Core Wars

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Core Wars atari screenshot
Core Wars atari screenshot
Core Wars atari screenshot
Core Wars atari screenshot
Core Wars atari screenshot

Information - Core Wars

LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouseDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Tavener, Stephen

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Webber, Matthew [Unicorn Dream]

Game design

Tavener, Stephen

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

Tavener, Stephen

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Core Wars Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Core Wars

                                             238 Hesketh Lane,
                                                      PR4 6RH.

   In COREWAR, "two computer programs in their native element - 
the memory chips of a digital computer - stalk each other from 
address to address".
   Programs are written in in a specialised language called 
REDCODE ( more about that later ), rather similar to assembly 
language. The memory is represented by an array of 8000 addresses, 
arranged cyclically (ie address 8000 is equivalent to address 0).

   This version of corewars is, to the best of my knowledge, a 
complete implementation.

   It has an integrated editor, compiler, and battle simulator, so 
no tedious switching between programs, especially when debugging.

   In brief, to use this program:

     1) Enter the Alicorn editor, 
     2) Load some battle programs, or write and compile your own.
     3) Go to the M.A.R.S. battle simulator.
     4) Select which programs you want to fight.
     5) Select START.

   To quit the battle before it finishes, press Q.
   You can then continue with the CONTINUE option.

   Put the program disc into your drive, and turn the computer on. 
The program should auto boot.
   When it has loaded, you will be presented with the following 

-----------    -------     ----------    -------
CREDITS        ALICORN     M.A.R.S.      BYE BYE
-----------    -------     PARAMETERS    -------

   This just tells you who wrote the program - me, Stephen 
Tavener, with graphics by UNICORN DREAM ( Matthew Webber ).

   Quits from the program, and returns you to GEM.

   This is the text editor with which you can create corewars 
programs. You must also use this option to load any programs into 
memory, before selecting M.A.R.S. to run them.
   The Alicorn editor supports the following:
HOME, and the cursor keys.

   There are also the following menu options:

ALICORN         PROGRAM         ERRORS           MAIN MENU
-----------     -----------     -------------    ---------
HELP            [PROGRAM .]          .           ---------
-----------     [PROGRAM .]          .
                [PROGRAM N]     7. ERROR TEXT
                -----------     -------------

The COREWARS program stores several programs in memory at any one 
time. You start off editing program 1, but can switch between 
programs through the program menus.

Clicking on one of the programs will reveal a screen with the 
following options:

PROGRAM NAME:       Using the keypad, you can name your program.
                    The name will be used in all my routines, and
                    will be saved to disc with your program.

COMPILE             Compile your program; the program status box
                    will show whether the program is successfully
                    compiled. If the compilation is unsuccessful,
                    returning to the editor will reveal a set of
                    error codes on the right hand side of the
                    screen, by the offending line.

PRINT               Print a listing of your program.

SAVE                These options allow you to load, save, or 
LOAD                delete your programs to/from disc. All
DELETE              programs must have a ".WAR" extension. If you
                    don't specify ".WAR", then my routines will
                    chop your extension off, and put a ".WAR"
                    extension on anyway.

FINISH              Return to the editor, editing whichever
                    program you selected.

   The other options are straightforward enough; the error menu 
gives a list of the possible error numbers, together with 
explanations. ( After compilation, errors will appear in the right 
column of the editor, and remain there until the program is 
recompiled. )

   This allows you to select a number of configurable program 
   Number of rounds in a battle.
   Number of processes allowed per program.
   Memory array size.

   NB After altering the memory array size, you will need to 
recompile all of your programs!

   ... Memory Array Redcode Simulator.
   When you have loaded and compiled your programs, select this 
option; you will be presented with the following menu options:

START                 COMBATANTS      DEBUG       RETURN
-------------------   -------------   ---------   ---------
CONTINUE THE BATTLE         .         OFF         ---------
-------------------   -------------   OPTIONS

   The programs which will be competing in this battle. Selected 
programs will be marked in the first column. If a program may not 
be used, ie it is not compiled, or hasn't been loaded, then it 
will be shaded, and non-selectable. As many programs as can be 
selected may be run at any one time.

   "Let battle commence" starts the battle. The battle may be 
halted at any time by pressing "Q", which will return you to the 
menus above.
   After halting a battle, you may continue by selecting "Continue 
the battle".

   "Continue the battle" will continue from an interrupted battle.

   "Tournament" will stage a Swiss tournament between all 
programs. Each pair of programs will fight 3 battles, with 2 
points for a win, 1 each for a draw.

   The debug options allow you to specify which programs/commands 
to trace, and whether to direct output to screen or printer. You 
can also specify where the programs should be placed in memory.

   Turns the debug options selected on or off. If no options are 
selected, nothing will happen if you turn debug on.

   Allows you to browse through the memory array. You can step 
through the memory, or select the address you want to examine.
   Well, that's about all the tutorial you need... time for a few 
final comments.

   Firstly, the corny bit: 

   This program is public domain. Give away as many copies as 
possible, but make sure that you include this text file, and the 
sample battle programs.
   However, neither the graphics nor the source code are public 
domain. If you want a copy of the source code, send œ10 to me at 
the address shown at the top of this letter. If you want any 
graphics, write a grovelly letter to UNICORN DREAM, and I'll 
forward it.

   Secondly, if you find any bugs, let me know, so that I can 
correct them. When enough alterations have been made, I'll release 
the new version into public domain. If you want a corrected 
version before that, send me œ2, to cover postage and the cost of 
a disc, and I'll send you the new, improved version!

   I'd also like to hear any suggestions for improvements, but if 
you have any criticisms about the size of the display, please keep 
them to yourself... it's fast, and it looks good on a colour 
monitor. If I have a larger display, the program will start to 
slow down...

   Mandarin Software, for a very powerful language, and for 
                      sending an STE compatible compiler.

   UNICORN DREAM,     for the editor and graphics.

   A. K. Dewdney,     for the creation of COREWARS. Go buy his
                      book, The Armchair Universe.

                                   - Enjoy!

   Redcode consists of ten instuctions. With each instruction, the 
programmer is required to specify at least one value ( argument ), 
sometimes two.

Move              |   MOV    |   A   B   | Move contents of
                  |          |           | address A to address B
                  |          |           |
Add               |   ADD    |   A   B   | Add contents of
                  |          |           | address A to address B
                  |          |           |
Subtract          |   SUB    |   A   B   | Subtract contents of
                  |          |           | address A from address
                  |          |           | B.
                  |          |           |
Jump              |   JMP    |   A       | Transfer control to
                  |          |           | address A.
                  |          |           |
Jump if zero      |   JMZ    |   A   B   | Transfer control to
                  |          |           | address A if contents
                  |          |           | of address B are 0.
                  |          |           |
Jump if not zero  |   JMN    |   A   B   | Transfer control to 
                  |          |           | address A if contents
                  |          |           | of address B are not 0.
                  |          |           |
Decrement &       |   DJN    |   A   B   | Subtract 1 from 
jump if not zero  |          |           | contents of address B &
                  |          |           | transfer control to 
                  |          |           | address A if contents
                  |          |           | of address B are not 0.
                  |          |           |
Compare           |   CMP    |   A   B   | Compare contents of
                  |          |           | addresses A and B. If
                  |          |           | they are equal, skip 
                  |          |           | the next instruction.
                  |          |           |
Split             |   SPL    |   A       | Split execution between
                  |          |           | next instruction and
                  |          |           | the instruction at A.

   All addressing is relative; ie the command "JMP -7" means 
"transfer control to the address 7 places before this one ( so if 
the instruction is at address 1123, then control will be 
transferred to address 1116 ).

   Arguments can be addresses, or integers - usually the contents 
of an address - depending on the context in which they are used.
For example, the command 'MOV A B' copies the value stored at 
address A to address B.

   Arguments can be in any of four modes;
                  direct ( the default ),
                  indirect ( prefixed by @ ),
                  immediate ( prefixed by # ), and
                  decremental ( prefixed by < ).
   A "direct" argument is regarded as an address, to be acted on 
immediately. Eg, 'MOV A B'.
   An "indirect" argument means that the value/address used is 
that specified by the contents of the address given. Eg, 
'MOV A @B' copies the value stored in address A to the address 
specified by the contents of address B. ( See the examples. ) 
   An "immediate" argument means that the argument is to be 
treated as an integer, not an address. Eg, 'MOV #A B' moves the 
integer A to address B.
   A "decremental" argument means that 1 is subtracted from the 
contents of the address given, then the value/address used is that 
specified by the contents of the address given.
EG        1.   MOV   <4   @5
          5.   DAT         20
          6.   DAT         400
          24.  SPL         6
          25.  JMP        -1

   In this example, argument A, '<4', first 'looks' at address 
1+4=5, 'DAT 20', and replaces it with 'DAT 19', then finds the 
contents of address 5+19=24, 'SPL 6'.
   Argument B, '@5', 'looks' at the contents of address 1+5=6, 
to get the address, 6+400=406.
   Hence, line 1 becomes 'MOVE "SPL 6" to address 406'
   Most of the commands are self explanatory, but some deserve 
extra attention;
                  DAT is not, strictly speaking, a command - just 
a space containing an integer. If a program tries to execute such 
a command, it will be killed.
                  SPL - split - effectively allows your program 
to have several sub-programs (processes) running simultaneously. 
This increases your chances of survival, because your program 
only dies when all of the processes are dead. However, the system 
allocates one move to each PROGRAM alternately, so the more 
processes that you have running, the slower each will move. In 
fact, the 'split bomb'; SPL 0 is a very effective weapon. If the 
enemy program attempts to execute this, then the number of its 
processes will increase indefinitely ( until the system maximum 
is reached ).

   Program syntax is as follows:


   Each part must be separated from the others by at least on 
space... more if you like.

   Arguments have the following structure:


   There should be no space between the qualifier (space, #, @, <)
and the value (integer or label).

   Rather than specify an address, which can quickly become 
confusing... especially in a long program, you can use labels:

   To label a line, put the label name, followed immediately by a 
colon, at the start of the line. Whenever you want to specify this 
line, just use the label instead of the relative address.


   LOOP:   MOV #0 -1     is equivalent to         MOV #0 -1             
           JMP LOOP                               JMP -1
   If one of the labels is START, then program execution will 
begin at that line, rather than at the first line.

   Labels must be entirely alphabetic, and should not be command 
names, or strange thing will happen...

   Type a semicolon to signify a comment. The rest of the line 
will be ignored.

   All of these examples should be on the disc.
   In all of the examples, ignore the line numbers... they just 
make the explanations easier.

   Imp is the simplest possible battle program. It copies itself 
from one address to the next, moving all the way through the 
memory, and hoping to overrun the enemy.
   It is fast, virtually unstoppable, but seldom wins; most of the 
time, the enemy merely becomes an imp - or imps - itself:

                  1. MOV 0 1

   Yes, that's it! The command translates as "Copy the contents of 
address 0 (this address, ie the command itself) to the next 
address (current address + 1)"
   When the controller next comes to execute this program, it will 
execute the next line, where Imp has just placed a copy of itself!

   This is not a program in itself; just a defence against the 

                  1. MOV #0 -1
                  2. JMP -1  

   Instruction 1 places the integer value 0 into the address 
immediately below it, effectively erasing the contents of that 
   The next time the program is executed, instruction 2 transfers 
control back to instruction 1, so that the third time the program 
is executed, it starts all over again.
   Now, imagine an imp crawling up the memory towards the imp 
stomper. The action will start when the imp arrives directly below 
imp stomper. In 50% of the cases, Imp will move below Imp Stomper, 
then Imp Stomper will move a zero into the Imp's address, 
effectively killing it. The other 50%, Imp stomper will merely 
jump back to the previous statement. In this case, Imp will copy 
itself over instruction 1 of Imp Stomper. The next time Imp 
Stomper is executed, it will execute the Imp, which has just been 
copied over instruction 1, so that we now get two Imps chasing 
each other through the memory. A draw.

   'Mice' creates multiple copies of itself, all running 
concurrently. It attempts to win by overrunning the opposition. In 
fact, it won the 1st Core Wars Tournament.

     1.   PTR:      DAT  #0
     2.   START:    MOV  #12    PTR      
     3.   LOOP:     MOV  @PTR  <5
     4.             DJN   LOOP  PTR
     5.             SPL  @3
     6.             ADD  #653   2
     7.             JMZ  -5    -6
     8.             DAT   833

   On the first round, line 2. is executed, and PTR is given a 
value of 12.   
   Next, lines 3 and 4 copy MICE, 'tail first', command by command 
until the whole thing has been copied.
   When all of MICE has been copied, a new mouse is spawned with 
the SPL command. A new destination is selected for the new mouse 
by adding 653 to the destination pointer (line 8), and the process 

   There are many other programs on the disc. If you still aren't 
sure about REDCODE, run some of the programs under DEBUG, and see 
what they do...
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