A game for two players.
To fill the board with pieces of your own colour, and/or
eliminate your opponent's pieces.
Each player has 100 pieces (tiles). Red moves first. Pieces
can be placed on a blank square, on another piece of your own
colour to form a pile, or moved from one square to another. When
a pile reaches FOUR or more, it becomes unstable and ready to
When a pile blows, it scatters its' contents onto
surrounding squares, turning any pieces which may already be
there to its' own colour. If, in the process, it creates another
unstable pile, that too will blow, and so on across the board.
STABILITY determines when an unstable pile will blow. At
zero% (the default setting), a pile will blow as soon as it
reaches four. At 100%, any of your unstable piles can be blown
during your turn. Either of these settings makes for a plannable
game, with 0% as the easier. An in-between level means that any
unstable pile has that %chance of staying intact during any turn,
and introduces an element of uncertainty.
Just to make things interesting, an explosion ANYWHERE on
the board will set off ALL unstable piles. Though if you set it
off, your piles will blow first. And if a pile reaches EIGHT, it
will blow anyway.
To set, click on STABILITY, and the mouse pointer will
disappear. Click the right button to increase, the left to
decrease, and both together to set.
The number of pieces on a pile is normally shown, but this
can be turned off or on again by clicking on NUMBERS. With
numbers off, unstable piles will be marked with an "X". This
option makes for a very difficult game, and is not recommended
unless you have an excellent memory.
Conserve your pieces. Move captured tiles to fill up the
On a high Stab level, blowing one of your own piles in an
obscure corner of the board can mess up your opponent's plans
marvellously (and vice versa).
As the board fills up, chain reactions are the key to
winning or losing.
To quit the game at any time, click on the Stability box,
and to cancel a false choice, click outside the board area.
Programmed in Power Basic by Ted Moody. I cannot claim
DFISSION as a completely original idea, as something like it was
around on the Spectrum and BBC a few years ago, so credit is due
to whoever first thought of it.