' Cops and Robbers Chess
' By Kevin Scott and Larry Scott
' (C) 2005 Outland Quest Software
' The First National Bank has just
' been robbed! The gang of robbers
' have fled to the roof pursued by
' a group of cops. Now the showdown
' has begun as cops and robbers
' struggle to get the upper hand
' on their opponents.
' Cops and Robbers Chess is a two
' player strategy chess type game
' in which you use pushing and
' strategy techniques to remove
' your opponent from off the roof.
' Whoever has the last pieces
' standing wins, however a
' stalemate is also possible.
' Each player has two moves per turn.
' The possible moves are as follows:
' 1) A player may move to an adjoining
' empty square either directly
' above, below, left, or right.
' 2) A player may PUSH another piece
' that is above, below, left, or
' right of their piece. The piece
' that is pushed will move a
' maximum of FOUR squares in the
' direction pushed.
' Either another piece or a cloud
' will stop their movement before
' a fall will occur.
' The piece that is doing the
' pushing is repelled back ONE
' space in the opposite direction.
' This piece also will not move if
' blocked by another piece or a
' cloud.
' 3) A piece that is standing on one
' of the four exhaust fans can
' activate the fan by clicking on
' the RED area of the square. This
' will propel the piece in the air.
' By using the joystick or arrow
' keys, he can control to a LIMITED
' extent where his piece will land.
' If he lands on another piece he
' will remove that piece from the
' game. Care should be taken when
' using these fans as the piece
' may itself fall either off the
' building or into the skylight.
' Since this is such a strong move
' it is only allowed ONCE per turn.
' 4) A piece can activate a lightning
' bolt if a piece is standing on
' the square directly next to the
' cloud. By clicking on the white
' cloud, the cloud will emit a bolt
' lightning removing the piece
' that is hit.
' JOYSTICK and KEYBOARD assignments.
' Because of the nature of some of the
' elements of this game, the mouse is
' not used. Movement and actions are
' as follows:
' Joystick or Arrow Keys:
' Moves the selection cursor.
' Moves the piece selector.
' Also controls to a LIMITED
' extent a piece that is
' blown into the air by a fan.
' Fire Button,Space Bar,or Enter.
' Selects an action.
' These are as follows:
' -Select a piece
' -Select a square to move to.
' -Select a piece to push.
' -Select a cloud to strike
' lightning at piece.
' -Select a fan to blow a
' piece into the air.
' Q Key.
' Quits game. The player with
' the most pieces left wins.
' S Key.
' Toggles the SCOREBOARD Off/On
' Even though this program is
' copyrighted, it is freely
' distributable and no restrictions
' are imposed on the use of it.
' However, the graphics and code
' are copyrighted and cannot be
' used in any other program or
' facsimile in whole or part
' without the authors written
' consent.
' This program is deemed 'tradeware'.
' This means that we have released it
' to the Atari community as a way of
' saying thanks to all Atari gamers
' out there and to do our part to help
' keep the Atari dream alive. All we
' ask is that if you play this game
' more than once and enjoy it then
' send us something in 'trade'.
' This can be anything! Of course
' money is always accepted :) but
' other suggestions might be a
' a program or game you've written,
' a poem, a picture, a good joke,
' a review of the game, or anything
' else you wish to share. We've
' spent a considerable amount of
' time writing this program and
' only ask that you share something
' back with us. Please DON'T however
' send us copyrighted material or
' anything of a sexual or lewd content.
' Send your TRADES to:
' outlandquestsoftware@lycos.com
' Or you can snail mail it to:
' Outland Quest Software
' 598 Indian Trail Rd. S.#240
' Indian Trail, NC 28079
' Thanks for downloading and playing
' Cops and Robbers Chess!
' Released for the Atari ST
' Computers in the year 2005!!!!!!!!
' Kevin L. Scott
' Outland Quest Software
' www.outlandquestsoftware.com