DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030]

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Screenshots - DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030]

DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot
DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot
DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot
DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot

Information - DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030]

GenreAdventure - RPG (3-D)Year
LanguageGFA BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionVGA / RGBLicensed from-

Tonthat, Pierre [Rajah Lone] / Mateo

Graphic Artist(s)

Jaros, Andy

Game design

Walker, Dennis / Newton, Mike
Bell, Doug

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeTT, Falcon030 / 14MB
Dumpdownload atari DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030] Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ?

Additional Comments - DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030]

Other version with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 1.0B) ().

For the latest development of DGEM, please check author's website.

Instructions - DGEM [Falcon030] [TT030]

Welcome in DGEM :)

This soft is an embryo of Dungeon Master clone designed for
the latest Atari machines or emulators.

For legal and more info, please read the DGEM.DAT\SYS\DGEM.HYP
file with STGuide.

-> new in this 0.20 version:

-all the monsters
-hand to hand fighting

Carefull, since this version, the program needs more memory.
8 Mo under 16 colors mode, 14 Mo under 256 colors mode.
Under 16 colors mode, some monsters appear with false colors

Minimum requirements :
STeem/Nostalgia/Hatari: TOS 2.06, VDI extended mode, 14 Mo
Falcon/TT/clones: TOS 4.04 (MagiC advised), 256 colors, 14 Mo

In this dungeon, the monsters have 1 health point.
A zoo is present at level -7, via the teleporter.
If you want to modify this or create a new dungeon, use
the Deditor. The current password for this example dungeon
is 'eil3'.

Coming next : throwing objects, casting spells, atmospheric effects,
              throwing thing generators on wall...
There will be not 0.22 version, but 1.0.

-> Installation:

16 colors is the minimum required. The resolution should be 640*400

A modern operating system such as MagiC or MiNT is strongly
advised, with an optimized VDI like NVDI.

The program uses the Falcon XBIOS Sound since the 0.12 version.
Some drivers exists to add these XBIOS functions if you do not
have this machine (see the Sound preferences)

The game uses plenty of memory, moreover on high-colored screens.
So if you have not enough space or if the game becomes slower, run
it in 640*480 16 colors.

You can install DGEM program and its data folder on every media
that has enough space.

DGEM can be launched from a non-writable media (CDROM) but you
need to declare in a modern OS the HOME$ environment variable
and configure in the preferences the folder for saved games.
If not HOME$ declared, the DGEM.INF file is written in the
DGEM.DAT\SYS\ folder.
If not HOME$ declared and the media is not writable, the
DGEM.INF file be located on the root of the C partition.

ST-Guide installation is required if you want to call the
documentation directly from the game. Make it as *.ACC or
declare its path in the environment variable STGUIDE$.

At first launch, and if you want a very fast loading, see
how to convert the images to the screen format into the

1) Choose the path for the cache,
   (on a writable disk with enough space)
2) Select "use converted images files",
3) Click on "convert DGX files",
4) Save the preferences.

For support or bugreport, please mail at ptonthat@club-internet.fr

½ Rajah Lone and Daroou of Renaissance
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