Cube Maze

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Screenshots - Cube Maze

Cube Maze atari screenshot
Cube Maze atari screenshot
Cube Maze atari screenshot

Information - Cube Maze

GenreBrain - Logical / PuzzleYear1989
LanguageCompiled BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Rice, Quentin

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Rice, Quentin

Game design

Rice, Quentin

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Cube Maze Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Instructions - Cube Maze

CUBEMAZE Program (c) Quinsoft 1989

Written using Hisoft Power Basic.
Graphics courtesy of Degas Elite.
Version 0.2

This program was originally written
for the BBC micro, author unknown.
After I debugged the original and
added my own mods, I thought the ST
should have a version. Here it is.
This version runs a zillion times
faster then the BBC version, and I
have made sure that a different maze
is made every time. Some are harder
than others.

The object of the game is to find a
hidden chalice in the maze, which
is a cube of 3 to 8 squares: up to
512 locations. You can move forward,
turn left, right, around, up and down.
Using these in combination can get you
standing on your head, so take care.
The only indications of your
whereabouts is the distance and level.
The rest is up to your spatial memory.

To move, either place the mouse over
the appropriate pad and click or press
the key as indicated.  When you find
the chalice, you must move to the same
square to finish. By pressing the
EXTRA option, you can quit, re-run or
restart, which means going back to
where you started. Frankly, the
keyboard is much quicker and easier.

This game does not involve alien life
forms, explosions or nasty tunes. It
will require a lot of thought. Hint:
Pythagoras's theorem comes in useful.

The original version had a serious
bug where it would build a closed maze
where, no matter how hard you looked,
you wouldn't find the target, or you
could find yourself in a cell with
no way out. I have fixed this by
ensuring that all of the cells have
been visited and they have an exit.
In this latest 0.2 version, I have
not found myself closed in, and the
neat little keypad works properly
after a bit of GEM jiggery-pokery.

The Power Basic listing is an option
for PD distribution, and if you can't
find it, send me a disc and an SAE. It
may be of interest to those of you who
like me, are still struggling with the
AES. Sorry folks, this is colour only.

This program is public domain and it
can be freely distributed and copied.
If any person WANTS to send me money,
I won't stop them.

Quentin Rice
2 Beechland Cottages
Mogador Rd
Lower Kingswood
Surrey KT20 7EW
United Kingdom
CUBEMAZE Program (c) Quinsoft 1989
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