~~ Read me for Dangimere Module II -- The Dungeon ~~
This is level 1 to the Dungeon. If you liked Dungeonmaster, I
think you'll like this! Anyways, I'm sending this out to the Net...
If you like it and you want me to complete the game send me
email. I see no reason to waste my time coding a game that
nobody will play.
But I probally will just release all the source code cause I just
ordered a 486DX33 and I'm leaving the Atari scene.....
Cavets about the game:
1. There will be full mouse support
2. All digitized sounds will be in memory so no disk access needed
3. Gate animation WILL be double buffered to kill the flicker!!
Jeffrey Bilger
jbilger@cs.tamu.edu 6-March 94, College Station