CROSS SLIDE is freeware. You may freely distribute it provided
that all files (including this one) are included, there is no
attempt to alter any of them and that no charge is made for the
software. The copyright remains with the author.
If you don't like the music you can easily change it or delete it.
The program will load any music file provided the name is correct,
it's less than 30k long, is uncompressed and of a format
recognised by the missing link extension. If you don't want any
music simply change the name and nothing will be loaded.
Although the grid only appears to be 10x10 it is actually 11x11 in
size. A square which goes off the grid on one side will reappear
on the other should the grid continue to move in the same
direction. Similarly one going off the top or bottom will
reappear at the opposite end.