This program may be freely distributed via BBS or PD/SHAREWARE
libraries as long as this DOC file is included with the main
program, and left untouched, (typos and all!!).
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Deluxe Invaders
Conversion based on: The FANTASTIC Atari 8 bit cart by ROKLAN.
Design: Dave Munsie
Quick run instructions: Double click on the file DLXINVAD.PRG
from low or medium resolution.
This game should run on the FALCON as
long as you boot up in ST LOW RES.
It also should run a little faster on
the FALCON as well.
Another space invaders game? Well.....YES! But hopefully you'll
agree this version captures alot of the excitement of the
original. I have seen several versions of SPACE INVADERS on the
ST machines and while some have achieved technical rewards by
running at arcade quality speed, I have yet played a version
that really made me feel like I was playing SPACE INVADERS.
Having been a fan of the 8 bit version by ROKLAN, I always wanted
to try to write an invaders clone. About 2 days of work and
several hours re-playing the 8 bit version, DELUXE INVADERS for
the ST was finished!! I'm quite happy with the finished version.
It plays at a decent speed, has sound effects that are true to the
original, almost pixel perfect graphics conversions.
Note: There are two versions of the game, one colorful but a tad
slow, and a monochrome version running a little faster. The slow
game will play faster at 60hz video, (US). While the fast version
only runs in 50hz video mode. (UK).
This game is presented as DONATIONWARE. If you like this game
please take the time to send me $5.00 of your hard earned money.
In return I'll send you a disk filled with all of my PD/SHAREWARE
work. (Or as much as will fit on one disk....)
Dave Munsie
5601 Ammons
Haltom City, TX 76117
Time to babble.....
ahhh...gosh our Thanks Giving Turkey was swell. Only gained about
5 extra pounds this time. Can't wait till XMAS and New Years!!!
To all of you who have written to me, consider this a letter to
you. Even though I have caught up with most of my mail, I havn't
has the time to follow through with any new mailings the past
couple of months. Out of all the games I have written the past
year here are the top 5 most popular games I've written according
to the letters/donations/calls I've recieved.
1) KID KONG (with original Mario Graphics)
4) BUGS!
Everyone has written asking for more conversions of older
classics. I am happy to report, you will see several classics
converted to the ST platform by me in the next few months. The
question is, well they be released as a commercial bundle pack or
released as shareware? We'll see....
If you have any ideas for a game or comversion, PLEASE take the
time to write me a letter. I'm always looking for ideas for
programming projects.
By the time you read this, the tools that I used to develop games
like KID KONG, FROGGER, KID GP will have made it's way to the
market under the name of M.A.G.E. Majicsoft Arcade Graphics
Engine. So if you ever wanted to write your own game using GFA
BASIC, then please give em a buzz at 803-788-8177.
A few hello's...
Mark Matts - Man, I've seen some of your stuff, EXCELLENT!!!
Keith Frisby - Thanks for the disks!! Don't worry, I know what
you deserve for your favors, it's coming!! (soon..)
Sinister Developments - What can I say? I've seen nothing from
you guys that didn't run at 50 frames a
second!! INCREDIBLE!!! Please give me a
call sometime, I'd love to chat with you.
Heck, I'll even call you right back and
I'll pay for the call...let's gab!!
Tony Kaye - Thanks for all the help the past year at ST REVIEW.
It's been a blast!!
Until next time.......