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CONQUEST Version 1.0
Conquest is a strategy game in where the aim is to conquer
a number of islands. The scenery is set on some distant planet.
When the game has loaded, there are some preselections that
must be made:
In the GAME SELECTIONS you select number of human players (max 8),
number of computer players (enemies, max 8) and number of islands
in the game (1-3). The total number of human and computer players
may not exceed 9.
In ENEMY LEVEL, the skill and power of the computer players is
selected. A skill level of 3 represents the same basic conditions
for computer players as for the the human players.
Finally you type in your name in the NAME SELECTION. Names
containing only spaces as well as names already typed in by other
players are not valid.
The game will now show a map of the island Apogea, together with
nine icons to the left of the map and an information line at the
top. All vital information during the game will be presented on
the information line. The icons make selection of different actions
in the game easy. The different use of these are:
1st icon CHANGE MAP
Clicking here changes the screen to show one of the
other islands (if more than one was selected in the
GAME SELECTIONS). Continous clicking cycles through
all islands.
2nd icon SHORT INFO
This icon provides information of how much cash the
player has, how many order he has given so far this
turn and the season of the year. This info is given
on the information line.
3rd icon PLAYER INFO
Selecting this icon gives you the following information:
Current player's name
Number of territories owned
Number of fortresses owned
Yearly income
Total size of infantry forces
Total size of cavalry forces
Total size of fleet
4th icon BUY FORCES
As the name suggests, this is where you buy your
military forces such as infantry, cavalry and fleet.
You must have selected a destination before you click
on this icon, that is, the territory where the purchased
forces will go. If you haven't done that, you will be
informed on the information line. (To select a
destination, just click on the desired territory-flag;
if the territory isn't hostile, the flag will start
A dialog box will now appear in which you can choose
your desired amount of forces to buy. Clicking on the
dubbel-arrows decrements/increments infantry and cavalry
by 50000, fleet by 10. Clicking on single-arrows
decremenus/increments infantry and cavalry by 1000 and
fleet by 1.
Clicking two times within approx. 1/2 sec. on either
arrow and holding button down causes repetetive
Costs (also shown on the information line):
Infantry - $50 000/1000 units
Cavalry - $100 000/1000 units
Fleet - $250 000/unit
Note that fleet cannot be buyed when destination hasn't
got any coastline.
5th icon MOVE FORCES
This icon lets you move your forces from one territory
to another. A source from which the forces will be moved
must already have been selected (only territories owned
by you can be selected as source). When clicked, you will
be asked to select a destination for your forces (just
click on an adjacent territory-flag). A dialog box similar
to that one in BUY FORCES (4th icon) will be shown.
The procedure to select forces to move is the same.
If the destination is occupied by enemy forces battle
will occur. It is however important to remember that the
movements you do here will be taken by the computer as
orders, which will be executed during the combat phase
(more of that later). This means that no movements or
battle will commence directly after selections have been
6th icon NAVAL MOVE
Clicking on this icon enables you to move your fleet.
You will then be asked to select a destination for the
fleet. This destination must be a territory with a
coastline, otherwise selection will not be approved.
When a valid destination has been selected, a dialog box
will appear where you can choose the size of the fleet
to move. Then you have the option to man the fleet with
an attackforce of infantry. Each ship in the fleet may
take 1000 units, so the maximum attackforce will be
1000*nr of ships. This maximum fleet capacity is shown
on the information line.
The naval movements chosen here will not be executed
immediately. Instead they will be taken as orders to be
executed during the combat-phase.
Note that cavalry are not available as attackforce in
naval move.
A fortress is an easy way to strengthen a territory's
defensive powers. They are however not indestructible
during combat.
To buy a fortress, select a destination (a territory
owned by you) and click this icon. There is no visual
appearence of fortresses on the map, so that enemies
cannot know if a territory has a fortress or not
without spying (more of that later).
Cost: $1000 000
Note that a territory can only hold one fortress at
a time.
8th icon OK
Clicking this icon indicates that you are satisfied
with what you have done during your turn.
Control will be transfered to the next human player
(if any left) or computer player.
9th icon FILE
This icon handles all file options:
A/B - Selects which drive is 'file-drive'
Load - Loads an already saved game
Save - Saves the current game. The game position saved
is the last season-change. Any actions and
orders given after last season-change will NOT
be saved.
Quit - Quits the game. This option also gives you the
opportunity to start a new game.
It is possible to get specific territory information by double-
clicking on a specific territory(-flag).
There is two possible cases:
1 - The territory is friendly, eg owned by you. You'll get the
following information
DEFENCE Infantry
Taxes depends on population.
Farming depends on size of territory.
Forests depends on amount of trees on the map in that territory.
Fishing depends on size of coastline.
Mines depends on amount of mountains on the map in that territory.
The conclusion of this is that territories with large population,
large territory size, many trees and mountains and a large coast-
line makes the biggest income.
2 - The territory is hostile. The only information given will be
which player owns the territory. You will however be given the
option to spy on the actual territory. This costs $500 000.
The SPY REPORT contains the following information:
Forces of Infantry
Forces of Cavalry
These figures may or may not be reliable. If they are followed
by an asterisk (*), data are most likely to be unreliable.
During the computer phase, all computer players make their tactical
dispositions. The higher level you have chosen in the ENEMY LEVEL
selection, the more aggressive they will act.
If all computer players are exterminated, this stage will be
This is where all the action takes place. During this phase, all
orders given by all players are executed in random order. This
means that orders given at the beginning of the turn may be executed
at the very end of the combat phase. This gives no player special
advantages over other players.
Every order where battle occurs in which at least one human player
is involved, will be detailed. Battles where computer player fights
another computer player will not be reported at all. The visual
outcome of these battles on the map is possible flag changes.
A detailed battle goes like this;
An arrow originating at source territory pointing at destination
territory shows the imminent attack. If the attack comes from sea,
naval attack (fleet attack), the destination will start flashing.
No information will be given of the source of attack.
If the arrow is broken it means that the territory from where the
attacking forces originates has been occupied by another player.
Click left mouse button to proceed. Once again you will be informed
of the source and destination of attack, but now in text form.
Clicking OK-button proceeds with the battle.
When the battle is over the losses for both attack side and
defence side will be shown. Figures in parenthesis are percentage
losses of total participating forces of each kind.
Once again clicking the OK-button will present the outcome of the
battle. There are a number of alternatives which a battle can lead
to. The outcome depends on various things, such as losses, remaining
defensive forces, remaining attacking forces and possible retreat
If the attacking forces wins the battle they will advance into
the hostile territory and take control. The territory will then
be flagged as friendly.
When battle occurs, the computer internally simulates the attack
as follows:
1 - infantry fights infantry
2 - cavalry fights cavalry
3 - infantry and cavalry fights mixed
4 - attacking forces atuempts to storm the fortress (if present).
When infantry and cavalry fights mixed (3), one cavalry unit have
the strength of approx. two infantry units.
Every year in the game concists of four seasons: spring, summer,
autumn and winter. At every new year all players gets their yearly
income. This income is the sum of all incomes of all teritories
owned by each player (see TERRITORY INFORMATION above).
This is the only income in the game. It is advisable not to ruin
yourselves immediatly...
At the start of the game all human players will have a capital of
$7500 000 to invest.
The game ends when there is only one player left in the game,
either human or computer player.
If you have any questions about the game, contact:
Henrik Fransson
Fagersbergsgatan 3
Phone: 0510-29746
Hope you enjoy the game!
Henrik Fransson 1990-06-07 |
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