFA-Basic
get to know the language better. I know that looking at a program
helps in learning how to program, so I also included the
uncompiled version. In the arced file, you should find:
SPACE.PRG The stand alone version
SPACE.BAS The uncompiled GFA version
SPACE.TXT The document your reading now
To play the game, press the left button on the mouse to go
down, and the right button on the mouse to go up. Pressing both
at the same time will pause the game. The position of the mouse
has no effect on playing. When the game starts, you're at the
bottom of the screen. Every time you get to the teleporter (at
the top of the screen) without hitting any 'flying' aliens, you
gain ten points. If you hit an alien, obviously your ship counter
goes down by one. You're allotted five ships to play the game.
Since this is for learning only, it's not a 'great' game, and
there's no spectacular ending. The program uses GFA's SPRITE
command and SGET, SPUT, GET, and PUT functions frequently. I used
several other public domain programs to write this one, including
a sprite editor, and a GFA music creator. Several things in the
program had to be changed before I compiled it because in compiled
form, the program will run faster. These changes have been noted
in the uncompiled version.
I hope you find this useful. I would appreciate any
comments or suggestions.
Curtis Moore
3 Bryant Ave.
Methuen, MA 01844